"Luffy, it's okay."

Shanks comforted Luffy.

Luffy was crying.

"But your hand!"

Everyone noticed this.

Shanks' hand was bitten off by a sea king!

"It's okay, it's just an arm."

Shanks said nonchalantly.

But this made Luffy cry even louder!

The audience understood at this time why the relationship between Luffy and Shanks is so good.

"So that's why Luffy respects Shanks so much."

"No wonder it's like a father and son. I don't think there's anything wrong with this friendship, even if Luffy recognizes Shanks as his father."

At this time, the No.1 player also withdrew from his memory.

Even in this memory, he just played the role of an introduction.

But this time there are two highly popular players, Luffy and Shanks!

He entered the semi-finals just as Zhou Daidai said.

It is definitely no problem.

The host asked the contestants not to step down.

She took the opportunity to ask Su Ran.

"'¨I don't know what God Su thinks about this Occam player's past life memory."

"How else can I look at it? I definitely think it's very, very good, but I'm also a little surprised. Shanks shouldn't be weak."

The audience in the arena nodded.

Su Ran said that the world time is a little strange this time, so there must be nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, God Su is right!"

"What God Su said is right!"

Under this kind of atmosphere, some people are naturally very upset. Why is everyone licking Su Ran?

"I think what Su Ran said as a special guest is not very fair. You don't know the strength of the red hair? How dare you judge the strength of the red hair like this?"

Su Ran looked at the guy who deliberately raised the bar.

Originally, he was sitting a little slack, but now he sat upright!

The audience present only felt a vague murderous aura!There are also some inexplicable, incomprehensible breaths.

This is not like the semi-finals, where everyone wears VR helmets.

It's a holographic projection!

But they suddenly felt a holographic projection on the big screen.

Became Douglas Barrett!

The guy who was originally arguing also had such a hallucination.

"I say this because I have a clear understanding of the strength of the red hair. That Neptune, in the new world, will only bring trouble to some small pirate ships with tens of millions of Baileys."

Su Ran didn't speak very coldly.

But everyone felt as if the monster on Roger's pirate ship had appeared in front of them!

The person who originally questioned Su Ran only felt that his pants were a little wet.

And the people around could smell a fishy smell.

They all pinch their noses.

The nearby staff immediately noticed the strangeness.

Come here and ask that barman to go outside and change his pants.

The guy who raised the bar didn't say anything.

He could only cover his face and immediately walked out of the venue.

156 Don't use your hobbies to challenge my career!

After Su Ran saw Gang Jing left.

Said lightly.

"Don't use your hobbies to challenge my career."

The number of bullet screens has increased by several layers!

"Su Shen Niu Pi!"

"Don't use your hobbies to challenge my career! You're right! If you're a badass, you should climb!"

Many barrages began to support Su Ranlai.

There are also some bullet screens that are different.


"Upstairs, you won't pee your pants, will you?"

"No, I already had a hunch, so I wore diapers!"

"you are awesome."

"It's great, you guys who are planning for a rainy day, I can only change a pair of pants."

Wang Ming, who was on the plane, saw Su Ran speaking at the venue.

Frowning, his skin is pale now, although he is not as miserable as Guiwu Tsuji, he is a guy who died at the sight of light.

But it also hates sunlight.

But after awakening superhuman power.

Wang Ming felt that all these shortcomings were acceptable!

Originally thought this in the awakening of superpowers.

He must be stronger and faster than Su Ran!

But Wang Ming never imagined that Su Ran had even touched a level that he hadn't reached!

"I'm not his opponent yet."

Wang Ming said with some frustration.

But soon 240 came to his senses.

His past life has not been excavated yet!

If there is a past life stronger than Oni Wu Tsuji Mumi!

Will he be afraid of Su Ran? !

Absolutely not!Wang Ming will not be afraid of Su Ran!

Wang Ming cheered himself up like this, wanting himself not to be afraid of Su Ran.

Back to the venue.

Su Ran said to the host immediately after spraying the bar essence.

"Let's invite the next contestant to come on stage."

The previous No. [-] player, Occam, trotted to Su Ran.

First there is a ninety-degree bow.

"God Su! I'm your fan! Can you sign me up!"

Su Ran smiled, and turned into a sunny boy again.

Immediately signed a name for the Occam player.

Occam immediately beamed.

Contestant No. [-] also wanted to come over to ask for an autograph. Su Ran signaled with his eyes that he could come to autograph after the game was over.

He also put on the helmet.

This contestant immediately entered the previous life meeting.

This tall player.

turned into a mosquito.

"My God, this is the first time I've seen a mosquito's past life! And judging by the appearance of that mosquito, it's still a female mosquito!"

"That's right, I never thought of it, it's still a female mosquito!"

Su Ran looked at it with interest.

He has seen too many monsters and monsters who entered the audition.

But this is a mosquito, and this is the first time he has seen it!

This can be said to be a very novel player.

It's different from Su Ran's novelty.

"What's going on, why is it a mosquito player, can you activate the 40-minute mechanism! I don't want to watch this mosquito player!"

"Yeah, what's the point of a mosquito? It sucks human blood! And when it sucks blood one day, it's slapped to death by a human?"

Many viewers can't understand, what's so good about this mosquito?

But later the program group gave them news.

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