When she lied, she forgot how to make up the names of her children.

In fact, it's not that I forgot, the key is that there is no way to make it up!

The sons and daughters of other people who have served in the army are all recorded in the army.

If she just mentioned her name casually, people would find it out immediately.

If no such person is found, wouldn't she have already exposed her secret?

For so many years, she has been pretending to be deaf and dumb. If someone asks that kind of leader, she simply pretends not to hear.

The result is better now, Zhou Xuejian is asking this question in front of so many people.

What should she do?

Pretending to be deaf again?

The deaf old lady had no choice but to erect her ears and pretend she couldn't hear, and shouted, "What's my last name, you ask?"

"What do I tell you what my last name is?"

"Speak up!"

The neighbors didn't know that the deaf old lady was pretending to be deaf, and they all thought she couldn't hear because of her deaf ears!

"Old lady, Zhou Xuejian asked you, what are the names of your children!"

"That's right, they all died heroically on the battlefield, you must not forget it, right?"

"Even if she didn't die on the battlefield, how could a mother forget her child's name!"

"You told me to say this nonsense!"

"That's right, tell me, old lady!"

"We can help you go to the Martyrs Cemetery to worship in the future!"


The deaf old lady can't pretend anymore.

The neighbors spoke louder and louder than the other, and even kindly asked her directly in her ear for fear that she would not hear.

The deaf old lady gritted her teeth angrily and couldn't get away with the matter of eating.

"Oh, you asked me the names of my children!"

"In our time, a child would not be famous in 303."

"They're all called dogs, bitches or something."

The deaf old lady lied so well, even if all these unrecognizable names came out, she couldn't find anything!

However, Zhou Xuejian has plenty of ways to treat her.

"Don't think that you can fool things like this. You will always have a new name when you enlist in the army."

"Besides, you son of a bitch, you must have a surname, right?"

"You always remember what your last name is?"

"You can't have married several times in your life?"

"You don't even know which boy you're with?"

"You fart!"

The deaf old lady scolded directly: "You are the most capable prostitute!"

"I've only been married once in my life!"

The deaf old lady asked Zhou Xuejian to ask, almost reflexively saying these words.

The main reason is that she remembered the experience of being the number one in a brothel before liberation.

Although she was happy to be the top card at the time, but now that she has gained everyone's respect, that period of the past has become the most unbearable thing for her to look back on.

Once a person reaches a high position, how can he want to go back to the days when he had no status before!

The deaf old lady blurted out such a sentence that made Zhou Xuejian catch a loophole.

"Why did I say that you are a prostitute who can do anything for you?"

"Could it be that you really did it?"

Chapter 158 The deaf old lady blew herself up as a concubine, and Director Xu collapsed!

The deaf old lady was completely dazzled by Zhou Xuejian's words.

For so many years, she has enjoyed her status as a family member of a martyr, forgetting about her miserable past!

As a result, when Zhou Xuejian mentioned it, all the humiliation he had suffered before came back to his mind.

When she thought of the man she had served before, she felt sick for a while.

Not only the past, but also the days when I was the concubine of the warlord and fought with the other eight concubines.

How rough her life was!

She was supposed to be the eldest daughter of a big drug lord, but because she was not a leader and a maidservant, she didn't live the good life she should have lived in the first half of her life!

Immediately afterwards, she was supposed to be a concubine and lived a life of luxury, but the warlord died.

She didn't have a bad life when she was a prostitute, but which woman can endure that she is really doing this kind of job to support herself!

To put it bluntly, the deaf old lady has lived to such an old age, and she has been used as a plaything for others all her life.

After finally getting old, because I have a kind face and good intentions, when I meet a great opportunity, I can live a respectable life for a few days.

And just today, Zhou Xuejian dug out everything she had and showed it to everyone.

The deaf old lady has lived for so many years, of course she understands.

The most unacceptable thing for people is not that this person has a bad identity, but that this person clearly had a very good identity before, but in the end it was discovered that she was the most despicable person.

The deaf old lady also knew very well that once her previous affairs were exposed, she would have no chance to stand up again.

The identity of the family members of the martyrs is gone, and they will be cast aside by everyone.

If it doesn't work out, because this is deceiving the country, she will be punished by law.

She cannot allow such a thing to happen, she must always be on guard against being fooled by Zhou Xuejian.

"Who do you call a whore!"

"You bastard, see if I don't beat you to death today!"

The deaf old lady was so angry that she wanted to change the subject, and it was Zhou Xuejian's turn to use a crutch!

Zhou Xuejian grabbed the deaf old lady's cane and clicked it hard!

This is the best crutch that the deaf old lady bought again after being broken by him last time!

How could he be broken by him again!

The deaf old lady was about to shed tears!

This crutch cost a lot of money!

Although it wasn't her money, but she is old, and it is not so easy to tame an obedient crutch!

The neighbors were also shocked, Zhou Xuejian's temper really came just as he said it!

It is impossible to let yourself suffer a little bit.

"Zhou Xuejian's whole personality has changed since the condition was improved` "!"

"Yeah, this crutch has two sticks sticking out."

"The old lady is probably going to have a heart attack because of his anger!"

"I think we should always be ready to send her to the hospital!"

"Send the matter directly to the hospital before the matter is resolved?"

"Then why don't we still watch the excitement?"


The deaf old lady is immersed in the sadness of losing her crutches, and is also caught in the entanglement of how to tell a lie.

Hearing what the neighbors were talking about, an idea suddenly came to my mind.

"My crutch!"

The deaf old lady cried out and pretended to pass out!

"old lady!"

Yi Zhonghai was frightened at this time and ran over to take a look.

The neighbors just finished talking about sending the deaf old lady to the hospital, but now they really have to be sent to the hospital.

They hurriedly carried the deaf old lady away.

"Hurry up, don't let the old lady get mad at Zhou Xuejian here!"

"You lift your arms, I lift your legs!"

"Stop dawdling, the old lady might have something to do if it's a little later!"

"Bring a cart over here, or you won't be able to push it!"

"What does this old lady usually eat, why is it so heavy!"


Zhou Xuejian watched the deaf old lady's performance and the neighbors' busy work with cold eyes.

He could guess with his toes that the deaf old lady was definitely faking it without even thinking about it.


Zhou Xuejian said coldly.

The neighbors really stopped.

But just stopped for a while and immediately regretted it.

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