"Although I don't know what the fools are going to do."

Withdrawing his gaze from Aja, he also knew that Aja was not lying.

"But if this rumor can be completely spread to Liyue Port overnight, you should be the only one entrusted with it."

Chapter 34 "My" Dream

It was impossible for Mu Xian's young man's body to be seen by Yan Fei, and it was impossible for him to transform into a ten-year-old boy again in front of Ajia.

After thinking for a while, Mu Xian lied about his "brother" and asked Aja to find the so-called "brother" by himself.

The next second, Mu Xian left the hut and turned into his usual boy self in a deserted corner.

After walking around the hut for a few times, I "accidentally" met Ajia who was looking for a way out, and then brought Ajia back to Yan Fei.

"Is there a crowd of fools... Well... If you get involved with fools, it will be troublesome."

"However, there should be a large amount of funds transfer records in the bank behind such a large number of Mora."

"I said Aja, do you still remember the face of the fools who contacted you?"


Yan Fei's voice came from not far away from time to time, she looked up at the sky, the sun was far less dazzling than before.

Squatting down, the little girl leaning on the stone in front of her still didn't wake up.

The hat that the little girl had been wearing was tilted to the front of her head and was about to fall off, but Mu Xian held it right again.

Not far away, Yan Fei's words came to Mu Xian's ears, and in these words, Mu Xian seemed to hear a soft humming.

When I looked down, I didn't see the plum-blossom eyes of the past.

The little girl's eyes were still closed, but she turned over as if she felt uncomfortable.

The hat that had just been straightened on his head tilted to one side again. His right hand with the red string grabbed Mu Xian's clothes and pulled it over him like a quilt.

Hu Tao's subconscious action made Mu Xian unable to react in time, and his body was pulled a little out of balance by the force.

However, Mu Xian quickly stabilized his body and then took off the black robe on his body.

Whether it was the Layer Rock Abyss or now, the sleeping Hall Master always seemed to have a soft spot for this dress.

The robe that he took off was covered by Mu Xian as a quilt on Hu Tao, and the familiar and long-lost feeling of tranquility reappeared.

This feeling made Yan Fei's voice keep getting smaller and smaller in his ears.

Mu Xian leaned against the rock, and Hu Tao leaned next to him.

It seemed that there was only the sky and the empty grass in front of him. When a breeze blew by, Mu Xian heard his own breathing.

The breath is long, dragging Mu Xian to fall asleep.

Slowly, drowsiness struck, and Mu Xian had a dream in the haze.

In the dream, his body seemed to become smaller. The boy in front of him was holding a spear, and behind him lay hideous faces.

Looking up, he saw the boy's outstretched right hand.

Looking along the right hand, the boy's face could not be seen, but the dazzling blond hair on his head made Mu Xian feel familiar.

In the dream, Mu Xian seemed to be unable to control this body, watching "myself" reach out a delicate hand that had never been seen before, and hold the boy's right hand.

The palm of the young man's right hand was unexpectedly rough, but Mu Xian felt a warmth in his heart.

Mu Xian didn't know what this was, it was like he saw another side of the world.

Then, "I" gradually grew bigger, but I would always see that boy in my sight.

On the mountain of Guhua, would "I" prepare gifts and put them in places where the boy often passed by, and then secretly hid behind the stones and watched the boy pick up the gifts...

Inexplicably, "I" was a little happy.

On the streets of Liyue, "I" would be so frightened when I saw a young boy that I would hide in a corner, poke my head out of the corner, and watch the boy not far away touching the heads of other friends...

Then, "I" was a little envious.

On the boat at the dock, "I" got out from under the cargo box, looking at the big boat leaving, the golden touch on the boat is getting smaller and smaller...

Immediately afterwards, "I" felt a little lost again.


The flames slowly devoured the figure, and a kind and friendly old face inexplicably appeared in the mind of "myself".

This face drove "himself" to pack his luggage, cross mountains and ridges, and look for that old face on Wuwangpo.

Lost, sad, and finally relieved.

"I" stayed in Wuwangpo for a few days, and the final relief made "I" know that the person who left has left, and I should cherish those who have not left.

