"Insects should look like insects, always keep their heads down and stare at the ground!!!"

"Then go die!!!"

Swish Swish Swish Swish! ! ! !

The next second, the carpet bombing rain of Noble Phantasms instantly covered the assassin's body, covering everything covered with flesh and blood and fragments of broken skin.

Su Ran, on the other hand, has always maintained a domineering posture, with a high and arrogant expression like a god.

The first battle of the Holy Grail War came to an end in just ten seconds.

Seemingly sensing the result here, the other five Heroic Spirit servants were all dumbfounded.

At the same time, the audience at the show was all crazy.

"I'm stupid, I thought that Su Ran was a second-year-old pretender in this life, and he would be slapped in the face soon, why is this completely out of routine!!!!"

"Heroic spirits seem to be ancient heroes, can anyone guess Su Ran's identity in this life!?"

"Isn't this too handsome? Is the opponent really a Servant? This has seriously disrupted the balance of the Holy Grail War!!!?"

At this moment, almost all the audience were shocked by Su Ran's overwhelming strength, and even the hostess Ying Lili was so frightened that she opened her mouth and couldn't speak.

If we compare the Fifth Holy Grail War horizontally, King Arthur and Medusa are simply impossible to be his opponents in this life! ! ! !

By the way, isn't the Noble Phantasm a secret method?

Why did Su Ran throw out the treasures directly and bombard people? Could it be that there are endless treasures in the golden vortex behind him! ! ? ?

"Su Ran's life is handsome enough!!!"

"Husband, scold me!!!!!!!!"

At the same time, many female fan fans who fell in love with Su Ran because of the beauty of Sesshomaru also had their eyes glowing, as if they had discovered new treasures.

Su Ran's 13th reincarnation is like a domineering and unparalleled king, bringing the most extreme novelty and shock to all audiences.

And his dazzling posture of golden light during the battle was also dubbed golden glitter by the audience.

Shortly after, the screen changes.



I don't know how long it has passed, but it seems to be a few days after the start of the Holy Grail War.

This time the battlefield was switched to an abandoned warehouse area.

At this moment, almost half of the followers are gathered here, swordsmen, spearmen, and cavalry! ! !

At the beginning, it was just swordsmen and spearmen fighting, but in the end, they were stabbed by cavalry midway.

Seeing a huge muscular man with red hair, the cavalryman among the seven servants first raised a thumbs up in excitement, and then shouted in the sky with great arrogance.

"Swordsman, Spearman, the upright competition between you is really exciting!!!"

"I must not be the only heroic spirit attracted by the clear sound of sword blades clashing. Heroic spirits who were summoned by the Holy Grail, let's gather here now!!!!"

"And the cowards who are afraid to show their faces will be looked down upon by my Conqueror King Iskandar!!!!"


The next second, under everyone's vigilant gaze, Jin Shining appeared as if teleporting.

The particles of golden light gradually converged on the street lamp to form a human figure, and the appearance was so high that it was scary! ! !

Under the deep night, I saw him embracing his hands and sneering condescendingly.

"I didn't expect that the rat who ignored my existence and claimed to be the king would run out of two in one night!!"

There is no doubt that Jin Glitter means the swordsman who claims to be the king of knights and the cavalry who claims to be the king of conquerors, as if he does not allow anyone in this world to call himself a king besides himself.

According to Jin Shining's perspective, the audience also saw other heroic spirits present.

First of all, among the three, the tall red-haired cavalry claimed to be the King of Conquerors, and the other handsome black-haired man with two guns must be the spearman.

And the swordsman...

When they saw the beautiful and unrestrained blonde girl, almost all the audience became excited.

"It's King Arthur, so she also participated in the Fourth Holy Grail War!!!"

"Haha, Wang Ming's Medusa was terminated by King Arthur, this is interesting!!!!"

"I don't know if Su Ran can block that treasure of King Arthur!!!!"

Arturia Pendragon! ! !

The audience had already seen this blond girl disguised as a man in Wang Ming's life as Matou Shinji, and they were very yearning for her powerful strength and beauty.

Unexpectedly, she appeared again in Su Ran's 13th reincarnation, and she still seemed to be a hostile force! ! ! !

Now, it's worth seeing! ! ! !

At the same time, as Jin Glittering's domineering voice fell, the red-haired Conqueror turned his head somewhat dissatisfied.

"What you said is unreasonable, I, Iskandar, is known as the King of Conquerors!!"

"Joke, the hero who is truly qualified to be king, I am the only one in the sky and the world, and the rest are just bastards!!!!" Jin Xingxian immediately laughed disdainfully.

