Fortuna and Qiu Si's fear of this woman is genuine. Su Ran's seventh reincarnation, Pandora, is likely to be an extremely terrifying existence! ! ! ! !

Pandora walked out of the ice with her eyes closed, a faint smile on her beautiful, flawless face.

"Fortuna, take Lady Emilia and leave first!"

Seeing this scene, Qiu Si said without hesitation.

They have already fully understood that this woman named Pandora and the lustful teacher are not opponents that can be easily dealt with.

"Emilia..." Fortuna looked at the young white-haired girl with an expression of unparalleled torment and entanglement.

"Don't worry, I'm not helpless if I stay here." Qiu Si said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I will definitely come back and save you!!!"

After the words fell, Fortuna no longer hesitated, and ran towards the distance with Emilia in her arms.

Her decisive action is different from that kind of mother-in-law, and it brings the audience a very good appreciation experience.

However, the indifferent expressions of Pandora and the Priest of Desire seemed as if they didn't care at all.

"It's pretty cool, but ah, who allowed you to let them go?"

"See what you mean, are you planning to infringe on my right to act?" While talking to himself, the smile of the strong desire bishop gradually became ferocious.



"Whatever you say, even if it costs my life, I can't let you pass here!!!" After his serious and serious voice fell, Jius took out a small purple box from his arms.

"My quality is not enough to match it, so all this time, I just kept what was entrusted to me."

"But, it's also for this moment!!!"

The moment he saw the box, the expression of the Bishop Grizzly became panicked at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, only the beautiful white-haired girl named Pandora remained indifferent. She even showed a somewhat relieved smile under the gaze of all the audience.

"Petichius, Bishop Romanee-Conti, I wish you a pleasant journey." Pandora seemed to know everything in advance, smiling with a very gratified expression, and every frame of her expression seemed to be able to be made into a computer wallpaper The degree of beauty has attracted countless audiences to cry and howl.

Hearing the full name, many viewers felt familiar with it.

But the scene of hesitating Su Ran's sex change was so shocking that they couldn't remember where they had heard it before.

In the next second, the green-haired man Qiu Si's expression became extremely firm, and he opened the box very seriously.

Immediately afterwards, what appeared before the eyes of all the audience was a group of wriggling purple cells, which looked deformed and disgusting, but exuded some mysterious power.

"Please forgive me!!!" Qiu Si said while struggling, and suddenly slapped the purple cells on his chest.

Seeing this scene, many viewers breathed a sigh of relief.

I was taken aback. For a moment, I thought it was something I needed to take...

In an instant, an extremely violent purple airflow erupted from Qiu Si's body, sweeping across the entire forest like an overwhelming sandstorm.

The terrifying aura spread in the air, and a drop of cold sweat slowly flowed down the face of the lustful priest, with a slight fear in his eyes.

"It's so stupid."

However, at this moment...

Hearing strange movements, he looked back in disbelief.

"Pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah, pah -"

In Su Ran's previous life, Pandora, the white-haired woman after her seventh reincarnation, was still applauding in the face of such a scene! ! ! ! !

There were moving tears in the corners of her eyes, highlights shone in her sapphire-like beautiful eyes, and she had a morbidly happy face.

"It's so wonderful~~~~"

"Master Regulus Conias~~~"

"It's coming~~~~"

Wow! ! ! ! ! ! !

In the next second, under the unexpected reaction of the lustful bishop, his entire body was pulled up by a pair of invisible big hands.

Originally very strong, he was so dazed that he didn't even know what happened, so he was thrown into the air by an invisible force and was thrown in the air countless times before being smashed down hard.

The invisible hand...?

Seeing this scene, countless viewers widened their eyes in disbelief, while the hostess Akane Shinjo was so dumbfounded that it was almost impossible to explain.

"This, this, this, this, isn't this power the ability of Wang Ming's sixth generation, the Witch Teacher's Lazy Bishop!?"

"The full name that Pandora mentioned just now, Petichius, Romanee-Conti, this man seems to be Contestant Wang Ming!!!!"

Before, many viewers just thought they were alike, or maybe they were related by blood.

However, no one guessed right! ! ! !

None of the viewers realize they are the same person! ! ! !

This handsome and serious man with green hair, Qiu Si, turned out to be that lunatic, lazy bishop?

Seeing this, player Wang Ming in the backstage of the arena also trembled in disbelief, his entire face was violently distorted.

What exactly happened...?

After this, how could I become like that?

In the picture, the green-haired man who is completely different from the lazy bishop stood in front of Pandora with a lonely and invincible attitude, shedding blood and tears.

"Didn't I say it? There is only hope here!!!"

"It is they who made me, I will never forget this kindness!!!"

"If I am still worthy of vomiting blood now..."

Under Pandora's extremely moved and tearful gaze, it can be seen that the man is surrounded by crazy purple tentacles everywhere.

The invisible hand is invisible to human eyes.

However, this purple foreign matter was clearly reflected in Pandora's sapphire-like beautiful eyes.

Su Ran's life, this woman named Pandora, is really weird to the extreme! ! ! ! ! !

"What do you see in your blood-red eyes?"

"Bishop Romanee-Conti~~~~" At this moment, Pandora's voice whispered softly, like a witch.

"I saw love!!!!" Qiu Si replied without hesitation in a hoarse and embarrassed voice.

"I won't let you go after those two people!!!!"

"You can't even think about getting there from here!!!!"



"You have proved your awareness very beautifully, Bishop Petichius Romany-Conti, for the sake of your awareness and firm will—"

"In the name of my [False Witch], I will give you the title of [Lazy]!!!"

As Pandora's gentle words fell, the billions of barrages on the scene fell into deathly silence.

At this point, the truth has come out.

There is no doubt that Wang Ming's sixth generation, the ugly, twisted and inhuman lazy bishop, is the brave Qius in front of everyone! ! ! !

And Su Ran's identity in this life, pretending to be the witch Pandora, is the real culprit, the mastermind behind the secret manipulation of the Witch Cult! ! !


Even this world is named directly after her - Witch World! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

"The one who scolded Wang Ming before, let's see if you have wronged him, Su Ran is obviously much more evil, okay!!!!"


"Can bullying still be washed away? And it doesn't say that Qiu Si is a good person, it's just a power dispute within the Witch Cult!?"


"Laugh, when it was Grimmjow, he was Aizen's subordinate, and now the lazy priest of the Witch Cult is being manipulated by Pandora, Wang Ming is really low!!!"


"It seems that Su Ran's purpose in this life is very evil again, but her weak and innocent temperament is completely irresistible!!!!!!"

"Pandora's figures are probably going to sell like crazy..."


"Pandora the Pretentious Witch, this is Su Ran's identity in this life!!!!!!!" The hostess Xintiao Qian also explained while the iron was hot, and at the same time, the content in the memory continued.




"You have proved your awareness very beautifully, Bishop Petichius Romanee-Conti, for the sake of your awareness and firm will, in the name of my [Vintegrity Witch], I grant you [Laziness] The name of the name!!!"

"Do you think that I will care about this position?" The moment Pandora's voice fell, the lazy bishop roared angrily in Wang Ming's life.

"I only have one wish now, and that is to hope that the mother and daughter will live in peace!!!!"

"Love, it's so wonderful~~~" Hearing these words, tears rolled in Pandora's eyes, as if she couldn't help being moved.

boom! ! ! ! !

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