"Although your ideas are a bit naive, they may be good ideas in your opinion, but I have to let you see the cruelty of the world."

Su Ran said, the rest of the audience were stunned, what kind of cruel world?

Mosquito Woman found a bison in the zoo!

In an instant, she turned into countless mosquitoes and rushed towards the bison.

But in the next second, the buffalo was nothing but skin and bones!

Not even a little moisture left!

Many spectators who rolled up their sleeves put down their sleeves one after another.

Are you kidding me, beautiful women are precious, but lives are even more expensive!

Su Ran discovered that the mosquito girl's size had enlarged a lot in proportion.

If only he had an instrument that could calculate the rate at which mosquitoes grow larger.

Probably exactly the proportion of bison's body fluids.

"My lord, what kind of monster is this?"

"What are you, mosquito girl!"

'This is too scary, right?Just had a second?Vampires aren't as efficient as Mosquitoes, are they? '

"I don't think so! This mosquito girl is too scary, I can't bear it anyway."

"Whoever can bear it, I can't bear it either."

"I weigh 200 pounds, and I'm afraid I won't be able to hold it for a second."

"Slip, slip, I can't stand it."

There are also those who are not afraid of death.

"I don't know if I can stand it."

No one thought that Mosquito Girl didn't seem to have as much visual impact as the previous 300-meter giant.

But now it seems.

It seems that it is not bad at all!

Su Ran also told the details of his observation of the mosquito girl just now!

"This mosquito girl, after inhaling the body fluid of that bison, her body proportion has become larger!"

After Su Ran made a point, many viewers.

I also looked at it, sure enough!The size of Mosquito Girl has increased.

Mosquito Girls quickly set their sights on other animals!

As she drank more and more blood, her body grew larger and larger.

It's like there's no upper limit.

"What kind of monster is this? It can grow in size without limit?"

After the mosquitoes sucked the blood of the animals in the entire zoo.

The overall figure has become close to 3 meters high!

And the mosquito swarms have become very large.

Well dispersed, even a street can be sealed tightly!

No gaps for a little sunlight at all!

0 · · Flowers · · ·

"That doctor is indeed a bit real."

the host said.

The created monster is so terrifying.

Even the host is a little scared!

If this kind of doctor ignores ordinary people.

If he appeared in this world, what a terrifying impact he would have on this world.

Mosquito Girl because there is no specific order from Dr.

Just walking around in this rundown city.

It seems that no matter where you go, you almost have no destination of your own.

Just in time, I met a little thief who was stealing.

The mosquito swarm of the mosquito girl sucked up the little thief.

If we talk about what the mosquitoes did in the zoo before.

It also makes many people feel that it is nothing.

But now, they almost feel the real terror!

This mosquito girl is really scary!

Look at all the people she drained of their blood!

He almost doesn’t look like a person anymore!

The death of the same kind can still make many people feel cold.

The barrage was full of surprises, what about One Punch Man?Where did the dead go?

"Where's One Punch Man? Why hasn't he come out yet?"

"That's right, maybe if we let this mosquito girl wreak havoc for a while, maybe everyone in this city will die after her blood is sucked out by the mosquito girl!"

"Hey, if it's this pretty mosquito girl, I don't mind!"

"There is no way to save the person upstairs. Let's just send him to the crematorium."

Mosquito girls looking for prey.

Finally found a prey.

It was a handsome boy with blond hair.

Female audience who basically don't speak.

After seeing this handsome young man, he was immediately struck by his handsome appearance.

"What a handsome little brother."

"Little brother, run! There are no weirdos!"

The male audience also said with regret.

"It's a pity that this handsome guy is there. It's a pity that there are mosquito girls in the direction of walking."

"Yeah, such a handsome young man, it's a pity that Mosquito Girl is so cheap!"

When everyone felt sorry for the handsome blond boy.

Su Ran expressed a different opinion.

"This handsome guy is extraordinary. Looking at his clothes, although he looks slim, his figure is so close to perfect proportions that he looks more like a reformed person." Xi.

158 Accidentally Killed a Mosquito

Sure enough, after the mosquito girl discovered this handsome little guy.

Prototype appears directly.

"Little handsome guy, don't you know, don't you want to walk alone at night?"

Genos looked at the guy who appeared out of nowhere.

"Another weirdo, I want to destroy all the weirdos!"

Listen to what Genos said.

The mosquito girl laughed.

"Destroy all the weirdos? Hahaha! It really is a cute little guy, even talking so cute."

Mosquito Girl looked at Genos with a cute look.

The latter naturally looked at the mosquito girl with a sharp look.

He felt that this weirdo was very powerful!

It is not comparable to ordinary weirdos!

But he won't back down!

If he retreats, there's no way to face the guy who made him like this!

If the doctor hadn't saved him, Genos would be a useless person, "Two Forty Zero".

Mosquito Girl was also annoyed by Janos' sharp eyes.

She hates this look!

In her view, Genos is nothing but a weakling!

The weak will have the sons of the weak!

How can you look at the strong with such eyes full of fighting spirit?

"Just let you little guy know what fear is!"

The mosquito girl said arrogantly.

Then she rushed towards Genos, although she despised him.

But there is still a hole card left, and that is his ability to transform into thousands of mosquitoes!

Unless it is a last resort, Mosquito Girl will not use this skill!

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