But what did it matter to him?

Zhou Xuejian laughed for a moment and continued walking out.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of the compound, Zhou Xuejian heard a burst of beating and cursing from the next door.

Thinking that Liang La had a look, he must have known about Da Mao stealing the pig's tail.

"How does mom usually teach you, ah? I can't afford to support the four of you or something, so I want you to do such a dangerous thing? Do you know what will happen to you if something happens?

Da Mao, you really make mom sad. "Liang La looked and beat while roaring, and there was also the sound of Da Mao weeping softly in the middle.

"Mom, I made a mistake, Mom, stop hitting me!"

"Mom, don't hit my brother. Hit me. I also participated."

"Me too!"

"Mom, Brother Big Mao did this for my birthday, hit me." Xiu'er's delicate voice also sounded.

Liang La looked so willing that he didn't fight any more, but just scolded him again.

Zhou Xuejian smacked his mouth with some emotion.

These are also widows with children, but the children they bring out are different.

These children Liang Layan love each other and know to be responsible for each other. Looking at the four children Qin Huairu, except for Qin Yue, the other three are all selfish and only think about themselves in everything.

If this matter were placed on Banggeng today, Banggeng would definitely shirk it, and Xiaodang and Huaihua would definitely be taking pleasure in other people's misfortunes.

Liang La was also lucky to see his family.

At this moment, Zhou Xuejian saw a familiar figure who was about to pass by the door in a hurry, and called him to stop.

"Cui Dake, where are you going in such a hurry?" Zhou Xuejian asked.

"Ah, it's Mr. Zhou." Seeing that it was Zhou Xuejian, Cui Dake hurriedly bowed and smiled and said hello, "Isn't this pig's tail missing, I want to check around."

"Well, this really needs to be investigated." Zhou Xuejian nodded, "I wonder how your investigation went?"

"Oh, to be honest with Mr. Zhou, I'm very anxious, but unfortunately I don't have any clue." Cui Dake sighed, "I wonder if Mr. Zhou can give me some pointers?"

Cui Da is a member of the Red Star Commune, and sending the big fat pig Xiao Zhuang to the rolling mill is considered to have completed the task.

But he has a big heart, he doesn't want to go back to the Red Star Commune, but wants to stay in the rolling mill, so he is very concerned about the pig's tail, and wants to stay through meritorious service.

At first, he was thinking of taking a female worker from the rolling mill to achieve the purpose of staying. He also knew that he was not capable enough, and it would be great if he could find a widow, so he kept pestering Liang Laya.

Although Liang Latui is a widow with four children, she is a fifth-level welder and has a beautiful child. How could she like Cui Dake, a weak-legged person, so the matter did not work out.

Now that there is such an opportunity, Cui Dake is naturally unwilling to let it go, and Cui Dake is especially good at drilling and flattering. He has remembered all the important people in his mind within two days after he came to the rolling mill.

"I have an idea, and I'll tell you." Zhou Xuejian cleared his throat and said, "You are the closest, so just hang around here, and go to whoever's house smells like meat.

The meat will be distributed soon in the factory. It is definitely impossible for each household to buy meat these days. They will just wait for it from the factory. So where does the smell of cooking meat come from?It must be that pig tail. "

Cui Dake's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he praised Zhou's skill in swordsmanship.

In this era, supplies are scarce and control is very strict, so even if the family is in good condition, they will not see meat every day. It is good to eat it once every ten and a half months. There are almost no people like Zhou Xuejian who eat meat unscrupulously.

People don't know how to cook meat in the morning, and many people eat at work at noon. The men are not at home, and women are even more reluctant to cook meat at noon. Such a precious thing must be the pillar of the family before it can be cooked.

In this way, he doesn't have to wander around like a headless fly. He only needs to wander around the alley at night.

For the next two days, Brother Cui wandered around the alley when he had nothing to do, waiting for the thief to take out the meat.

He was furious in his heart, as long as he found a thief, he would call the police immediately, and he would definitely bring the thief to justice.

Although this can be a meritorious deed, but if others throw away their things before leaving, if they can't keep them, there may be a fault when they go back.

For the thief who deceived himself, he was unwilling to forgive.


The next day, Mrs. Jia Zhang sneaked back to the compound. Today was the birthday of her sweet grandson Bangge, and she was unwilling to miss it no matter what.

"Grandma!" Bang Jiong was also very happy to see Mrs. Jia Zhang.

Jia Zhang loved him very much, he was obedient and obedient, unlike Qin Huairu, he had to take care of the other three money losers, so he didn't love him wholeheartedly.

"Happy birthday, my dear grandson." Mrs. Jia Zhang hugged the stick and kissed it.

The two grandparents got tired of it for a while, and Banggan took out the pig tail and handed it to Jia Zhang, "Grandma, please help me make this into a meat dish. This is the only dish I miss on my birthday."

Jia Zhang took it and opened it to see that it was a pig's tail, and she was very happy immediately.

She is greedy for meat, and she came back to celebrate Stickong's birthday, one is to see her grandson, and the other is for the meat.

She knew Banggen, and Banggen would definitely care whether Qin Huairu wanted four meat dishes, regardless of whether Qin Huairu could get them together, there was always meat to eat.

Unexpectedly, Banggeng gave her a big surprise as soon as she came back.

Pig tail is a good thing. Although there is not a lot of meat, it is the more fragrant part of the pig because of the high frequency of exercise.

