I have the power of the jade of the four souls! ! ! ! ! ! !

And at this moment... all the audiences were watching this scene with bated breath.

What is that sword with the green thunder wrapped around it! ?

What a beautiful sword... What a beautiful move! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Just like Sesshomaru himself, only an existence like him is worthy of performing such a move! ! ! ! !

It's so eye-catching! ! ! ! ! !

And in the end... under Qu Ling's horrifying scream, the green sword light that penetrated hundreds of miles around pierced the entire night sky in an instant! ! ! !

Sesshomaru used his explosive teeth to completely split Qu Ling in two! ! ! !

Under such beautiful scenery...

All the audience were dumbfounded.

This is...the peerless handsome man Sesshomaru, who has been searching hard with him for a lifetime, and finally let go of his obsession...the brand-new blade he obtained, his own broken tooth! ! !recognize!

After the war, Sesshomaru also fell in love with the lovely girl named Ling.

After she grew up, she also gave birth to two daughters with her and lived a happy life.

On screen...

His indifferent and gentle appearance also calmed everyone's hearts that were disgusted by those monsters like Matou Shinji, Qixingzhong, and Midosuji Sho! ! ! !

All the female viewers are completely sunk! ! ! ! !

This is Su Ran's 12th life...

Your Highness Sesshomaru! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! .

77: Su Ran became a valuable?The 13th world! ! ! !

"His Highness Sesshomaru!!!!"

"Contestant Su Ran is so handsome in this life!!!!!!"

Amidst the cheers of many fans, Su Ran also took off the memory device.

For himself, he just simply remembered the memory of this life.

However, he couldn't tell how handsome he was in that life... So, seeing all the fans cheering, Su Ran was a little puzzled.

"Su Ran!!!! Hurry up and eat shit!! There are so many female fans!!! I announce that my fan has turned black!!!"

"The idiot upstairs is a sunspot, stop pretending to be a fan!!!!"

However, before Su Ran's fans could refute, that sentence was drowned out in the barrage by a large number of fans of Sesshomaru! !

Seeing the life of this beautiful man Su Ran, this man named Sesshomaru, has already made the hearts of many female viewers twitch! ! !

It was the first time for them to see such a beautiful and gentle man! ! ! !

The cheers in the venue lasted for a long time...

It took a long time for the hostess Shirai Kuroko to realize the beauty of Sesshomaru, she said shyly.

"Okay, so far, Su Ran's memories of these two lives have been displayed."

"Then let's invite ten of our judges to come on stage to score!!!"

The voice fell.

Ten beautiful women with gorgeous looks and different hair colors stepped onto the stage.

Seeing this group of judges on the stage, there was an incomparably fierce cheer at the scene.

Qiongmei, Daodaoji Tomoyo, Secretary Fujiwara, Gan Yu, Asuna! ! ! ! !

Tachibana So, Sakurajima Mai, Shinjo Akane, Minami Kotori, Shiina Mashiro! ! ! ! !

Ten super beautiful girls, all of them are hosts or commentators who have participated in the Su Ran competition! ! ! ! !

Because they were in charge of Su Ran's competition, their host status and popularity of topics have also increased, and many of them are more popular than the popular contestants! ! ! !

Including the host of this round, Shirai Kuroko, 11 beautiful girls who looked like they came out of anime stood together, which was very eye-catching, and many viewers couldn't help but slip up.

After briefly introducing their identities and experiences, Kuroko Shirai began to talk about the rules of commenting in detail.

"The scoring criteria will be based on three aspects, [Shock Points] [Charm Points] [Influence Points]!!!"

"Shock points refer to the wonderfulness of reincarnation memories, charisma points refer to the player's personal charisma, and impact points refer to the impact the player has on events or the world, such as just seeing other strong people kill special players in memory It is very difficult to get a high score in this item if you kill people instead of doing things yourself!!!!"

"Compared to the scoring criteria of the previous season, the program group has canceled the good and evil points, because the situation in many worlds does not distinguish between good and evil, and both good and bad people are murderous monsters, such as the night attack in the red world."

"Okay, now ten judges are asked to rate Su Ran's last reincarnation, Ye Shenyue, with a time limit of 1 minute."



One minute later, when the scoring results came out, almost all the audience's eyes widened.

Ye Shenyue's rating is too exaggerated! ! ! !

In this way, how can other players play! ?

Average shock score: 9 points! ! ! ! !

