What the neighbors never expected was that the deaf old lady agreed without hesitation.

There was no hesitation in the tone of the deaf old lady.

What does not hesitate mean, she has saved more than 3000 yuan over the years.

If the deaf old lady is really not a family member of a martyr, how much money the country has been defrauded of!

It's not about money at all!

This is worse than corruption!

The neighbors looked forward to Zhou Xuejian's reaction.

Zhou Xuejian, who had such a sense of justice just now, might refuse now!

"Then you bring it."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Xuejian really wanted this money!

"Xuejian, you really don't want to call the police?"

"` ˇDidn't you just say that deaf old ladies have become legal?"

"How come what you said before is different from what you said later!"

"That's right, if the deaf old lady is really not a family member of a martyr, does this count as covering up a crime?"

"Learning swords, I think we should call the police!"

"It's not convenient for you to go now, so we can go."

"We can't let something like this happen in our compound!"


The deaf old lady doesn't care what the neighbors are saying now.

As soon as she heard that Zhou Xuejian wanted her money, she felt happy in her heart.

The deaf old lady has money in her pocket, although it is true that she does not have as much money as 3000 yuan.

The money was squeezed out of her teeth to provide for her retirement.

The 3000 yuan is actually more than half of these pension funds.

But the deaf old lady thought about the long-term. After spending 3000 yuan, she can still receive that much money every month in the future.

The money can still be saved up to a penny, and it will be saved up slowly.

She has lived such an old age, and she has seen a lot of money.

The deaf old lady felt that the money in the future might not be as valuable as it is now.

Maybe the benefit of 30 yuan will become 3000 yuan in the future!

Putting a long line to catch big fish, she will have whatever she wants after keeping her identity as a family member of the martyr.

The deaf old lady thought of this, and went home to get money for Zhou Xuejian without saying a word.

After Zhou Xuejian took the money, he still lit a spear in his hand.

The deaf old lady looked at Zhou Xuejian nervously, and asked cautiously, "Can I go now?"

Zhou Xuejian didn't say anything, he had already quietly arranged the next plan.

Seeing that he didn't say anything, the deaf old lady asked again: "Can I go now?"

"Don't move!"

Then there was a bang!

The courtyard door was kicked open!

Neighbors turned their heads one after another, and when they fixed their eyes, it turned out that Director Zhang led several policemen into the compound with guns.

They lined up holding guns and pointing at the neighbors, their expressions were very mighty.

Chapter 164 The deaf old lady bites back and sues Zhou Xuejian for false accusation!

Director Zhang appeared in the compound with the police officers, and everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the police officers.

Didn't Zhou Xuejian just take 3000 yuan from a deaf old lady?

Why do you still have to call the police after taking the money?

Isn't this person too dark?

The deaf old lady's eyeballs were about to fall out, and she was so angry that she looked at Zhou Xuejian angrily, and asked in disbelief: "I gave you all the money, why do you still call the police?"

Zhou Xuejian was instantly unhappy when he heard this.

The deaf old lady asked what this meant, as if Zhou Xuejian was such a person who did not keep his promises.

He, Zhou Xuejian, was a bit cloudy, but he didn't speak like that!

Although Zhou Xuejian sent someone to report to the police secretly, the money was also given by the deaf old lady on purpose.

But this question should not be asked by the deaf old lady.

He did it on purpose, and he didn't allow the deaf old lady to ask.

Zhou Xuejian said: "Deaf old lady, when I asked for money, did I say that I would not call the police if I gave the money?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar!

Zhou Xuejian is too dark!

When he asked for money just now, he thought of all the options!

He never said that if the deaf old lady gave the money, he would not call the police. He definitely wanted the money.

If he calls the police, he will also call the police. Regardless of whether the deaf old lady pays or not, she will be taken away by the police.

The neighbors admired Zhou Xuejian's move and talked about it one after another.

"Zhou Xuejian, isn't it too much for you to do things like this?"

"But it's true that they didn't say they wouldn't call the police if they gave the money."

"This money is not voluntarily given by the deaf old lady!"

"Then what to do now?"

"What can I do, the deaf old lady admits herself!"

"But whether the deaf old lady is a family member of a martyr or not, the police haven't made a conclusion yet!"


The deaf old lady has not closed her mouth yet!

Her concubine, who had been a warlord all her life, had been fighting with those women for favor and status. She had never seen such a sinister and cunning person like Zhou Xuejian in her whole life.

It can be said that Zhou Xuejian's tricks kill two birds with one stone, and he has never suffered a disadvantage.

When she was a prostitute, she experienced so many people robbing customers, and her tricks were not as good as Zhou Xuejian's.

The deaf old lady defeated eight concubines and dozens of prostitutes to become the number one woman.

But now that Zhou Xuejian's boat has turned over in the gutter, the deaf old lady can't figure it out.

After all, she was also the number one prostitute in Jiangnan back then!

Compared with the honor being trampled on in the past, the most important thing now is the problem of the police.

If she was really caught, she might not be able to get out for the rest of her life.

Director Zhang had already asked at this time: "Who is here pretending to be a family member of a martyr?"

Neighbors don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and if the deaf old lady is put in prison, they will be completely free.

From now on, you can do whatever you want in the compound.

No one has to donate money for moral kidnapping anymore.

They all pointed at the deaf old lady.

Director Zhang was shocked when he saw that the deaf old lady was the defendant!

Although he has never asked the deaf old lady to do errands, he has heard the name of the deaf old lady more or less in the alley.

The deaf old lady is a well-known old lady in Nanluoguxiang. Not to mention her high morals and prestige, she is also a family member of a martyr.

Everyone respects her very much, and the leaders of all units even want to give her some points.

But now someone sued her for pretending to be a family member of a martyr?

This is no longer a matter of lying, this is simply blackmailing the government!

You need to know how much extra benefits the government will give deaf old ladies every month.

How could the deaf old lady live so peacefully for so many years with these welfare benefits that did not belong to her?

Thinking of this, Director Zhang felt that this old lady was not simple.

But you can't listen to one person's words when handling a case, and you must pay attention to evidence.

Before there is conclusive evidence, Director Zhang can't easily conclude that the deaf old lady is pretending to be a family member of a martyr.

Director Zhang asked the deaf old lady again: "Do you have anything to say?"

"If not, let's go back to the police station now!"

The deaf old lady was terrified when she heard the word police station!

Why did you go to the police station without even investigating?

Will she be tortured to extract a confession when she goes to the police station?

She is so old that she has never been in a police station!

Of course the deaf old lady didn't want to go with Director Zhang, so she hurriedly said, "I have something to say, I have something to say!"

"I was wronged, and he is the one who wronged me, Zhou Xuejian!"

Director Zhang followed the direction of the deaf old lady and saw Zhou Xuejian.

What the deaf old lady didn't expect was that the relationship between Zhou Xuejian and director Zhang was pretty good.

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