And listening to the meaning of the stick, the other three dishes 297 Qin Huairu also gathered together, Jia Zhang was even more happy from ear to ear, and happily went to cook without asking where the pig's tail came from.

When Qin Huairu came back from get off work with a lunch box, he saw Jia Zhang from a long distance away, and was immediately unhappy.

However, the person has already returned, and today is Banggen's birthday, Qin Huairu is really hard to catch up, so he has no choice but to let it go.

"Qin Huairu, today is my grandson's birthday, don't you know how to come back earlier and make all those dishes for him?"

As soon as Qin Huairu entered the door, she was scolded by Jia Zhang.

"Isn't this what it is?" Qin Huairu put the lunch box on the table, went to the kitchen to make a mess, and then put all the dishes on the table and started eating.

"Today is Banggen's 11th birthday, and he will be a young man in the future, so he can't just cry casually." Qin Huairu said in a clear voice.

"I promise not." Sticky looked at the dishes on the table with delighted eyes, and the smell of meat seemed to be emanating from every plate.

If all four are meat dishes, plus his own, wouldn't he have five dishes?

Back at school you'll have to brag about it.

The stick is full of expectations.

Xiaodang and Huaihua were also happy because they could eat meat.

Qin Yue was pretty much the same as usual, neither crying nor fussing, she pursed her lips slightly and smiled without speaking.

Needless to say, Jia Zhang and Qin Huairu were very happy.

The entire Jia family was beaming.

Chapter 139 Jia Zhang scolds Qin Huairu for being incompetent and proud

While Jia Zhang was cooking, Cui Dake happened to be wandering nearby and faintly smelled the aroma of meat. He squatted by the wall to confirm again.

"Someone really cooks meat!" Cui Dake was overjoyed.

Today the rolling mill eats meat, but it is cooked in the factory. The workers in the rolling mill can take that portion home with meal coupons, but they will never cook it at home.

So, this must be the thief's house.

Really hard work pays off.

Cui Dake was overjoyed.

However, he was not stupid. If the matter was not certain, he would not jump to conclusions to avoid making a joke. So he gave a child on the roadside a dime and asked him to investigate for him. After the investigation, Promise to give the kid another dime.

Of course the child was willing, so he took a dime and ran into the compound, looking at Bang Geng's house.

After looking at it for a long time, he made sure that he could clearly see the dishes on the table, and then hurriedly ran back to find Cui Dake.

"You said there are only three meat dishes on the table?"

"Yes, three meat dishes, the old nose is delicious." The child swallowed.

Cui Dake thought for a while and continued to ask: "Is there anyone celebrating a birthday at that house?"

"Yeah." The child nodded, "It's the stick's birthday."

Stick has always boasted that he can eat four meat dishes for his birthday today, so the children in the neighborhood basically know that today is Stick's birthday.

"He also boasted that he could eat four dishes, but in the end it was only three. It's really laughable." The child laughed.

"In this way, go and help me take a look and see what the three meat dishes are, and then come back and look for me." Cui Dake urged.

For the remaining dime, the child ran into the compound without even thinking about it.

Qin Huairu only prepared three meat dishes for Bang Geng today, so he had no choice but to add an extra plate of eggs for him.

She looked at Bang Geng anxiously and said, "Bang Geng, this egg is also a meat dish, so you count it as four dishes."

Qin Huairu was a little guilty, she was afraid that if the stick would be denied, she would cry and make noise, which would not end well.

The stick is indeed a little disappointed, the dream of five courses was ruined, but fortunately the four courses are still there.

So he stood up and mysteriously brought out a plate of dishes.

Jia Zhang's craftsmanship was average and he chopped the pig's tail into pieces. Qin Huairu didn't recognize it for a while and asked, "What is this?"

"Grandma made it, pig tail!" Sticky replied, with a smile on his face, looking at the four meat dishes on the table happily, with a satisfied expression on his face.

Qin Huairu was taken aback.

She immediately remembered the pig's tail lost in the factory, could it have been cut off by a stick?That would be the end of the calf.

Once discovered stealing public property, Banggeng will definitely be locked up in a juvenile detention center. This is no joke.

Qin Huairu quickly closed the door and asked softly and urgently: "Banggen, what's going on with this pig tail? Tell me quickly."

"It's like this..., that day I went to the shanty town and saw this pig tail, so I picked it up." Stick put Yang Nan playing with the hoop to all of them and everything that happened in the shanty town. I said it again.

Qin Huairu heard that he was going to beat him if he pulled the neck of the stick, but this little bastard actually kept it from her.

Jia Zhang quickly stopped him, "What's the matter with you? What are you doing with a stick?"

"Mom, this is not a joke. It doesn't matter how much you spoiled the stick before. This is something stolen from the public house. Do you want to destroy the stick for the rest of your life?" Qin Huairu asked back.

"Why do you tell me to ruin BangGou's life? You don't have the ability to get four dishes for BangGou yourself, and you don't allow the child to come back with a clever meat dish?

My eldest grandson is so smart. He knows how to take good things home when he sees them. These pig tails are good things from pigs. If you really go to the factory to share them, can you take a bite?Stop making this ridiculous. "Jia Zhang scolded Qin Huairu, but she didn't feel that Bangge's behavior was wrong at all.

For her, as long as all things don't happen, bad things will never happen, and good things will definitely happen.

"Mom, how many children can eat four dishes on their birthdays? I've already made four dishes with eggs. I'm just playing with fire." Qin Huairu argued.

"Eggs are not meat, they are not meat dishes. Mom, you don't mean anything.

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