Seeing the increasing hatred, everyone smiled. Steamed Bun Invasion is indeed a very special style of play... Ye Xiu has never seen a ranger hooligan hit his face with a brick in all these years.

The boss Khan in the blinding effect seemed to be about to go into a rampage because of Baozi's invasion of the brick. Ye Xiu immediately called everyone to leave the central area, while he mounted an anti-tank gun and continued to attack in the air one after another.

After a while, a large piece of boss Khan's armor fell off, revealing his true body.

Everyone has seen the sheep head on the boss Khan, and Yue Zhongmian is full of expectations. Now for Yue Zhongmian... It doesn't matter whether the boss rewards or not, he can show off on TV!This is most important.

Ye Xiu interrupted the boss Khan's rampage... After flying into the air, the Gatling machine gun fired tiny bullets, pressing down on the boss Khan to get up.

Su Lin and Tang Rou were the first to charge forward again, aiming at the boss Khan's heart with random strikes. Su Lin did an uppercut, a heavy punch with his back hand, and when he couldn't stand it, he said something heart-breaking.

I saw Su Lin trying to dig out his heart a few times, wanting to tear out the boss Khan's heart!But the boss Khan's resistance was too strong.

Su Lin could only slap the boss Khan twice, saying that he didn't know how to flatter him, and then he flanked Tang Rou left and right, and started beating the boss Khan indiscriminately.

Baozi's Invasion of Moon Sleep is just around the corner. If you look at the right moment, you can use the skill of throwing sand, breaking the body, or temporarily freezing to achieve the perfect control effect on the boss Khan.

After another 3 minutes, the boss Khan's blood volume has been slowly decreasing, and his defensive power has begun to slowly disintegrate.

But as we all know... the most powerful thing about the boss Khan is not the defense, not the blood volume... but the spinning skills like a tornado... as long as the player is involved... then the mission can basically be declared a failure.

Su Lin and Ye Xiu saw that the boss Khan's HP was about to reach 30.00%.

Immediately he directed the crowd to leave the center, while Ye Xiu continued to vacate, but this time instead of the Gatling machine gun, he loaded three more anti-tank shells... again lowering the boss Khan's blood volume.

30%! ! !

"Ho ho ho ho..."

Boss Khan's eyes turned red uncontrollably, the giant ax in his hand split into two, and then his body began to rotate at high speed on the spot.

"The most difficult part is coming! Xiao Su... you take Xiao Tang to No. 45, Baozi, you go to No. 117, and Xiaoyueyue No. 69." Ye Xiu opened the map panel and took a look at the square formation The map location of .

Everyone nodded and used the small hole above to climb to the designated position with one hand and the other. Ye Xiu stuck the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella into the hole, pointed the gun at the spinning Boos Khan, and lowered the boss again with one shell after another. Khan's blood volume.

What can be found is that every time the boss Khan is forced to stop by Ye Xiu's anti-tank shells, it seems that the boss Khan will appear for a second every time.

Panji is everyone's opportunity.

On the other side of the Chinese Herb Hall, after killing the Boss Khan, they found out that it was a fake. After all, only Plantago Seed had seen Boss Khan, but Plantain could not remember the details at that time.

After eliminating the fake boss Khan... Plantago led everyone out of the light and shadow door... Except for the light and shadow door on Ye Xiu's side, all the other light and shadow doors were opened...

In other words, Lord Grim and everyone found the real boss Khan.

"What a damn good luck!" Plantago shook his head helplessly. He couldn't understand... It was said on the Internet that when God opens a window, he will close a door.

But why...Jun Moxiao wants all of the broken stars...does he ignore God?

But Plantago Zi didn't notice that there was a person lying in the coffin in the center of the altar...a person he had scolded.

Su Lin's side continued to fight, Ye Xiu pulled out the panji, Su Lin and Tang Rou used his distance to make up the knife immediately...the blood volume dropped...

But the person who controlled Boss Khan was not a fool. How could he let himself be consumed by Ye Xiu and others?

I saw the boss Khan spinning the double axes, Ye Xiu's shells fell, and the boss Khan met the anti-tank shells with the double axes.

At the moment of meeting, a cannonball was chopped off by the boss Khan and fell to the side.