"Now that this is all said and done, why don't you tell me your name first? Since you are also a king, you can't dare to declare your name, right?" the King of Conquerors continued to question.

"ask me?"

"How dare a mere bastard ask me?"

"Enjoy the qualification to be able to expose me, but dare not know me? This kind of ignorant person is not worthy of living!!!" As Jin Xixiong's domineering and angry words fell, a round of golden lights bloomed instantly behind him Light, densely packed sword and halberd-shaped treasures emerged from it.

So, is that the one who killed the assassin?

The King Conqueror's expression became slightly vigilant, while the expressions of King Arthur Artoria and another spearman were even more as if they were facing an enemy.

The sense of oppression emanating from this golden follower has exceeded everyone's imagination.

However, at this moment, a berserk black shadow gathered on the ground.

The evil shadow surged and gradually turned into a black soldier in heavy armor, a berserker! ! !

After the swordsman, spearman, cavalry, and archer Jin Shining, the berserker also came to the scene, and five heroic spirits have gathered here so far! ! ! !

It turned out that the heroic spirits were still vigilant against each other because the situation was too chaotic, but just because the Berserker looked up, Jin Shining was immediately enraged.

"Who allowed you to look at me? Mad dog!!!"

"At least please entertain me with the horror of your death, bastard!!!!"

Boom boom boom boom boom! ! ! ! !

In the next second, the treasure behind Jin Glittering began to shoot towards the berserker, like carpet bombing shells, smashing the ground hundreds of meters around him to pieces.

However, this berserker who was covered in black smoke was not easy. He actually caught the first flying treasure, and then slammed all the other treasures into the air.

During the frenzied bombing, the street lamp that Jin Xingxing was standing on was also affected and forced to fall to the ground.

At this moment, his entire face was distorted by anger.

"Idiot, how dare you let me, who should be looked up to, stand on the same ground as you!!!!"

"So disrespectful, you deserve death!!!!"

"Bastard, I want to blow you up!!!!!!"

However, just when Jin Shining was completely enraged and was about to go on a rampant killing spree, his master Tosaka Tokiomi directly consumed a command spell and humbly begged the other party to retreat.

Each master has three Command Spells, which can forcibly command Heroic Spirits.

At this moment, Jin Glitter, who was given a mandatory order, was a little out of breath, but she withdrew her original gaffe under the humiliating apology of the master.

After his mood gradually calmed down, he once again glanced at the people present with great disdain.

"Bastards, until we meet next time, just continue this boring killing!!!"

"Only true heroes can meet me!!!!!!"



The golden figure turned into golden bubbles and dissipated, leaving only the remaining four heroic spirits looking at each other.

There is no doubt that Su Ran's appearance left a very shocking impression on them.

No matter which one of them goes to the end, they must face this mysterious heroic spirit who is extremely terrifying.

A bastard, even other kings look down on him, what is his identity! ! ! ? ? ?

"Why do you feel that Su Ran is just bluffing? They are both heroic spirits, so there can't be a huge difference in strength...?"

"Didn't you see the densely packed treasures of Jin Glitter!? It must not be at the same level as other heroic spirits, and the pressure is different!!!"

"I feel that Su Ran must be a certain ancient king in this life, otherwise it would be impossible to be so arrogant!!!!"

At this moment, all the audience are discussing intensely.

Su Ran's short appearances in this life were too shocking, showing his domineering demeanor to the extreme all the time.

There is no doubt that he is a tyrant! ! ! !

Soon after, as the scene changed again, the picture came to the courtyard where King Arthur was.

Because the King of Conquerors was idle and bored, he went directly to the place where King Arthur was for the Holy Grail Question and Answer, discussing who is more qualified to have the Holy Grail, and invited Jin Shining along the way.

Seeing Jin Glitter's arrival, King Arthur suddenly felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy.

"Let's stop the nonsense, bastards."

"You actually chose to hold the king's banquet in such a lifeless place. How can you apologize for bothering me to come to such a place?"

"Don't be so serious when you speak. Come on, those who are late will be punished with a glass of wine!!!" The King of Conquerors passed the wine spoon to the other party indifferently. brow.

"What kind of cheap stuff is this, do you really think it can be used to measure heroes?"

"You don't even know what real wine is, bastard!!" Jin Shining scolded as he took out a very valuable gold wine bottle from his golden corrugated treasure. He looked completely upright. character.

And after tasting the golden wine, both King Conqueror and King Arthur showed shocking expressions.

“This is real wine!!!”

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