It seems like he is going to commit suicide in an explosion attack, and he wants to die with Li Angel!

The body speed is at full speed!

When running, the ground is constantly shaking!

It seems that as long as you speed up, you will be able to block the force angel in front of you!

It's like a spear meeting a shield, although the shield is not necessarily the strongest shield in the world.

But the spear is even less likely to be the sharpest spear in the world!

Soon, everyone exclaimed!

"How is it possible? I really got it right!"

"It's really what this person said! Angels of strength also have energy force fields!"

The UPs beside him wanted to confess Su Ran.

Why can this guy hit the mark on anything he says?

If they have such a strong observation ability, they are not just based on the past life memories of popular players.

Make a few videos of big fire?

It is not a problem to play hundreds of millions of games casually!

For example, the interpretation video of Aizen's life, the strongest Su Ran player in the second season of the program that just ended, as long as the quality is not too bad.

It can be played by millions at will!

This is all white money!

They can only remember it all.

When I get home, I will make the video as soon as possible.

At the same time, the 5.1 director at the scene discovered something.

Their audition site has more than 7000 numbers.There are 3000 million viewers watching together through various channels!

"so smart?"

The director looked at Raymond's past life memories.

He was watching it just now, but it wasn't that great.

It's not as good as Su Ran's Aizen and Godzilla.

Then the director realized that something was wrong with one of the shots.

Not aimed at the main stage!But aimed at an audience sitting on a sofa?

No, where did the sofa come from in this big shed?How did he not know that someone brought a sofa in?

"Jason! What's the matter with you? Why did you point the camera at that guy on the sofa? Who is this guy's relative?"

The director said angrily, if there are really idiots messing around, he will report it to the director team! .

149 Unit No. [-] with no battery

The director looked at someone in the second camera.

Although his whole body is wrapped tightly.

But the director still recognized that guy at a glance!

Definitely he didn't run away!

The director is like a believer seeing a god.

Shouted frantically.

"Su Ran! It's Su Ran!"

"What? That person is Su Ran?"

Others looked at the director in disbelief.

That's the hottest star in the world right now!

How could he come to participate in this audition?

Jun Yang San Qi One [-] [-] Nine ⑴ Yi Nine

The director quickly looked at his subordinates and said anxiously.

"Quick! Check the database! See if Su Ran has signed up!"

The subordinates quickly checked the database and did not find Su Ran's name on it!

After talking to the director, the latter was obviously relieved.

But it's a pity.

"Su Shen didn't come to sign up for the variety show audition in our region! It's a pity!"

In his thoughts, if Su Ran also came to sign up for the audition.

How much attention can be gained in the audition!

As for the fact that the person in charge of Ocean District invited Su Ran, only a few people in charge including Jerry knew about it. Many people just thought that some movie stars also came to participate in this variety show.

Didn't know that one of the mysterious guests was Su Ran!

"That's it. Regarding Su Ran's appearance at our audition, I have this idea. You guys come here first."

The director called several of his men over, and several people gathered around to listen to what he had to say.

"Let's make a silhouette first to create a sense of mystery. After the audition is over, it will be fine to say that it is God Su."

He said this to his subordinates, and they all nodded, thinking that this was a good idea.

on the big screen at the scene.

The angel of force has already arrived at the pyramid.

This pyramid is made of alloy, and it is very strong at first glance.

It's like an impregnable fortress.

Group ⑶ Qi ⒈ gas [-] wine ([-]) unit wine

But Li Angel doesn't care what kind of alloy it is made of or what it is made of, after it emits a frightening intense laser ray.

In this impenetrable pyramid, there is a big hole that cannot be ignored!

Can accommodate an apostle directly to the entrance of the cave.

The audience also heard a shout, but it sounded like a boy's voice.

"It is estimated that the humans in this world have lost. They should have no extra EVA."

"How can we fight this? It's a pity that we will definitely lose. Someone must have sacrificed their lives to protect this world, but for now, it seems that we still cannot escape the fate of losing. I'm really unwilling."

The audience's perspective follows the angel of force into the interior of the pyramid.

This is an underground base.

Look at what those people are shouting.

A purple EVA rushed out from the left.

Knocked out the force angel.

Li Angel was not to be outdone, the laser beam from the core surged, and directly cut off the left hand of the No. [-] machine.

But the No. [-] machine also went crazy, and put the force angel "Bi Dong" on the ejection device in the ground!

The staff at the base were also very helpful, sending the two fighting "behemoths" to the ground at once.

After they reached the ground, machine No. [-] punched Li Angel heavily.

Even people from different worlds.

The people at the audition scene also made happy sounds after seeing Li Angel being beaten violently.

"Beat him! Beat him hard!"

"Give that guy with toilet paper wrapped around him a good beating!"

The offensive of the first machine became more and more fierce, but in the next second, the offensive of the first machine stopped.

The light in the eyes also stopped glowing.

The weak Angel of Strength reversed the offensive in one fell swoop!

The toilet paper turned into a sharp knife once again, piercing through the chest of Machine No. [-]!

Many viewers were stunned when they saw this scene.

The attack of this powerful angel is still strong!

Didn't they expect that the No. [-] phone suddenly ran out of power? !

Zhou Dadai was stunned for a moment and asked Su Ran in confusion.

"No, aren't they creatures? Can this suddenly lose power?"

"Maybe it's just the limiter out of battery? I don't know."

Su Ran honestly said that she didn't know too well.

Everyone around was a little disappointed.

Zhou Dada said in a somewhat depressed mood.

"Is there no hope for people in this world?"

Su Ran shook his head and said.

"There should be hope."

Suddenly, Unit [-]'s pupils turned red.

The right arm punched Li Angel directly in the face.

The force angel immediately started to back up.

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