Pan Ji failed, and the boss Khan approached Ye Xiu, as if deliberately targeting Ye Xiu, jumped up with one step, and slashed down with the twin axes.

Ye Xiu used the recoil of the Gatling gun to go to the sky again, but this time Ye Xiu chose to land on the back of the boss Khan.

The Thousand Chance Umbrella in his hand switched to anti-tank shell mode again.

"Steamed bun...blinding and throwing sand!" Ye Xiu commanded.

Steamed Bun Invasion nodded, stepped out, headed towards Boss Khan's eyes, threw sand... the back of his head.


Boss Khan's head was smashed in the back and he was briefly dizzy.

Shaky and about to fall, even the eyes are invaded by the sandblasting effect of buns, causing blindness.

"Move! Move quickly!" The manipulator of Boss Khan kept pressing the button, wanting Boss Khan to respond.

The steamed stuffed bun invasion seems to be successful.. I am preparing to continue with a serious knee attack.

"Baozi, back off!" After Ye Xiu said that, the boss Khan reacted...repelling Baozi's invasion with one knife.

75% - 50%

This is even the boss Khan, an ordinary strike without any power.

Boss Khan was blind, and continued to wave... Baozi Invasion didn't react, and he didn't get caught.

Seeing that the two axes were about to land on Baozi Invasion's body, Ye Xiu jumped up one by one and fired an anti-tank shell.

This time, it hit the boss Khan directly on the back of the head, knocking him out of action for five seconds.

"The opportunity is here! Xiaoyueyue's silver light falls on the blade, then draws the knife and cuts, the target's leg."

When Yue Zhongmian heard the timing of her performance, she fell from the sky excitedly, and the silver falling blade landed on the boss Khan's leg... arousing layers of blood.

Then he followed up with a sword-drawing slash, and this time the sword-drawing slash actually had a bleeding effect.

Boss Khan staggered two steps, his left leg could no longer stand, Su Lin took advantage of the distance and reached in front of Boos Khan in two steps, with a flying foot, after floating in the air, Su Lin stepped on Boss Khan's shoulder and followed dive.

One punch, two punches, three punches...


Boss Khan fell to the ground.

"Xiao Tang...aimed at the boss's heart, swooped down with Phantom Dragon Fang, and ripped out his heart." Su Lin said.

Tang Rou nodded...

The spearhead was aimed at the heart of the fallen boss Khan, which was a throw.

The blood flame war spear was inserted into the heart of the boss Khan in an instant. Tang Rou followed up and pressed out the phantom dragon fang.

Countless afterimages of the spear fell on the body of Boss Khan with "嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤嗤" until the system issued an announcement,

""Congratulations to Lord Grim, Shattered Stars, Soft Mist, Steamed Bun Invasion, and Sleeping Moon, for completing the tenth district of Wandering Land and the first kill of the final boss Khan! ""

Tang Rou pulled out her battle spear expressionlessly, her dark heart slowly shriveled...until it stopped beating.

Chapter 73 Kid!You have no city!

Ye Xiu and Su Lin took the legendary materials released by Khan and exited the Light and Shadow Gate...

The value of the materials this time is extremely rich, but this is also the reward that those with abilities must get. The fighting heart (legendary) belongs to Tang Rou, the sheep's head chest (legendary) belongs to Baozi Invasion, and the orange weapon vampire lightsaber (rare) belongs to Sleeping Moon , Furious Heat Flame (Legend) belongs to Shattered Stars, Night Spear Stone (Legend) belongs to Lord Grim.

When Ye Xiu and Su Lin were about to leave the Khan's tomb with the materials, a voice came from behind them.

"Zizzi...zizi..." The coffin rose.

Su Lin looked back, and saw a hand stretched out from the coffin. This scene was very similar to Khan's appearance...but the difference in the hand, it is not difficult to see that this is a player.

And waiting for this player to climb out...Su Lin raised his fists, showing excitement, Chen Yehui, the leader of the Excellent Dynasty guild.

"Hey! Pretty boy! Your name is Chen Yehui, right?" Su Lin turned on the voice screen and yelled.

Ye Xiu and Tang Rou's buns invaded Sleeping Moon and surrounded Chen Yehui.

