Then it really attracted a lot of people to watch Clyde's past life reveal.

Originally, I just looked at Clyde's past life with a happy attitude.

Unexpectedly, this guy is really a river.

Gradually, a gathering point appeared near the river.

Villages began to appear, and villages became cities.

With the advent of the industrial age, all garbage and wastewater were discharged into this river called the Amber River.

A little girl accidentally fell into the river.

But the river seemed to be intelligent, and a whirlpool swept the little girl up.

sent her to the river bank.

Later, it was completely turned into a garbage dump, and the audience even heard people from the Planning Bureau say it.

"The river is going to be completely buried."

"Whatever, it's already smelly and dirty anyway."

So transport workers buried the river.

"That's it? That's it?"

"Isn't the pollution caused by the random discharge of garbage by you guys? This river is innocent!"

Some viewers also said very unhappy.

This river is so innocent, it was originally a clear river.

In the end, it turned out that this group of guys simply dumped it indiscriminately, causing the river to be filthy and full of all kinds of ecological garbage.

How can the audience watch it.

"Clyde's past life won't end here, will it?"

Is it really not like this?What about the little girl?Wasn't she rolled up by the river and sent to the shore?

"The little girl is not a group of unscrupulous businessmen."


But things took a turn for the better, in a place that looked quaint.

A young man suddenly appeared on the screen. His hair was quite long. Although he was not handsome, he looked quite comfortable.

Could this be Player Clyde's previous life?

"A river god?"

"It's broken, it looks like a very powerful character."

He came to a soup house.

I found the owner of this place, Yubaba, whose face was full of wrinkles.

"What are you doing here? A weakling."

"I want to learn magic!"

A weird smile appeared on Granny Tang's face.

"Hahahaha, not everyone is qualified to learn magic."

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Seeing Lord Amber said very sincerely.

"I must learn magic!"

Yubaba flew in front of him, staring at him with her old face and sharp eyes like an eagle.

"Do you know what price you have to pay for learning magic? You are just a god of a small stream. What qualifications do you have to learn magic from me~?"

"I'm willing to pay any price."

Amber Chuan said.

Granny Tang smiled.

"Then write - your name here."

A piece of paper flew in front of the young man.

He neatly wrote on the paper "Relief to meet the Lord Amber early".

I saw Granny Tang wiped the paper with her hands.

Erase all these words.

"From now on, you'll be called Bailong."

Relief was taken aback when he saw Lord Amber, or Bailong, but he soon got used to his new name.

"I see."

When he went downstairs, he saw Grandpa Boiler.

This old man who looks like a monster.

He has a very kind heart, and he once dissuaded Bailong before, wanting Bailong not to learn magic from Granny Tang.

Almost none of those who learned magic from her ended well.

But Bailong has already made up his mind, so it's hard to stop him.

Bailong started to learn magic, and even Granny Tang was amazed by his magical talent.

It was said that he would be free, but when he would be free, he didn't say a word.

Bailong also became Granny Tang's puppet.

Help her do something mean and dirty.

When the audience saw it, they all felt that Bailong was pitiful. When he was in the human world, he was buried by the ruthless rivers of human beings, making him homeless.

I thought that after coming to this magical world, Bailong's life would be easier.

But I didn't expect that the benefits are still limited.

In other words, he is no longer considered a person, but can only be regarded as Granny Tang's accomplice.

In the soup house, many people secretly called Bailong an evil dragon!

The days passed like this.

Until one day, Granny Tang went out, and it hadn't opened yet.

Bailong is in the street outside the soup house.

I saw three humans, a family of three.

The host said.

"According to the practice of this world of gods, if you eat food belonging to the gods, you will be turned into pigs."

Before that, many humans who accidentally broke into this world of gods turned into pigs.

Bailong once wanted to save one or two.

But in the end it failed.

Bailong didn't want to care about these humans who strayed into the world of gods.

But after seeing the little girl in a family of three, his eyes were always there.

"This little girl seems to be the girl that Bailong saved when he was still the god of the river."

Su Ran said.

Only then did other viewers suddenly realize.

This little girl really does look like the girl who came down from Amber River back then!

"Dad, let's go, there is no one here."

"Chihiro, don't be afraid. Dad has a credit card. When the master comes, I'll just pay."

Chihiro's parents seem to have a credit card in hand.

You can just ignore it and grab a roast chicken that has been processed.

Started to gnaw.

"Would you like some sauce?"

'Give me some. '

The two couples completely ignored their daughter and started eating on their own.

Chihiro has no way to stop her parents.

Just wandering around here.

Walking around aimlessly, like a headless chicken.

She saw the sky gradually darken.

Then the green grassland that we walked through turned into the bed of the river.

Huge building boats also began to appear on the river!

In the corridors of these buildings.

There are creatures with different names and shapes.

In other words, it is a god.

Chihiro couldn't care less about these.

I can only go back and look for my parents.

In the end, I saw that my parents had turned into two fat pigs!

She thought she was dreaming in the car.

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