And the back of the photo in this chapter is in front of a big house.

This house is a European-style building, round and round.

Neighbors who have never seen the world know that this house is very valuable.

It must be lived by rich or noble people.

There is no need to guess any more. It doesn’t matter who the deaf old lady is, this house explains everything.

The deaf old lady is definitely the concubine of a rich family and the concubine of capital.

After Zhou Xuejian finished showing it to his neighbors, he pointed to the words "warlord mansion" on it for everyone to continue reading.

"Look at the words written on the front of the house, and you will understand."

"The deaf old lady is a notorious wife of a warlord!"

The neighbors took a closer look, and everyone was dumbfounded!

That’s really what it says on the photo!

The person in the photo is a deaf old lady again!

The deaf old lady turned out to be the concubine of a warlord!

Director Xu felt as if five thunders were piercing his ears, and his whole body felt as if he had been struck by lightning.

She couldn't believe that this thing really happened in front of her eyes.

The identity of this old lady is so special. Zhu has been in this compound for so many years, and no one in the street office or even the whole Nanluoguxiang has discovered it.

Moreover, their street office actually sends condolences to a warlord's concubine every year.

Who should accept condolences!

In this era of insufficient food and clothing, the staff of the street office are probably even more pitiful than the deaf old lady!

After all, the deaf old lady lived a life of luxury and luxury!

Director Xu is about to collapse at the thought of this, does this count as negligence in his work?

The deaf old lady concealed her identity for so many years without finding out.

The state even provided her with money and things!

What should I do if the superiors find out about this?

When the deaf old lady saw that her identity was exposed by Zhou Xuejian, she was filled with rage.

Of course she couldn't admit that the person in the photo was herself.

The deaf old lady hurriedly said: "Zhou Xuejian, how do you prove that this photo is me?"

"Besides, even if the person in the photo is me, where did you get this photo?"

"I suspect you took a fake photo to fool the neighbors!"

Zhou Xuejian never fought unprepared battles, how could he let the deaf old lady be fooled like this?

Isn't the deaf old lady so good at telling fake stories as if they were true?

Then he, Zhou Xuejian, would also do this to her.

"It's a coincidence that I picked up this photo at your door."

"Who do you blame for not keeping it well?"

"The one you picked up at my door is mine?"

The deaf old lady retorted directly.

She felt that if Zhou Xuejian had only this ability, maybe she could still fool around with this matter.

"Then look at the words behind this!"

Zhou Xuejian turned the photo over, and there were five large characters written on the back, Zhao Pingzhi kept it.

Director Xu's eyes were so wide this time!

It was indeed the name of the deaf old lady! .

Chapter 160 The deaf old lady doesn’t know her son’s name?

When Director Xu saw this name, he became angry!

As a director of the sub-district office, she actually allowed a warlord’s concubine to enjoy the benefits of the sub-district office for so many years!

Even if she is allowed to enjoy welfare, he is still content to let her be a family member of the martyrs for so many years.

This kind of thing actually happened under her nose!

Director Xu looked at the deaf old lady with angry eyes, grabbed the photo from Zhou Xuejian's hand, and almost pasted it on the deaf old lady's eyes.

"What else do you have to say?"

"Why hide your identity?"

"You have to know, if someone knows that you are the concubine of a warlord, it is impossible for you to be a family member of a martyr!"

The deaf old lady no longer has the support of her crutches, and now her feet are limp and she just sits paralyzed~ on the ground.

She didn't know how to deal with this emergency.

Over the years, she has become accustomed to her new identity.

Because of her habit, she was already more convinced than others that she was a family member of a martyr whose roots were upright.

This means that she never thought she would be exposed.

Naturally, she never thought about what she would do after the exposure!

But now things have happened.

The deaf old lady must also find a way to resolve this matter.

There is no room for redemption in the warlord's concubine's matter.

She can only do her best to protect her identity as a family member of a martyr.

If this identity is gone, the deaf old lady will really not be able to hang out in the compound.

The deaf old lady quickly said: "What's wrong with me being the concubine of a warlord?"

"The people who bravely killed the enemy on the battlefield are my sons and daughters. They died on the battlefield. I am their mother."

"Then I am the family member of the martyr!"

"Which law stipulates that the concubine of a warlord cannot give birth to a martyr?"

"The warlord's concubine gave birth to a martyr, so she can't be a martyr's family?"

"Then they are all my biological children after all!"

"They are my own children, and I have the right to be their family members!"

When the neighbors heard this, it made sense to think about it.

The family members of martyrs refer to someone in their family who died heroically on the battlefield, then they are martyrs, and the families of martyrs are the families of martyrs!

No one said that the martyr's family must have a good background.

When the war was fought, no one cared about the origin of the soldiers!

As long as they can kill devils on the battlefield, that's fine!

"The deaf old lady is right. Her son and daughter died heroically on the battlefield."

"So what if she is the concubine of a warlord?"

"That warlord must be dead, otherwise the deaf old lady wouldn't have come all the way to Sijiu City begging for food."

"Then maybe the deaf old lady educates her children well so that she can educate heroes!"

"Heroes don't even ask where they come from, let alone the hero's mother!"


The deaf old lady couldn't help but reveal a proud smile on her face when she heard the neighbors' very positive comments about her.

As expected of her neighbors who have been brainwashed by Yi Zhonghai for decades!

The brainwashing was so successful!

She just made them do what she said with another couple of bullshit words.

No matter what Zhou Xuejian said this time, the neighbors would probably support her.

This kind of thing is like fighting. Two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands. How can Zhou Xuejian fight with so many people by himself?

No matter how capable he is, he still can't fight against the Confucians, can't he?

The deaf old lady felt that victory was already waving to her, and she seemed to have seen Zhou Xuejian's defeat.

How on earth can a young boy be compared to an old man like her?

Zhou Xuejian observed the expression of the deaf old lady, and he already guessed what the old lady was thinking.

Do you think he can't beat her with Zhou Xuejian?

That is pure idiot's dream!

The deaf old lady told herself a big loophole and she didn't even notice it.

Zhou Xuejian caught this big loophole.

He snorted directly, folded his arms and said, "You said that your sons and daughters were all born to warlords."

"Which warlord would name his son and daughter Yadan Goudan?"

"You don't have a big name, so you can't be laughed at by other warlords?"

"Huh? Deaf old lady, tell me, what's the name of your son and daughter?"

"In case we don't find anyone when we go to worship."

The deaf old lady was stunned when she heard this!


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