— How could it be just a partner?

— We are obviously family.

— Always and Forever Family!

—So Mu Xian...brother...

—I will definitely bring you back.

-sure! ! !

Ningguang said many things in her heart that day.

That night, she went to see the man with deep eyes again.

At that time, she already knew that he was Liyue's god.

Rock God, God of Contract and Liyue's Rock King Dijun.

The next day, Ningguang pulled the cart and left Liyue Port.

This time it was still Mingyun Town, but when he came back, it was no longer an empty cart, but pieces of ore that had just been mined.

That day, Dijun taught Ningguang many things.

Just like...

[Things from Liyue Port can be sold to Mingyun Town, but things from Mingyun Town may not be sold to Liyue Port. 】

[The rarer something is, the better it can be sold at that place]

[For example, various gadgets needed in Mingyun Town, such as the ores needed in Liyue Port]

【Prosperity doesn't mean it needs everything】

[Smart merchants can see what can sell for a good price in this place]

[With the help of these commodities sold at a good price, you can take advantage of this opportunity to obtain more profits]

[This is the so-called rare goods to live in]

Chapter 192 Family 6

It's like going back to the past.

But unlike before, where she only thought about filling her stomach, Ningguang already had a goal in her heart.

This goal made Ningguang forget the time and the coldness in the alley.

The only thing Ning Guang remembered at that time was that Mu Xian had a good life in the Gu Hua School.

The first time I secretly went to see him, Ningguang was still wearing the tattered clothes, and her bare feet seemed to be able to feel the coolness inside the stone.

Fortunately, Ning Guang saw that he was not bullied there, and his seniors were all very good people.

Ningguang felt her nose a little sore that day.

She found that he could live well without herself.

The second time, Ningguang put on a clean dress and put on shoes that didn't fit her bare feet.

Although bare feet make Ningguang more comfortable, wearing shoes is an attitude and etiquette to treat customers...

At that time, Ning Guang had already left the alley, but every time she walked to the alley, she would look at the alley from time to time and get a little fascinated.

The business grew bigger and bigger, and Ning Guang, who was too busy, began to call some people to manage his business.

It was also at that time that Ningguang met three people who were well-informed and well-informed.

At that time, Ning Guang also wore the beautiful clothes she dreamed of when she was a child.

Just like what that old lady Liyue said, as long as she grows up, she will naturally have such beautiful clothes on her body.

But she didn't say how much effort it took to get the dress.

Also, she didn't tell Ning Guang how much effort she would have to put in after putting on this dress.

That year's invitation to Xiandianyi, Ningguang was no longer the little girl who squeezed through the crowd to see the emperor.

As a rookie in business these years, Ning Guang was invited to be one of the members of Xian Dian Yi.

Although it was only in the corner, it was the first time that Ningguang knew that "adult" should be added after the address.

For example...Master Ningguang.

Ging Guang looked at the crowd below in a daze, everyone had admiration for the people on the stage in their eyes.

It's only been a year...

They seemed to have forgotten that one of the people they admired was just a "wild species" before.

A "wild species" who squeezed into the crowd and was called "uneducated" by them...


Glittering didn't...

The Emperor once said: The happiest time in life is not when you are proud, but when you are proud and someone happens to share that joy with you.

Ningguang saw Dijun had a strange expression on his face when he said this.

At that time, Ding Guang didn't know what kind of expression that was.

But Ningguang thought, now he should have the same expression as Dijun.

Ning Guang looked at everyone next to him. Their smiles were not as beautiful as Mu Xian's.

Although it looks kind...

But in fact, they are just some "friendly" opponents.

Among this group of opponents, Ding Guang also saw the purple-haired girl from before, and she also participated in the ceremony.

However, unlike Ningguang, she participated in the invitation ceremony as the heir of a well-known Liyue family.

At this time, she no longer has the self-righteous willfulness she once had, and her young age makes people feel extra clean and tidy.

But that doesn't stop Ning Guang from finding her an eyesore...

During the ceremony, she talked eloquently, saying that Liyue is a country full of opportunities. As long as you work hard, you can get ahead, and as long as you work hard, Liyue can become better.

- it's really...

—It’s really a lady’s speech...

The unexpected naive speech made Ningguang a little laugh.

She is obviously a young lady of a big family, but she always thinks she is an ordinary citizen of Liyue.

I always think that I know how the people at the bottom of Liyue Port are doing.

She obviously didn't live that day, but she always thought that those children lying in the alley would only sleep when they were full.

She had never known that those children had used up all their strength to get food.

She also never knew that the reason those children did not leave the alley was because they would be driven away by the Qianyan Army when they walked to the street...

Amidst the applause of the crowd, Ning Guang was surprised to find that this lady named Ke Qing specifically mentioned herself.

He also said that he was self-made, a model worthy of everyone in Liyue to emulate.


Over the past few years, Ningguang just felt that she had become a lot more selfish.

At least, I can watch those children who look like "Little Yunduo" starve to death in front of me coldly.

Ningguang knew that the current self would not be able to pick up another "brother and sister" on the side of the road.

Now my only...

The ceremony that day made Ningguang fake smile all day long.

Also after that day, she found that her smile was also different.

Like Mu Xian's pretty smile.

Another example is my own smile... It's really disgusting...

After that day, Ning Guang stopped laughing easily, and became busy with competing for the Tianquan star.

At that time, Ningguang knew that her strength was not enough to become a Tianquan star, and she didn't even have the qualifications to run for a Tianquan star.

So at that time, Ningguang only had to do one thing well—industrial annexation.

The first thing Ningguang set his sights on was the homeless boy who had feuded with him.

Ning Guang, who was quite vindictive, used some means to destroy other people's trust in the boy, and took his many years of hard work into his own hands without bloodshed.

After that, Ningguang heard that he went to see the Emperor, but he didn't know what they talked about.

In the end, the boy left Liyue Port and did not know where he went.

With this first experience, Ningguang's power quickly developed.

It is said that the business war is a war without gunpowder, and it is true.

Because war is accompanied by the death of a person, and business war is accompanied by the dispersal of families.

husband loses wife...

Wife abandons child...

Children starve to death on the streets...

Ningguang once softened her heart and left room for it.

But in the end, their dying counterattack made Ningguang harden her heart.

Benefits, benefits, benefits!

Businessmen should only have benefits!

Only profit can make Ningguang go higher.

In just half a year, the fledgling business genius has grown into a terrifying existence that almost monopolizes half of Liyue's industries.

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