After a while, she realized what she had said, and blushed like an ostrich.

Su Ran thought so too.

But a phone call from Jerry is different.

"Oh, dear Su Ran! I want to invite you to participate in the next rematch, how about being our special guest?"

"Yes, but I've been playing crazy recently, so I'm physically and mentally exhausted."

Su Ran evaded and said, but Zhou Daidai knew it.

This guy wants more money.

Jerry, who thought that his Chinese language was already good, didn't turn the corner for a while.

He said with some uncertainty.

"So what do you want to say?"

"I want to say, you have to pay more!"

Su Ran said bluntly.

Jerry originally thought it would be an extra 1000 million.

But looking at the skyrocketing audition record.

You know, even with the foundation laid by the first and second seasons.

Quite a few viewers still don't have the habit of watching the auditions.

Just like an e-sports game.

Without players from this division, who would watch the play-in competition?

It's all chicken pecking at each other 0 ..

Not all games are King Five.

Therefore, the ratings of the auditions have not been very high.

But since yesterday, nothing has been the same.

The ratings of the auditions began to rise sharply.

Although not as much as China's finals at the time.

But for Jerry, it's also a very good effect.

Jerry went to investigate and found out that it was a Chinese person explaining.

Most of the hosts of variety shows have high ratings because of the high ratings, but it is not good for them to explain.

And from the voice of the other party, Jerry felt a little bit, this guy can't be Su Ran, right?

Before it was confirmed, it was revealed on the Internet that the person was Su Ran! ,

The video now has over 1000 million hits!

It's been less than half an hour since the release!Not even 20 minutes!

But it is such a simple analysis video.

Let a channel with less than 2 fans become a big channel with 50 fans!

And the number of subscribers is still rising!

This made Jerry see a business opportunity!

"Maybe we can get more money from sponsors?"

Sure enough, the sponsors came to their door. The top 10 players in the finals in China, even Zhu Yun and Zhou Yi, who came to participate in the invitational tournament, are very capable of bringing goods!

There is no news about Su Ran, the big winner.

But it didn't make his commercial value 5.1 drop.

Human beings are a little trembling.

The more you can't get it, the more Su Ran's commercial value will continue to increase!

Let's just say that after the airport incident, Su Ran easily became No.1 in the hot search!

No.2 I can't stand it even after spending money!

You will know how high Su Ran's commercial value is.

"If you add more money, our program group itself has limited funds."

Jerry began to sell miserably.

"Okay, I want to share the endorsement contract."

Su Ran said.

Jerry was speechless all of a sudden, why did this guy change from his usual gentle manner.

Become a businessman who counts pennies and pennies!

Su Ran's mind is not burdened.

For a person like Jerry, don't watch him take every bite for the show.

Su Ran saw through this guy at a glance.

He is also a businessman whose essential interests are paramount.

154 The money came over by itself!

When Jerry heard that Su Ran wanted to share.

At first, I wanted to say no, but then I changed my mind. Anyway, the cost was passed on to the sponsors.

Nodding his head, of course, it's not just a matter of saying a word and giving points.

After the sponsors have discussed with Su Ran.

Anyway, Su Ran will get an additional base salary of 7000 million yuan. If the ratings reach 60.00% of the Chinese program, then Su Ran will receive an additional salary of more than 3 million yuan.The lowest is the 30.00% ratings of the Chinese program.

As long as the finals reach this height.You can get an additional reward of 1 million guaranteed.

Even if it is Zhou Daidai, there is an extra 2000 million in income.

However, she is required not to have the opportunity to appear alone with other men except Su Ran within a year.

Zhou Daidai didn't expect that he could get a share of the pie.

After the lawyer confirmed that there was no problem, she also signed the advertising contract with a smile.

"Am I a chicken or a dog ascending to heaven?"

"That's it? Let me tell you, the highest domestic endorsement is almost 10 billion."

Su Ran said that Huaxia District is now the strongest region in the world.

All kinds of big star endorsements, the money is blah blah blah!

"If we can break through in the Oceanic region this time, then our price in the Huaxia region will be even higher."

Su Ran said, Zhou was stunned for a moment, looking at Su Ran, she thought Su Ran was the kind of person who treats money like dung.

In the end, I didn't expect it to be such a big chess player!

"How do I feel, your image has been reversed several times in my heart."

Zhou Daidai said to Su Ran.

Su Ran just smiled: "Who would think too much money? Do you think too much money?"

Zhou Dumbly shook his head.

"So, how could I give up my own interests?"

"You're pretty honest."

Zhou stared blankly at Su Ran and said, there was some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

The audition on the third day is also the last day of audition in the ocean area.

The venue has also been transformed from a greenhouse into a gymnasium.

There are basically not many other things in the ocean area itself, but there are especially many sports venues.

Su Ran didn't hide it this time, and approached the stage from the backstage.

He is a special guest with Zhou Daidai today.

Many spectators cheered.

Su Ran noticed that this gymnasium is much bigger than before.

It can accommodate thousands or tens of thousands of people, compared with the greenhouse that can only accommodate 2000 people.

It can almost be said that there is a difference between heaven and earth.

Su Ran calmly sat on the guest seat.

The venue itself can seat more than 1 people

A few self-media in their seats looked around and shouted all the time.

"Su Ran!"

Fans of "God Su!"

Can not help but sigh.

"Su Ran's popularity is really too high! None of us thought that his popularity would be so high."

Some people sighed.

"This is the power of highly popular players. Have you heard? The sponsor of our program group signed a contract with Su Shen. If the standard is met, Su Ran can get at least hundreds of millions of money. "

"How many billion?"

"Who was that last time? Player Liu Zhen, right? He released a big satellite and said that he signed a sports brand with [-] million yuan in two years. Others have said that Su Shen may be behind, but he didn't expect that Su Shen still God Su, there are hundreds of millions in the ocean area, if you return to the Huaxia area, how much will it cost?"

"It's horrible. I don't know if this is money that I won't be able to earn in a few lifetimes."

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