"All of us are waiting!"

"You don't mean to deny it!"

"3 yuan is no joke!"

"You have to give us the money!"


Yi Zhonghai's entire face was going to be black, and now it's fine to hand over 2000 yuan to Da Ma.

I was also forced by the neighbors to take the house book, and even the house had to be built.

Can we live in the future?

Where he lives has become a problem. He has 39 yuan left a month, which is not even enough for him to rent a house and eat!

Yi Zhonghai really wanted to deny it, but he knew that he couldn't deny it even if he wanted to.

The neighbors are all waiting for his excitement!

Yi Zhonghai had no choice but to take out the house book and give it to Zhou Xuejian.

After Zhou Xuejian took the house book, he sighed deeply.

Yi Zhonghai thought it was over, and the neighbors also thought it was over.

No one is sure why Zhou Xuejian sighed.

"Zhou Xuejian, why are you sighing?"

"That's right, after taking the house book, I quickly mortgaged Yi Zhonghai's house."

"So give us all the money!"

"What? You won't go back on your word, will you?"


Zhou Xuejian said: "How could I go back on my word?"

"It's just that this house book can't be exchanged for money!"

"I guess it's still not enough, so Comrade Yi Zhonghai has to work hard to give us some more."

Yi Zhonghai is in a hurry now!

At the beginning, Zhou Xuejian wooed the neighbors to ask for his money and let it go. Later, when the money was not enough, he used the house to make up.

As a result, the house was given, but they said that the house was not enough and asked for money.

This is simply a bottomless pit that cannot be filled!

What does Zhou Xuejian mean?

He just wants to kill Yi Zhonghai right now, doesn't he?

Money has come and gone, so much money has been given to him, how can he still have money to give to him!

Yi Zhonghai shouted: "Zhou Xuejian, I have endured you for a long time today!" "!"

"You ask for money once on the left and once on the right, how much do you want!"

"Do you have to get me broke to feel comfortable?"

"I can't exchange 3 yuan for such a big house?"

"You understand the market situation, you just talk nonsense!"

Zhou Xuejian saw that Yi Zhonghai was in a hurry, and dared to scold him in front of so many people!

Of course he was anxious too!

"Yi Zhonghai, let me ask you, who in every household is short of a house?"

“Who lives in a house not allocated by the government?”

"If no one is short of a house, how can anyone buy a house!"

"No one buys a house, can you sell this house?"

"If I can't sell it, when can you pay me back?"

"Then if I ask you for some cash now, it is equivalent to a deposit, and it can be regarded as a peace of mind for the big guys, right?"

"You can't give us a house book that can't be sold, just put it here!"

When the neighbors heard Zhou Xuejian's explanation, they immediately understood.

Anyway, this matter is not a disadvantage for them.

The money is theirs, so it will naturally go into their pockets!

And who would dislike a lot of money these days?

The neighbors quickly chimed in.

"Zhou Xuejian is right, you can't give us an empty room to look at!"

"What's the use of taking you a bad check without even seeing a penny!"

"Anyway, you have to take out some money and show us your sincerity!"


Yi Zhonghai was pushed to the edge of the cliff again by his neighbors and couldn't move.

If he didn't pay for this today, he would probably be kicked out of the compound by his neighbors!

In the compound, he could find a place to sleep for two days at least.

If he was thrown out of the compound, wouldn't he have to sleep in the bridge hole!

Yi Zhonghai felt scared when he thought about it, and he panicked.

He looked at the neighbors and shouted: "Then how much do you think is appropriate?"

“I’ve never heard of a deposit being required to pay back the money!”

"You seem to be selling some steel!"

Yi Zhonghai has quite a temper!

At this juncture, he dared to talk back to his neighbors!

The neighbors are not the only ones who talk back, but Zhou Xuejian!

Zhou Xuejian couldn't coddle Yi Zhonghai that time.

Zhou Xuejian said: "I don't want you to have too much money. For a foreign debt of 3 yuan, you should at least take out 5000 yuan, right?"

"Otherwise you wouldn't be considered sincere!"

"Take it for three to five hundred dollars. What if you don't want the money anymore?"

"Then where are we guys going to reason!"

5000 yuan? !

The neighbors were stunned when they heard this number!

Zhou Xuejian is like a lion opening his mouth!

The price of 5000 yuan dares to be opened!

But the more this money is paid, the happier they are, at least 5000 yuan is enough for them to share!

The neighbors looked at Yi Zhonghai very excitedly, hoping that he would quickly promise Zhou Xuejian to give the money.

But it was obvious that Yi Zhonghai agreed to give the money but was unwilling to give so much.

He looked at Zhou Xuejian and said, "'Zhou Xuejian, you are going too far."

"5000 yuan is not much to you, but do you know how much it is to other people?"

"Do you feel at ease with the money in your hands?"

"You're trying to kill me, I figured it out!"

Of course Zhou Xuejian wanted to kill Yi Zhonghai. Didn't he make such a fuss just to make him bankrupt?

But this was also what Zhou Xuejian was thinking. If he really said it openly, Yi Zhonghai would really not give him the money.

Zhou Xuejian immediately moved out of the neighbors and said, "Did you give me the money?"

"It's all the hard-earned money of the neighbors!"

"If you don't take more, the neighbors will see your sincerity!"

"If you don't want to give me this money today, I will promise you to see if the neighbors agree or not!"

As soon as this was said, the neighbors immediately followed suit.

This is the money they saved every penny. The original donation to the Jia family was enough to make them angry.

Now that he can get the money back, why is Yi Zhonghai not doing it anymore?

This will not work!

"Yi Zhonghai, this money is not yours to begin with!"

"You embezzled our donation money!"

"Get it out for us quickly!"

"Otherwise you will see whether we will let you live in this compound from now on!"

"Hurry up and bring it to you!"

Yi Zhonghai gritted his teeth with hatred, thinking that it was the first time he encountered this kind of Waterloo in the courtyard for so many years.

The neighbors forced me to pay. I had to pay the money reluctantly, but I still had to take it.

Yi Zhonghai had no choice but to agree to Ji.

Chapter 179: Embezzlement!How could Zhou Xuejian give money to a beast?

Yi Zhonghai gave the money to Zhou Xuejian, 5000 yuan was put into a small sack.

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