There is no doubt about it, no one will question it.

The impact that Yagami Light and Death Note brought to all audiences was absolutely as powerful as any star-shattering battle scene.

It can even be said to have created an epoch-making new and shocking style. Everyone was shocked to the point of numbness by Yagami Yue's watertight plan.

Average charm score: 7 points! ! ! !

7 points is actually a very high score. He has terrifyingly high intelligence and handsome appearance. Let’s not talk about these mortal advantages. At that time, Yagami Yue was surrounded by more than a dozen hidden cameras, eating potato chips and killing people. The arrogant behavior of writing homework deeply attracted all the viewers.

It's just that the scene where he used everything, even treating his girlfriend Mi Haisha as a tool, somewhat lost points.

So, 7 points! ! ! ! !

Average impact score: 10 points! ! ! ! !

Full marks! ! ! ! !

With Kira's identity, Ye Shenyue shook the whole world, causing the bad guys to hide in the sewers trembling and afraid to show up, reducing the global crime rate by [-]%, and becoming the god of the new world! ! ! !

It can even be said that he changed the whole world by himself! ! ! ! !

Ye Shenyue, average total score: 26 points! ! ! !

Seeing this score, all the audience boiled up.

"It's not fair, why would you cancel the good and evil points? Otherwise, Ye Shenyue's good and evil points will get 0, and Su Ran may not even be able to advance!!!!"

"That's right, this is a rule specially customized by the program team to escort Su Ran!?"

"Didn't the two of you upstairs watch the last season? When a certain contestant relied on his mediocre memory and the score of good and evil to eliminate 160 of the powerful cadres of a certain villain organization, the official had already realized the difference between good and evil. That’s right, the situation in other dimensions and ours cannot be generalized, and host Shirai Kuroko said it all, use your brain to think about the night attack on the Red World!!!”

"26 points is too low. Kira-sama's charm score should be full marks!!!!"

At this moment, just relying on Ye Shenyue's memory of the first round, Su Ran got a score that other players couldn't even imagine.

In this way, it would be extremely difficult for other players to surpass Su Ran in this round! ! ! ! !

The audience and the barrage were still arguing fiercely, and the next ten young and beautiful female judges gave Sesshomaru a score.

[Shock score: 7 points]

[Charm points: 10 points]

[Impact score: 8 points]

Sesshomaru, average total score: 25 points! ! ! !

Although it was a bit difficult to say, when these female judges saw Su Ran's beauty in this life, they all slipped away without exception.

Therefore, Sesshoumaru got a terrible score second only to Yagami who changed the world only by his handsome appearance.

Not only that, Sesshomaru's gentle expression even made it difficult for many female guests to control themselves, and they almost couldn't help falling in love with this man! ! ! ! ! ! !

25 and 26, these are numbers that the contestants of last season could not have imagined, and even broke the highest record! ! ! ! !

There is no doubt that Su Ran's promotion in this round has no suspense! ! ! ! !

after this.

In the heated discussions of countless audiences.

It's the turn of the notorious Wang Ming player again! ! ! !

"Contestant Wang Ming, do you have anything to say?" Under the malicious question from the hostess Shirai Kuroko, the corners of Wang Ming's eyes twitched violently, and then he said harshly: "I must be Good people, if you don’t believe me, just wait and see!!!”

"You're laughing so hard, Wang Ming, get out of here!!!!"

"Guiwu, did I give you a picture? It's really embarrassing!!!!"

"Why hasn't the program group banned Wang Ming!!!"

"It is recommended to shoot Wang Ming himself directly, his criminal potential is too high!!!"

"I wonder what kind of ghostly memories Wang Ming can show in this life!!!"

Amidst the laughter and insults of all the audience, the memory of Wang Ming's reincarnation this time also began.

However, surprisingly, he seems to be really a good person in this life...

In this life, Wang Ming is in the alchemy world. His name is Taka. He is a middle-aged alchemist in his 40s. Because of his achievements in research, he has a special award issued by the state, and he has always been proud of it. .

And he has a very lovely daughter, who is lively, clever and lovable, and the daughter also likes him as a father very much.

Seeing this, almost all viewers believed that Wang Ming's reincarnation had really reversed this time.

Because in his life, he doesn't seem to have any criminal motives.

Happy life, happy family.

Although there are no scenes that are too shocking, at least the daily life is quite warm.


What happened next was beyond the imagination of all viewers.

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