
What qualifications does she have to blame Mu Xian?

Why should I blame my younger brother! !

Thinking of this, he pinched it with his right hand and quickly let go.

Ningguang knows that all this needs to change...

No matter what, she needs Mu Xian to return to her side.

And this opportunity soon appeared in front of Ning Guang...

Ningguang never believed that she could still see the homeless boy who robbed her goods, but was swallowed up by herself in the end.

But now he should not be able to accept the boy. Now he has become the executive officer of Solstice Kingdom and a rich man.

Ningguang heard that when he first joined Zhidong Country, he helped Zhidong Country solve an economic crisis.

Today, he is no longer the rich man who wanted to grab everything back then. With his eyes squinted, he has a refined expression, and even his tone is calm.

Ningguang knew that she was of the same kind as him.

But there are some differences, Ningguang doesn't bother to pretend these.

After all, what he and he have experienced is not only suffering, but also seeing the darkness of the world.

A person who suffered in childhood can still smile indifferently and take care of others tenderly. Perhaps it can be called gentle and strong.

But a person who has seen the darkness of the world still has a smile that makes people feel refreshed, then there is only one possibility. ,

He wants to pull people into the darkness of the world as well.

Chapter 194 Family 8

The condensed light represents Liyue, while the rich man represents the solstice.

Two people with enmity sat at the negotiating table in Yuehai Pavilion, but the scene was indescribably harmonious.

This is a matter between countries, and the two of them will not bring their personal grievances to Liyue.

However, this does not mean that after the negotiation, the two can continue to live in harmony.

The matter between countries is about a certain contract between the rock god and the ice god, and the content of the contract is related to the heart of the god.

After that negotiation, Ningguang and the rich man were alone.

At the same time, Ningguang also knew some plans about the emperor.

These plans gave Ningguang some ideas.

But before implementing the idea, Ningguang focused on the rich.

The two people now are destined not to rush towards each other and pinch each other's necks.

This is not respectable for their status.

After all, their status now has a more "indecent" way.

For example... for the sake of profit can become dehumanized.

At the end of the negotiation, she stared at the rich man. She didn't want to say anything to the rich man.


"It seems that I haven't seen the little follower who has been following you before..."

These words made Ningguang stop.

She turned to look at the rich man, but saw that he was still squinting: "However, on the way to Winterland, I saw him on a certain ship..."

"Looking at his appearance, he had a good chat with that captain."

During his time in the Winter Kingdom, the rich man did not make any progress. At least he saw Ning Guang's weakness at a glance.

Seeing Ning Guang turn her head, that spring-like smile became weird.

"So let's make a deal."

"I need Beiguo Bank to break into Liyue, and you should need that little servant to come back to you..."

Of course Ningguang knew what the rich man was thinking.

Bringing Beiguo Bank into Liyue is more like a signal that they want to start a business war with Ningguang again.

As Ning Guang said before, the two are considered to be of the same kind.

She knew exactly what the rich man was thinking—he wanted to get back the things he had lost in Liyue before.

But Ningguang didn't care, she could beat the rich man the first time, and she could beat him the second time.

The rich man's plan is simple.

He disguised himself as a crew member of the Southern Cross and joined the fleet, bringing spices that could lure seamounts with him when the fleet went to sea.

The strength of Haishan is enough to sink an unsuspecting fleet, and the rich can plant the culprit of the fleet's sinking on Mu Xian.

Then, Ningguang used various methods to make other people stand on the opposite side of Mu Xian.

And Ning Guang shot to save Mu Xian.

Later, the rich would deliberately leave some evidence that the Southern Cross was destroyed by sea monsters.

While Mu Xian is still innocent.

From the small to the big, so as to spread all kinds of bad rumors about them.

Regardless of whether the rumor is true or false, as long as it spreads enough, it is enough for people to believe it.

As long as some people believe it and spread it from person to person, more people will believe it.

These things may not affect these people, but in a short period of time, they will lose the trust of the people of Liyue.

You know, most of these people are related to Liyue's various economic lifelines.

And Beiguo Bank can also take advantage of this period of time when they have lost the trust of the people, take advantage of it, and take root in Liyue.

Let Mu Xian return to her side, and let Beiguo Bank intervene in Liyue's economy.

It's a win-win situation for Ningguang and the rich.

However, Ningguang knew that if the plan was actually implemented, the relationship between the two would not be a "win-win" for each other.

How could a plan be a real plan?

Perhaps in the real plan, the rich man did not show evidence that the fleet was destroyed by sea monsters...

In this way, the ruined ones are not those who stood in opposition to Mu Xian, but those who saved Mu Xian's eyes...

But Ningguang agreed to the rich man's plan.

After all, rich people have their own plans, and Ning Guang also has his own plans.

With the help of Beiguo Bank to intervene in Liyue's economy... Ningguang, who is Tianquan, is doomed to make this impossible.

Therefore, Ningguang told the emperor about her plan.

But Dijun didn't nod in agreement as before, but just looked at Ningguang with a complicated expression.

After watching for a long time, Ningguang heard the emperor sigh.

"Forget it... Northland Bank... this is not a bad thing."

"If we reach an irreversible situation, I will take action..."

"However, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price of failure..."

Ningguang didn't understand Dijun's words, but she knew that Dijun had given herself a guarantee.

The plan was quickly implemented, and that day Ningguang received information that the Death Star was in trouble.

But unlike the plan...

In order to save everyone on board, Mu Xian awakened his God's Eye to save everyone.

How should I put it...it's really similar to what Mu Xian does...

Fortunately, the captain of Beidou fell into a coma, allowing Ningguang's plan to be carried out smoothly.

The rich man appeared as planned, accusing Mu Xian of being the culprit for destroying the fleet.

As expected, many people came to Ningguang in the first few hours of the trial, and Ningguang used various reasons to make them choose to stand by and watch.

The most interesting thing is the girl with the pink hat, as long as she said something about the "law", she convinced herself.

Ningguang met Mu Xian again, but this time...

The unwarranted crime was read out by the girl named Yan Fei...

With a complex expression, she spoke about the punishment for committing these things.

Immediately afterwards, there was a series of curses from the surrounding crowd.

The cursing sound was refreshing with personal emotions, but it made Ningguang feel harsh.

So she stared at Mu Xian off the stage, and she found that Mu Xian was looking up at herself.

those eyes...

It's like asking yourself if you would stand on your side...

As a sister...as a family member...of course I will always stand by his side!

But Ningguang is still Liyue's heavenly right.

At least, Ningguang can't make Liyue lose for personal feelings.

The glare and no boats are evidence of the destruction of the seamount.

If he rashly protects Mu Xian without any evidence.

This method of solving problems only based on emotion will only make the angry people even more disgusted with Mu Xian.

At the same time, you will also lose trust in yourself as Tianquan.

After all, Ningguang knew that it was impossible for the rich to honestly hand over the so-called evidence.

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