Isn't Zhou Xuejian too ruthless?

But after he asked Yi Zhonghai this way, if Yi Zhonghai didn't tell the truth, wouldn't he not be able to get all his money?

Neighbors were unsure and wanted to take another look.

Sure enough, Yi Zhonghai thought the same way. He felt that Zhou Xuejian, who had always been smart, had become less smart now.

He still has some money at home now, but he just cried poor and said less.

Zhou Xuejian would not find out either.

Then he wouldn't let Zhou Xuejian be bullied so badly.

Zhou Xuejian was really deadly with a sword, but this time he stabbed crookedly.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai became excited.

He said without thinking, "I only have 200 yuan left."

Yi Zhonghai is really shameless!

Who would believe that he had 200 yuan left?

He is the richest person in the whole courtyard!

Although the savings of so many years have cost Shazhu a lot of disappointment, they have been spent by the deaf old lady.

But it doesn't mean that there are only 200 yuan left, right?

He just wanted to fool Zhou Xuejian into not wanting to give him the money.

Besides, 200 yuan is not enough to pay the maintenance fee for the big mother for one year!

If you don't want to give money, just say it, why make up such a dirty joke.

The neighbors felt that Yi Zhonghai was a fake, and couldn't help discussing it.

"`ˇYi Zhonghai, who would believe you when you said you only have 200 yuan left!"

"200 yuan is not enough for you to spend a month, right?"

"If you only have 200 yuan left, we will eat that 200 yuan on the spot, do you believe it or not?"

"Who are you fooling here, 200 yuan, do you think I look like 200 yuan!"


When Yi Zhonghai saw that the neighbors didn't believe him, he immediately panicked!

Why doesn't 200 yuan count as money?

If it were placed in the third master's house, the 200 yuan would be enough to feed their family for a year!

How much purchasing power does his 200 yuan have in this day and age.

Do they still feel less?

Yi Zhonghai felt that he had already said enough, and this group of people simply watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal.

But the lie (good Li Hao) has been told, and he can't go back on it.

Yi Zhonghai had no choice but to grit his teeth and say cheekily, "What's wrong with the 200 yuan?"

"I've been spending so much lately, I already have that money left."

"It's your fault if you don't believe me, anyway, I have no money."

"I only have 200 yuan, believe it or not!"

Yi Zhonghai simply put it in ruins, anyway, they couldn't go to his house to search.

It’s not just that he has as much as he says he has.

But Yi Zhonghai finally forgot one person, and that was Aunt Kua.

The first mother has been with him day and night for decades, and she knows where Yi Zhonghai's things are best known.

She didn't want Yi Zhonghai's money, but she just felt that Yi Zhonghai's eyes were open and he was talking nonsense.

The first mother directly rushed into Yi Zhonghai's house.

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he hurried to stop Da Ma.

Chapter 223 Zhou Xuejian is furious at Yi Zhonghai!

Yi Zhonghai knew that Big Mom was heading towards his door, so he was frightened and panicked.

Although he didn't know what the first mother was going to do at his own house, he knew that the first mother was definitely not going to do something good.

He was afraid that he would be exposed, and that the aunt would do something impulsive.

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he stopped Big Mom, but his legs couldn't keep up with Big Mom.

When he caught up with Da Mom, Da Mom had already come out of the house holding Yi Zhonghai's money box.

The moment Yi Zhonghai saw the money box, his entire face turned green!

He finally knew what Big Mom was going to do!

Big Mom wants to take out all his money!

This is all his life!

Yi Zhonghai's life is put in this box, the big mom is not taking his money, but taking his life!

Of course Yi Zhonghai wanted to protect his own life!

He couldn't let the only thing left in his life be gone.

He was so frightened that he hurried to grab the box in Da Ma's hand!

The big mother clutched the box, as if she was protecting her own child.

She knew that she was determined not to let Yi Zhonghai take the box away, she had to tear Yi Zhonghai's ugly face for everyone to see.

This Yi Zhonghai was talking nonsense with his eyes open, and he was still unwilling to pay child support after divorcing her!

She worked so hard to follow Yi Zhonghai for so many years, how could 353 let herself end up like this.

Auntie will never allow herself to suffer such a disadvantage.

Big Mom's determination made her guard the box tightly, and Yi Zhonghai couldn't take it away even if he wanted to.

"give me back!"

Yi Zhonghai rushed to the back and became anxious. He had to get his life back.

He couldn't let this woman take away everything he had.

He lost his marriage, lost his pensioners, lost his inheritance rights, and he couldn't lose his savings anymore.

Thinking of this, Yi Zhonghai felt extremely flustered. When he was flustered, he used more strength to snatch the box.

Yi Zhonghai yanked the box so hard that it opened it!

The scattered money inside fell to the floor!

"my money!"

Yi Zhonghai was so frightened that he lay down on the ground to pick up the money, which shocked the neighbors!

They had never seen Yi Zhonghai like this before!

And I have never seen so much money!

Although the money came in all denominations, most of it was ten yuan!

That box is so big, it can hold bedrolls!

A whole big box of ten dollars, wouldn't that cost thousands of dollars!

It would be fine if Yi Zhonghai didn't yell, but if he yelled, it would be exposed that the money belonged to him.

Since he is so rich, he still doesn't want to take it out. What does that sound like?

Neighbors immediately felt that Yi Zhonghai was a fake person. They already thought he was fake enough, and now they thought he was even faker.

"Yi Zhonghai, didn't you say you only have 200 yuan left?"

"Then what's the deal with the money?"

"You didn't mean two hundred dollars, did you?"

"I don't think this box is necessarily all your savings."

"Hurry up and hand over how much money you have left!"

"With so much money, I still don't want to pay my aunt alimony!"

"Aren't you a little too much!"

"And you have to lie to everyone that you only have 200 yuan!"

"It's not us who took the money, what are you pretending to be with us?"


After Yi Zhonghai was exposed, his face turned ashen.

If he took out the money himself, he would feel more comfortable.

But the money was given to him by the big mother.

In Yi Zhonghai's heart, he even hated Da Ma very much.

This kind of hatred made him collapse. He looked at the big mother and said, "Gao Xiaocui, why are you taking my money?"

"We're both divorced!"

Yi Zhonghai's roar was so loud that he had already used his voice to prove to everyone that he was angry.

In order to protect Da Ma, Yu Zhongsheng directly guarded Da Ma behind his back.

He pointed at Yi Zhonghai's nose and cursed, "What are you barking at?"

"Obviously you lied first, if you don't lie, can Xiaocui give you (agah) the money box?"

"Don't lie if you have the ability!"

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