
—That is to say, Mu Xianjun wants to talk to himself...

—That means Mr. Mu Xian is still willing to talk to me...

—Wait for me...Mu Xianjun...

- I'll be over soon!

Chapter 202 The Girl You Like

The plain white figure turned the corner and soon appeared in a corridor.

But the room where the line of sight falls is wide open, and the people inside seem to have walked out of the room.

Even though she thought so, Linghua still chose to walk towards the room.

As expected, the room was empty.

Just when Linghua was wondering where Mu Xianjun was going, she seemed to have thought of something, and hurriedly walked towards a certain direction.

This is not Inazuma, but Ayaka deliberately chose a hotel that is very similar to Kagami Yashiki.

There are pools, rockery, and many fish swimming in the pool water.

Although it's not Inazuma's carp...

However, Mu Xian likes to use small stones as bait to tease the fish.

The eaves of the corridor faded away in Linghua's sight, and then the sunlight fell on the rockery and the pool.

The familiar person was standing not far from the rockery, and the unspoken sword was stuck next to the figure in the unlined clothes.

There is no movement of feeding, Mu Xian is holding a burning straw man in his hand.

The flames gradually spread in the straw man's body, and the raging flames gradually covered the straw man.

Linghua couldn't see Mu Xian's expression clearly, but she clearly saw Mu Xian's action of throwing away the straw man in his hand.

The flickering flames gradually disappeared on Mu Xian's face, and Linghua saw Mu Xian turn around.

Still the same as before, Mu Xian's expression was a little cold, but Ling Hua felt that there were some changes.

There was a slight ripple on the water surface, and the silent Mu Xian pulled out Bu Yanshan from the side and threw it at Ling Hua.

Linghua was stunned by the sudden throw of Wu Yanshan, and she caught the scabbard in a panic.

At the same time, Mu Xian's voice sounded.

"This is the knife you gave me."

"Now I give it back to you."

-give me back?

—This is... what does this mean?

Before Linghua figured out what was going on, she used the scabbard to hold the wooden knife that came back suddenly like a conditioned reflex.

But the unexpected force made Ayaka take several steps back before she could stabilize her figure.

Looking past Bu Yanshan to look at Mu Xian, he saw the blade of the wooden knife deflected, and Mu Xian placed it in front of his sight.

"It's still the same as before..."

"I won, and the two of us have nothing to do with each other."

"Whether he's dead or alive has nothing to do with you."

There was no ups and downs in the words, but the plain words made Linghua's pupils shrink suddenly.

She wanted to say something, but found that Mu Xian's wooden knife was swung out again.

In a hurry, Linghua blocked Mu Xian's attack, and took the space to look at Mu Xian.

"Mu Xian-jun..."

Before he could finish his words, there was another swipe of sword light.

The continuous attacks caused Linghua to lose her balance for a short time, and she did not stabilize her body after taking a few steps back.

When she fell to the ground, she raised her head, and what she saw was the tip of the wooden knife facing her.

"The young lady of the Kamisato family shouldn't be like this."

"Even if it's a real sword, just take it as the chance I give you."

"Hurry up and use the knife, I still have some things to do..."

Mu Xian's back was turned to the sun, making it impossible to see his expression, but Linghua could hear the indifference in Mu Xian's words.

But she didn't want to use a knife, didn't want to fight Mu Xian, didn't want...to bear the price of losing...

The outstretched hand wanted to grab Mu Xian's hand holding the knife, and the blue pupils reflected a little crystal.

"Mu Xianjun...that dance was beautiful."

"I dance very seriously..."

The cicadas chirped loudly and suddenly, and Linghua wanted to make the same expression as before.

The you then...the you then...

"You must have been watching carefully at that time!"

Mu Xian did not answer, even though Linghua was looking forward to Mu Xian's response.

"There's no need to say it."

Mu Xian said: "In the last life, I told myself what you said... I gave myself a chance."

"but now..."

Mu Xian closed his eyes, but opened them again soon: "Who knows if this is true or not?"

"Fake? How could it be fake?!"

"Mu Xian-jun...I really like Mu Xian-jun..."

"I like it so much that I want to be with Mu Xianjun forever..."

"I want to travel to many places with Mu Xianjun..."

"I want to give birth to Mu Xianjun's child..."

"really like..."

Mu Xian's hand holding the knife was tightly held by Linghua, and she wanted to hold that hand with the other hand as well.

Before she could make any movement, she found that Mu Xian had already withdrawn his hand from that hand.

Just like what I said before, Mu Xian will not believe Linghua's words.

I can't believe that Ayaka really likes herself...

Every deception gradually made Mu Xian lose his trust in her.

I don't believe Ayaka's words of love, nor do I believe any of her expressions.

Even if she keeps saying she likes it...even if it's what she calls "having a baby"...

The purpose of all of this may just be to tie myself to Shenli's house...

After all... the siblings will do anything for the Kamisato family.

Mu Xian in the previous life was willing to believe Linghua's words, even if she never showed any emotion on her.

And in this life, Mu Xian didn't think he had anything to support him to believe in Ling Hua...

But Mu Xian is also unwilling to listen to Ling Hua's words that he doesn't know the truth from.

He just looked at the Buyanshan in Linghua's hand, then slowly pulled it out and stuck it in front of Linghua.

"This is your last chance."

Mu Xian said: "Defeat me, or cut off the wooden knife in my hand..."

"I will do one more thing for you and trust you again for free."

The high-intensity battle made Bu Yanshan's edge no longer what it used to be, but it was more than enough to cut through ordinary wooden knives.

Mu Xian's words made Linghua look at the famous sword.

The metal of the blade reflected everything around it, but Ayaka seemed to see two different futures on it.

One is the future where two people who were originally close are gradually drifting away.

Another one... Ayaka saw herself wearing a white suit, with a face filled with anticipation...

—Expectation, how could it not be expected...

—That is what I have been looking forward to!

—That's...that was clearly what was meant to be.

Ayaka didn't know why she held that famous sword.

Holding the knife, she saw Mu Xian not far away walking towards her in a trance.

Just like the young man who was staring at me with an angry look on his face and talking about his poor swordsmanship...

At that time, the boy slowly walked towards himself...

He still had brilliant blonde hair back then, and it was the same weather then as it is now.

At that time, he said...

"Miss Shenli, I don't need to say more about my surname, you can call me Mu Xian..."

"It's the first time we meet, please enlighten me..."

- really...

—Obviously it was completely different between then and now...

—Obviously...Obviously working so hard to become what Mu Xianjun likes...

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