..Everyone in the Khan Cemetery has already left, only Chen Yehui, the president of the Jia Dynasty Guild, is left, and Chen Yehui still crawled out of the coffin. Su Lin didn't see him wanting to be buried in the grave at such a young age But, so...there is only one truth.

Chen Yehui was the man behind the manipulation of the boss Khan.

Su Lin was the first to attack him, approaching him with a heavy punch. Chen Yehui's skills were not bad... he dodged the punch and counterattacked with the spear in his hand. He aimed at Su Lin and unleashed a flying flower. .

But bells and whistles work?Su Lin told Chen Yehui directly by operation.

Su Lin turned over, and countless fists landed on Chen Yehui's shoulders. Su Lin didn't know how Chen Yehui kept his [-]% HP, but for Su Lin... Ye Hui's skills and operations are all just pediatrics!

Ye Xiu and the others were eating melons...just hanging on.

Su Lin punched one after another. Chen Yehui suddenly felt that he was unable to stop him, so he immediately activated his hegemonic body to parry. But don't forget, Su Lin really likes playing with his hegemonic body!

I have to say that Chen Yehui is really brave! ! !

When Su Lin saw the azure halo, he charged his punches and punched... Chen Yehui's blood volume continued to drop, and he even flew out.

It's not over yet!A violent beating has to look like a violent beating. Su Lin followed up with Chen Yehui, and it was a slap in the face. Chen Yehui flew out again, and Su Lin followed up again.

But this time Su Lin followed up and just waved his palm in the air without falling. This also shocked Chen Yehui, mainly because Chen Yehui's battle mage profession's orange weapon had not been locked... If he was The broken stars were knocked down...that...

Originally, Chen Yehui was thinking about the tenth district. There were hundreds of guild players behind him. Who could explode his Orange Weapon?

Chen Yehui also wants to use the orange weapon in his hand to see if he can create a top-level silver weapon... If he can create it, imagine that with his talent... he can also make a name for himself during the transfer period.

"Brother! I was wrong!!" Chen Yehui chose to humble himself for the sake of his Chengwu. Anyway, there was no one around, and no one could see him doing this.

"Wrong? What's wrong?" Su Lin snarled as he stepped forward.

"I xxxx, I cnxxx, I admitted my mistake and you beat me up, don't let me seize the opportunity...or I will kill you and Ye Qiu." Chen Yehui gritted his teeth and looked at the screen, endlessly insulting Broken Stars in his heart, but still suppressed it The voice said, "Great... Great God, I shouldn't control the Khan boss, I shouldn't go against you, please spare me once."

"Forgive you once?" Su Lin heard Chen Yehui's reputation from this sentence. Chen Yehui's nine-year compulsory education was purely for nothing. Su Lin didn't have such important information. Chen Yehui Say it yourself?

little things!You don't have a city mansion!

Su Lin smiled slightly, and walked towards Chen Yehui. Chen Yehui immediately put on a parrying posture cautiously.

Ye Xiu and Tang Rou laughed out loud when Baozi invaded Sleeping in the Moon. Such a funny was truly a once-in-a-lifetime experience! !

It’s no wonder that Chen Yehui was so frustrated. The main reason was that the only top-level orange weapon... hadn’t been bound yet... so he thought he’d endure it and passed by.

Su Lin patted Chen Yehui's spear, and said slowly, " can't beat me again, how about this! You take my three skills, if you can survive...we will make way for you, I won't bother you any more from now on! How about it?"

Chen Yehui thought about it... Now that the Shattered Stars are at level [-], the most powerful ones are nothing more than Beng Quan, Eagle Step, and Punching Fist skills, while the boxing skill at level [-] requires the opponent to make moves. Not using moves is also a useless effect.

One more... How much damage can these skills before level [-] do?Can you take away yourself with so much blood left?

How funny.

Chen Yehui withdrew his spear, "Come on!"

"Okay! It's a man with a handle." Su Lin said with a smile, "Let's do this! I won't bully you, you can fight with your strength."

Chen Yehui laughed out loud, used his parry, and immediately replied, "Okay, okay!"

Ye Xiu and Tang Rou, who were familiar with the properties of Su Lin's gloves, couldn't hold back anymore.

"Okay! This is the first punch!"

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