If you want to say that there is nothing wrong with them, even if the King of Heaven comes, you may not believe it.

This Yi Zhonghai is not divorced yet!

And it's too shameless to do such a thing at such an advanced age!

The neighbors clicked their tongues and talked a lot.

"Yi Zhonghai, I think what Zhou Xuejian said makes sense."

"What does it have to do with you if the stick doesn't come out?"

"It's normal for someone's son to be anxious, why are you so anxious?"

"Let's not talk about the relationship between you and the stick, you explain, what is the relationship between you and Qin Huairu?"


Yi Zhonghai and Qin Huairu were pushed to the edge of a cliff by their neighbors.

Like a pair of fateful mandarin ducks being hunted down.

The chasing group is pressing forward step by step.

Facing them is to jump or not to jump.

Qin Huairu distracted her eyes nervously, she didn't even dare to look at her teammate Yi Zhonghai.

Yi Zhonghai swallowed nervously.

He is no longer the uncle in the courtyard. He used to maintain his image for his own pension plan.

The higher his status in the courtyard, the easier it is for him to find pensioners.

But now he has no status, and Sha Zhu has also been imprisoned.

If another shocking scandal is revealed, won't he be kicked out by these neighbors?

Grandpa must never allow such a thing to happen!

"Zhou Xuejian, what nonsense are you talking about!"

"What can I do (agah) with Qin Huairu?"

"How many years have I lived with your big mother!"

"We haven't divorced yet!"

"Oh~ Then you mean that as long as you get divorced, you can have affairs with Qin Huairu?"

Zhou Xuejian said that on purpose.

He just wanted to play some word games and push Yi Zhonghai off the cliff with his own hands.

Not letting him be the uncle in the courtyard is only the first step.

But this is definitely not Yi Zhonghai's final outcome.

Didn't he want to find someone to take care of him?

He would like to see a person who has an affair with a widow, goes to bribe state officials, and is full of bad things, who will give him a pension except a big fool like Shazhu!

When Yi Zhonghai heard Zhou Xuejian's words, his face turned dark immediately. Not only did he turn dark, but he also had no way to refute.

He felt as if he had been stripped naked and thrown in the courtyard.

The eyes of the neighbors were even staring at him, as if burning his heart.

He could no longer stand the condemnation.

If he continued to condemn him, he would have no place in the compound at all.

He tried to defend himself, but nothing seemed right.

He didn't know what to say either.

Qin Huairu still wants her own reputation, even though everyone in the compound now knows that she is a bitch.

She said to Zhou Xuejian: "You can slander Yi Zhonghai, but don't slander me!"

"It is impossible for me to have anything to happen with Yi Zhonghai in my life!"

"I don't know how old he is. What kind of mandarin ducks are you messing with?"


Qin Huairu's excuse would be better off silently!

She seems to have been pregnant for three years now, and she can't tell the priority of things!

Now she is begging Yi Zhonghai to do something!

This is her attitude of asking for help?

How can Yi Zhonghai be happy if he directly belittles Yi Zhonghai as worthless?

Sure enough, Yi Zhonghai's face turned even darker.

He thought he could get Qin Huairu no matter what, even just once.

In the end, Qin Huairu actually described herself like this!

What's wrong with his old age? Could it be difficult for him to eat their rice after living so long?

If you are old, you will be disgusted!

And Qin Huairu lied to herself from the beginning, she didn't want to do anything to herself at all.

I just want to use him to rescue the stick.

When he really rescued the stick, Qin Huairu would never keep his promise.

He also invited Director Xu to dinner, what a shitty meal!

Everything is in vain!

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth angrily, and glared at Qin Huairu viciously.

Qin Huairu also noticed the look in his eyes, and instantly lost the momentum he had just now.

Of course Zhou Xuejian would not let them fool this matter.

"You two are still flirting here, you really don't carry people back!"

"Why did you two such stinky and shameless things come out of our compound!"

Yi Zhonghai finally became anxious now.

"Zhou Xuejian, I am your elder after all, how can you curse people?".

Chapter 155 Forcing the deaf old lady to reveal her purpose, Director Xu directly refused!

Yi Zhonghai's eagerness aroused the emotions of the neighbors.

They also felt that Zhou Xuejian's words were indeed serious.

Although Yi Zhonghai is no longer the uncle in the courtyard, he is still so old anyway.

How shameless it is for a junior to scold and shameless in front of so many people.

"Zhou Xuejian, what you said is a bit too much."

"Anyway, Yi Zhonghai is also an old man, so don't speak so seriously!"

"Besides, the issue between him and Qin Huairu cannot be concluded yet."

"Yes, respecting the elderly is also a traditional virtue!"


"Respecting the elderly means respecting the elderly who are worthy of respect!"

Zhou Xuejian said directly: "What respect is there for an old man like Yi Zhonghai who has done so many bad things?"

"Everything you say now sounds good, but when he touched your interests, you scolded him more fiercely than me!"

"What? You are the ones who listen to gossip and eat melons, and now you are the ones who come to teach me Zhou Xuejian?"

"Why do you guys still have two faces!"

The neighbors left Zhou Xuejian speechless, and they didn't dare to speak.

Yi Zhonghai felt guilty, but he was really out of breath.

"Zhou Xuejian, don't use me to change the subject. It was about the deaf old lady. Why did you bring it up to me?"


Did Yi Zhonghai make Zhou Xuejian's brain so angry?

If he wanted to get away, he wouldn't find such a reason, would he?

Sell ​​out all your teammates!

He is not afraid that the deaf old lady will hate him, isn't this purely looking for a beating?

Sure enough, the deaf old lady saw that Yi Zhonghai had changed the topic to her again, and hit Yi Zhonghai on the head with a cane.

"What nonsense are you talking about? What's the matter with me?"

"I just invited Director Xu to come to my house for a meal."

"What can I do?"

The deaf old lady was going to be pissed off by Yi Zhonghai.

Just say that this old boy is unreliable, I didn't expect him to be so unreliable!

Zhou Xuejian just said a few words and asked him to sell himself.

Just like this, he was still counting on him to provide for himself in the old age!

Pension fart!

If the deaf old lady lay on the kang one day and couldn't move anymore, Yi Zhonghai would definitely throw her out!

Even if you throw her out, you won't even be able to give her an oxygen tube!

The deaf old lady was shaking with anger and looked at Yi Zhonghai with angry eyes.

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