"You two are divorced, legally speaking, you are not a couple anymore."

"This is one, and the other is that you said the court will not care about the two of you!"

"Then what will the court do?"

"Don't you think the court only deals with murder and arson?"

"Things like your divorce and marriage are also under the jurisdiction of the court!"

"If you don't perform according to the agreement, we will report it today and file a case tomorrow!"

Yi Zhonghai was probably intimidated by this, he knew that Zhou Xuejian always said what he said.

If he said that the court will take care of this matter, then the court will definitely take care of this matter.

Not only does the court have to take care of it, but he will really sue him.

Yi Zhonghai was afraid of being accused, but he also knew that this kind of thing was not like murder and arson. Even if he was accused, there would be no problem.


And even if the court ruled that he must provide money to Da Ma.

Can he still be arrested if he doesn't fulfill his obligations?

He didn't murder and set fire, so why was he arrested?

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai regained his confidence.

He said, "So what if you sue me?"

"I just don't pay the money, what can the court do to me?"

"I still don't take my 99 yuan salary."

"Could it be possible that he can still be caught by me?"

"of course!"

Zhou Xuejian looked at Yi Zhonghai firmly and said, "If you don't fulfill your own promises and legal treaties, the court has the right to enforce and legally detain you."

"If you don't believe what I say, you can try it, can I catch you in!"

...... 0

Zhou Xuejian's tone of voice was very firm, and this firmness really surprised Yi Zhonghai.

He even took a step back subconsciously. He looked at Zhou Xuejian as if he was looking at a monster.

He said: "Zhou Xuejian, don't scare me, I don't even have a house now, so I'm not afraid anymore!"

"If I'm caught, my salary will also be in my hand!"

“Keeping money is more useful than keeping anything else!”

"I'll still be rich when I'm old!"

"And Gao Xiaocui has nothing!"

"I'm still slightly better than Gao Xiaocui!"

Yi Zhonghai felt that what he had said was simply too blunt, so why not let Zhou Xuejian take it down?

Let Zhou Xuejian see how powerful he is, and he has already won!

Yi Zhonghai felt as proud as he had won a battle!

Zhou Xuejian wasn't afraid of him at all, and pointed directly at Yi Zhonghai's nose and said, "Yi Zhonghai, you're just dreaming!"

"Do you know what enforcement is?"

"Even your money will be taken away directly by the court."

"Even if you don't get caught, your salary will be frozen, and the court will give you the rest after deducting all the money that should be deducted!"

"It's crazy to think you'll get your own money!"

"I'll give you two choices now, one is to obediently give money to Da Mama every month, and the other is to sue you right away!"

"I'll give you ten seconds to make your own choice!" [-].

Chapter 220 Bloodletting!Yi Zhonghai pays high alimony?

Yi Zhonghai made Zhou Xuejian break into a cold sweat, he didn't know if what Zhou Xuejian said was true.

But looking at his serious expression, Zhou Xuejian has not lied.

Zhou Xuejian is the most knowledgeable person in the entire compound, and he also knows the law.

The most important thing is that he always walks the talk and never tells a lie.

Zhou Xuejian said that if he wanted to sue Yi Zhonghai, he would definitely sue him.

Yi Zhonghai has no house and no wife now, if he is sued by the court again and the money is taken away, he will have nothing!

It would be great if Sha Zhu could come back.

Yi Zhonghai's head was in a mess, he was thinking a lot at this moment.

He even thought about things 30 years in the future.

He was cheered up by the thought of the dreary picture that his old age would be.

He didn't want him to be old "[-]" in the future and not even have a person to serve him, and even died on the bed one day without even a person to collect the body.

If he's in jail, he'll lose his job at the appointed rolling mill.

Without his salary of 99 yuan, he is nothing.

He is nothing, which means that he has nothing.

Yi Zhonghai was afraid, because he was afraid that he would have to compromise in the face of Zhou Xuejian's threat.



Zhou Xuejian is still counting down to Yi Zhonghai!

He no longer had the patience to leave so much time for Yi Zhonghai.

Zhou Zhou was about to count to one when he was learning swordsmanship, and Yi Zhonghai became frightened all of a sudden.

"I'll continue to give Gao Xiaocui money!"

Yi Zhonghai said quickly.

He wasn't sure if Zhou Xuejian would do something to himself after counting to one.

If he dragged him directly to the police station, it would be ruined, and Yi Zhonghai's life would be ruined.

If Yi Zhonghai's whole life was ruined by work-related injuries, it would be okay, but this divorce directly ruined his future.

How could Yi Zhonghai be willing to do this kind of thing!

Yi Zhonghai thought this and quickly agreed to Zhou Xuejian.

A triumphant smile appeared on Zhou Xuejian's face immediately.

In fact, this is not over yet!

Does he want Yi Zhonghai to compromise?

Not at all!

He wanted Yi Zhonghai to bleed again!

Just when Yi Zhonghai felt relieved and was about to turn around and leave, Zhou Xuejian stopped Yi Zhonghai again.

Yi Zhonghai turned his head, his expression was full of impatience.

He really didn't understand why this Zhou Xuejian was so nosy like a bitch.

Now that he has promised to pay him, what else does Zhou Xuejian want?

Did he want to force Yi Zhonghai to death?

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai felt bad.

He asked impatiently, "What's the matter with you?"

"I promised everything, what's the matter!"

Zhou Xuejian said: "You can't just promise!"

"For someone like you who wants to tear up the divorce agreement, what does a verbal agreement mean?"

"A verbal promise will only make you feel lucky. You don't know how, do you?"

"You have no credibility now!"

"Otherwise, don't pay the money in installments, just pay it in full!"

Full payment?

Zhou Xuejian's words not only surprised Yi Zhonghai.

The neighbors were also surprised.

First of all, they don't understand what the full payment means.

Secondly, what the hell is Zhou Xuejian up to.

Neighbors immediately started talking.

"Zhou Xuejian, what does full payment mean?"

"Are you saying you want Yi Zhonghai to give you money now?"

"Is there still a saying that the whole payment will be paid in installments?"

"What is full payment? What is installment?"


Zhou Xuejian didn't even bother to answer the neighbors' questions.

Now he just wants to know Yi Zhonghai's reaction.

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