Director Xu had no choice but to ask: "Learning swords, how do you think this matter should be handled?"

Zhou Xuejian said: "The deaf old lady is the concubine of a warlord, what she says represents what the capital says 0..."

"Can you believe what capital says?"

The neighbors thought it was reasonable and started to make noises.

"I can't believe it!"

"Capital is squeezing the people!"

"There's not a word of truth out of their mouths!"


"Then since you can't believe what the capital says, you can't believe what the deaf old lady says, right?"

On the surface, Zhou Xuejian was asking Director Xu, but he was actually brainwashing the whole hospital.

Director Xu did not dare to refute and could only stand there and nodded.

"You can't believe what the deaf old lady says, but you can believe what the government says!"

"Don't her three children have names and surnames?"

"Then let's check to see if these three heroes are registered!"

"I can understand the lack of information on the war years, but everyone had famous brands during the war!"

“You can’t go wrong with this!”

"As long as there is a name, I can find it out!"

"Besides, the mothers of the three heroes have already been found. How could they not be registered?"

Zhou Xuejian's words stuck in the deaf old lady's heart word by word.

She didn't expect Zhou Xuejian to be so smart!

Even this method he can think of.

This name is all made up, how can I find it!

The deaf old lady panicked all of a sudden. She looked at Director Xu with tears in her eyes and said, "Xiao Xu, I've known you for so many years. 0.7, don't you believe me?"

"If I tell such a lie, won't it be too much for me to go around if I am found out?"

"Is there anything to investigate about this?"

“If I wasn’t a martyr’s family, why would someone give me this title?”

"Is it because you don't think it's necessary to check, or are you afraid to check?"

Zhou Xuejian doesn’t like the deaf old lady’s trick of pretending to be pitiful!

Today's atmosphere has been enhanced here, and I'm sorry for the current scene if it is not fully exposed.

"Is there anything I dare not check!"

The deaf old lady pretended to be very confident and retorted.

"Then you should ask others to investigate!"

"If you don't check, I'll call Director Zhang to come over and check for you!"

"Cheat national welfare, you are a fraud!"

"This is going to jail!"

The deaf old lady's heart suddenly trembled. She was going to jail at such an old age. Wouldn't it mean that she would die? .

Chapter 162 Zhou Xuejian angers Yi Zhonghai, the deaf old lady kneels in public!

"Zhou Xuejian, don't think that you understand everything now that you have developed well!"

"The fraud has to be because I really deceived people!"

"Which ear of yours heard me say that I am not a family member of a martyr?"

"I am a family member of a martyr. If you are capable, you can find evidence to prove that I am not!"

"You can check whatever you want!"

The deaf old lady was already in a state of desperation, as long as she refused to admit Zhou Xuejian, she would have nothing to do with her.

But he still underestimated Zhou Xuejian's IQ.

What if she doesn't admit it?

Zhou Xuejian had long thought that the deaf old lady would not admit it!

He said directly: "Whether you are a family member of a martyr is not up to you."

"Director Zhang must have a file there. Of course, you have to call the police for something as big as pretending to be a family member of a martyr!"

"The police said that you are a family member of a martyr, so you can be considered a family member of a martyr, do you know?"

The neighbors also felt that it was very reasonable when they heard it, and quickly echoed it.

"Zhou Xuejian is right!"

"What's the use of us arguing about this matter here?"

"Quickly call the police and let the police handle this matter 06!"

"Deaf old lady, you killed me anyway and said you are a family member of a martyr, so don't be afraid to call the police!"

"As long as you are a family member of a martyr, no one can really wrong you!"

"Whoever runs fast, hurry up and notify Director Zhang!"


With that said, the neighbors in the compound have already started to act.

There is a reason why they move so fast.

The deaf old lady has been domineering in the compound for so many years relying on her status as a family member of the martyr.

When Shazhu was the God of War in the courtyard, he often bullied the neighbors in the courtyard.

As long as he fights, the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai will definitely protect Sha Zhu!

Silly Zhu was even more bullied by the deaf old lady and Yi Zhonghai.

The neighbors have always dared to be angry and dare not speak out. Now that Yi Zhonghai has stepped down, he is no longer the uncle in the courtyard.

No matter how the deaf old lady is a fake family member of a martyr, this compound will be changed directly!

The neighbors are about to be free again, do you think they can't be happy?

Can you act quickly?

The neighbors were happy, but the deaf old lady panicked!

She quickly grabbed the neighbors who wanted to call the police and said, "This is a matter in our compound. Why should we alert the police?"

"It won't sound good if this is spread out. It seems like an old lady like me has committed some heinous crime!"

When the neighbors saw that the deaf old lady was blocking them, they were all puzzled.

"Old lady, what do you mean by stopping us?"

"Aren't we doing this to give you a clean slate?"

"It's for your own good too!"

"Just wait here obediently!"

"We'll clear you right away!"


Zhou Xuejian's trick is really ruthless!

A borrowed knife came directly to kill someone!

He just stirred up the conflicts that had accumulated over time in the compound, and the neighbors directly and voluntarily went to mess with the deaf old lady.

He doesn't need to move anything now, not even raising his leg to call the police.

If she waits for Director Zhang to come and adds more fuel and jealousy, the deaf old lady will be dead today.

Yi Zhonghai didn't want to care about this at first, but he noticed Zhou Xuejian's smug expression.

Looking at the reaction of the deaf old lady, he suddenly understood what was going on.

Could it be that the identity of the martyr's family of the deaf old lady is true or false?

Otherwise, according to her usual personality, if she is slandered, let alone call the police, even if she is arrested, she will not be convinced!

She is fine now, and directly stops the neighbors from going to the police.

It was obviously to prove her innocence, but she still objected so much!

The only possibility is that she is not innocent at all!

For so many years, she has been running amok with a false identity!

When Yi Zhonghai thought of this, his whole head was about to burst!

He knew that the deaf old lady was not a good person, but he never thought that the deaf old lady would be so courageous!

How dare the deaf old lady do such a thing!

This is deceiving the country!

Over the years, how much welfare has the government given her because of her status?

More than 30 yuan a month, which is more than Shazhu's salary as a chef.

Not to mention those food stamps, meat tickets, vegetable tickets, cloth tickets!

The deaf old lady also has a problem. She likes to go to the black market to exchange things.

Take her more money to exchange for tickets, take her more tickets to exchange for money!

She didn't know how many coffin books she had saved over the years.

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