There seemed to be a decision in my heart, and this decision drove "myself" back to Liyue Port, and drove "myself" to muster up the courage to walk in front of the boy.

But that day, the "self" who returned to Liyue Port saw the young man was shot by an arrow, and the gold in his eyes was completely submerged in the sea of ​​clouds.

The golden color disappeared, and then the darkness gradually took over the sight.

Before the darkness completely covered his sight, Mu Xian suddenly woke up from his dream.

The sound of breathing, the sound of rapid breathing was continuously transmitted to the awakened Mu Xian's ears.

When Mu Xian came back to his senses, he found that he was breathing heavily, as if he had just experienced something that left him frightened.

Mu Xian slowly calmed down his body, but it felt like something was stuck in his chest near his heart.

The strange feeling made Mu Xian look at Hu Tao.

The little girl next to her still had her eyes closed, and the loose clothes and her body covered the lower half of the little girl's face.

But for some reason, Mu Xian always felt that the girl was awake, squinting her eyes and smiling.

"If I could share Hu Tao's love with each of Mu Xian..."

The warmth on the bracelet made his eyes focus, and the sleeping look of the little girl in front of him was no longer as jumpy as usual.

Mu Xian rubbed his ears, the voice he heard before was like what he just said.

The palm of one hand rubbed against the back of the other hand, and the palm didn't seem rough.

Stretching out his right hand, the familiar figure was in front of him again.

But this time Mu Xian didn't pause, and passed through the figure with his right hand, as if trying to grab something behind the figure.

In the next instant, the figure shattered like a mirror, but there was nothing behind the figure.

Even though it was expected, Mu Xian felt somewhat disappointed.

One opened another's closed heart, drained of all the love it contained.

But well...

Looking at the empty space in front of him, Mu Xian stretched out his right hand and held it empty. It was another girl's hand.

The pale and slender fingers were covered with rings and nails, Mu Xian who was holding this hand could feel the hardness of the palm.

But apart from hardness, there is more tenderness.

The tight feeling in his right hand made Hutao open his eyes and saw the boy in front of him for the first time.

In the confusion of waking up, Hu Tao didn't feel anything, but looked down at his grabbed right hand.

Then, there was a little sour joy.

"Let's go, let's go home."

Mu Xian's tone was still so indifferent, but Hu Tao could feel that there was a lot more.

Water mist filled the eyes, washing away the previous weakness and the darkness that blocked the light.

"Why are you crying?"

After lifting Hutao up from the ground, Mu Xian felt a strange feeling in his heart.

"No! Why would Hutao cry?"

Wiping away the tears from his eyes as if venting his anger, Hu Tao glared at Mu Xian, but was stunned the moment he turned his head.

The stunned girl smiled, like the only blooming neon dress on the dead soil.

"Xiao Mumu, this hall master seems to be seeing a smile."


Mu Xian froze for a moment, touched the corner of his mouth, it seemed that he was much taller than usual.

"Just laugh."

Mu Xian put his hands down, not caring: ""

After the words fell, Mu Xian only felt his eyes go dark, and his whole body was hugged tightly.

"No matter what, this hall master can hug you if he wants to."

Hutao, who was holding Mu Xian, said, "Otherwise, this hall master will be like the people who spread rumors about the Hall of Rebirth and tell everyone about your smile."

Mu Xian didn't speak, he turned his head and was about to break free from Hu Tao's embrace.

How should I put it, this hug is not as comfortable as I imagined, on the contrary, it hurts from the pressure on my forehead...

"Master Yan Fei? Master Yan Fei!"

Ajia's voice startled Yan Fei.

Yan Fei came back to her senses, and found that she was holding on to the book hanging on her waist, and the knuckles of her right hand holding the book turned white.

Afraid of being seen, he quickly let go of the book in his hand and looked at Aja in panic.

"Aja, what's wrong?"


Ajia looked at Yan Fei with strange eyes: "Is it Master Yan Fei who is in poor health? I called for a long time before you responded."

"No, no, I'm just thinking about something."

Yan Fei shook her head quickly, but her eyes turned to the two people holding Ajia behind her.

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