"You have also seen it, very intense somatization symptoms."

"Vomiting, nausea, numbness, chills, panic, palpitations, the whole person seemed to be scared out of his wits, and the panic was expressed to the extreme."

"Don't talk about self-cultivation."

"Usual eating and sleeping are difficult."

"We can only rely on drug sedation and infusion."

outside the ward.

Aoki and Elder Zhuanzhuan Xiaochun retreated to the corridor, allowing the doctors and nurses, who had time to give Xihihong a sedative, to enter the ward.

Aoki listened and did not make a statement.

In fact, this diagnosis is not entirely accurate.

According to Aoki Observation, it is matched with the test report of the past week.

Yuhihong is more like the depression and anxiety of the previous earth.

Uncontrollable emotions, strong and violent ups and downs.

Once an attack occurs, thinking is like a short film, and negative emotions and thoughts crazily breed, spread, and expand in the brain, as if they are doing lingering torture to consciousness.

No matter how determined the person is, they will all be defeated.

'The power of spiritual pollution is so terrible. '

Aoki accompanied Xiaochun to bed and paced slowly in the corridor, thinking in his heart.

'There appears to be no direct, intense injury. '

'In fact, the lingering poison is endless, and there will be endless troubles. '

'The people in the Naruto world are not normal, and the medical level is even less likely to help mental illness. '

'It can only depend on Yuhihong's willpower, whether it can slowly wear away the pollution with time. '

Aoki couldn't help shaking his head.

It will take a long time, and at the same time, a lot of positive emotions must be generated, and positive thinking will be operated, so that the curative effect can gradually be achieved.

But it takes a person who is in the abyss of negativity to generate positive emotions.

Undoubtedly it is difficult for the strong.

Normal people can hardly do it.

Only those who live a smooth life and have nothing to worry about can cultivate such a healthy personality, but on the contrary, most patients are sick because of the difficulties in reality.

This is incomprehensible.

"Do you have any ideas?" Turning Sleeping Xiaochun asked expectantly.

She also couldn't bear to see Xi Hihong at such a young age, ruined by mental pollution.

Aoki's posture of contemplation gave her some hope.

"There must be a way to treat the symptoms rather than the root cause." Aoki said thoughtfully.

"This is enough!" Zhuanzhu Xiaochun excitedly said.


The doctors and nurses finished the infusion and examination, and went to bedtime for Xiaochun and Aoki.

"Sleeping Elder, Lord Aoki."

The doctor bowed, stood up and said, "Yuhi Jōnin's situation is not optimistic. We have exhausted all methods, but we can't stop the deterioration."

"There is no effective treatment plan yet."

Turning to bed, Xiaochun couldn't help but sigh.

Aoki said: "Try to add some mental treatment on the basis of drug treatment to help patients establish healthy thinking and cognition."

"Psychiatric treatment?" The doctor was taken aback.

The word has never been heard.

But it gave him a faint, strange feeling.

It was as if a brand new door opened a gap in front of my eyes.

"Master Aoki, please explain in detail." The doctor straightened his face, showing a gesture of solemnly asking for advice.

Turning to bed Xiaochun looked at Aoki in surprise.

The nurses nearby were also surprised and shocked by the doctor's reaction.

Aoki didn't pay attention to them, and casually mentioned some psychotherapy methods in his previous life, such as cognitive therapy, psychoanalytic therapy, and behavioral therapy.

The doctor's eyes became brighter and brighter, and his expression was extremely excited.

He took out the notebook and pen he carried with him and carefully wrote down what Aoki said one by one.

146. Yuhihong Suffering Suffering

Even if Xiaochun and the nurse next to him couldn't understand, they understood that Aoki was talking about important knowledge.

"Let the patient self-monitor thinking, emotion and behavior, and the treating physician will give guidance, explanation and cognitive demonstration, etc."

"Cultivate the competition of ideas, and use new cognition to confront the original cognition."

“Practice applying new cognitive models to social situations to replace old cognitive models.”

"As a result of new cognitions and training, patients are asked to reevaluate self-efficacy and the role of the ego in processing cognitions and situations."

“There is a strong positive correlation between emotion, cognition and consciousness.”

Hearing the end, the doctor's expression was already fanatical.

Looking at Aoki's eyes is like looking at a medical god.

At least the god of healing in the spiritual realm.

"These methods can all be effectively applied to patients with post-traumatic disorder." Aoki added an extra sentence at the end.

"Post-traumatic disorder?" The doctor didn't respond.

"Ninjas who were severely traumatized by the war and unable to face a new life," Aoki explained.

The doctor's face became solemn, and he bowed deeply to Aoki.

"Master Aoki, I want to thank you for all the suffering ninjas."

"The suggestions and methods you put forward must be able to help them very well, heal the pain of the past, and regain happiness."

This solemn and serious look startled the people next to him.

Aoki waved his hand and said indifferently: "It's good if I can help. I just put forward some suggestions. How to implement them will require a long time of data accumulation."

"No matter what, Lord Aoki has set a precedent." The doctor said in a deep and respectful voice.

Turning to bed Xiaochun had a completely surprised expression on his face.

She had never seen such a respectful expression before.

The attending doctors who can hold important positions in the hospital all have excellent medical ninjutsu, detached in status, and arrogance is also common.

Unfair words to many people.

Because any ninja will ask for them at some point.

Who can guarantee that he will be free from disease and disaster for a lifetime?

Not to mention ninjas with high-risk occupations.

"If it's practical, let's encourage Yuhi Jonin to raise animals for the time being." Aoki didn't care about the expression of Koharu who turned to sleep, and continued to discuss with the doctor, "It doesn't need to be too lively to choose a dog with human nature from the Inuzuka clan. Yes, the point is humanity."

"Scatter Yuhi Jonin's energy and help her break the negative cycle?" The doctor thought.

"Not only that."

Aoki shook his head and said: "What's more, pets have a simple mind and tend to focus on their owners, which can often provide a lot of positive emotions."

"To be needed, to be trusted, to be relied upon."

"It can inspire people's strength."

Aoki paused, saw the doctor's puzzled and hesitant expression, guessed his thoughts, and said: "This is a method of temporary satisfaction, not the correct treatment, but it is really necessary."

"Even if it is an external source of positive emotions, it must first pull people out of the negative hell."

"Only by returning to normal thinking and work and rest can we have the strength to overcome problems."

The doctor understood, showing a taught expression.

"You are right, Master Aoki."

"The detailed treatment plan, please." Aoki patted him on the shoulder, "I'll go see Yuhi Jonin."

A man with a stature and posture, obviously young and abnormal.

Patting the middle-aged doctor on the shoulder condescendingly, this strange appearance surprised everyone around him.

But the protagonist Aoki and the doctor.

Neither of them felt that anything was wrong.

"This is what I should do." The doctor even showed a proud expression.

"Elder Zhuanzhu, I'll go see her." Aoki nodded, then turned to Zhuanji Xiaochun and said.


Turning to bed, Xiaochun woke up in a daze, and hurriedly said: "You should, you should go."

Aoki nodded, and walked towards Yuhihong's ward.


Under the surprised eyes of several nurses, and under the surprised gaze of Zhuanzhu Xiaochun.

The doctor bowed respectfully and sent Aoki away respectfully.

He didn't get up until he could no longer hear footsteps.

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