It's Impossible for a Girl to Find a Cthulhu in a Textbook Author: Zcraft

In this crazy world, girls learn forbidden knowledge, and no one knows whether they will be saved or fall into deeper madness.A burning factory, terrifying monsters, and a gloomy castle are the ninth birthday gifts Ella received.

Prologue: The Surviving Girl

Glamis Castle is located between the rolling hills of the Angus region in eastern Scotland. It is a magnificent building surrounded by white rose flowers.

Ella, who had just passed her ninth birthday, was wearing a red and black student plaid skirt. She trotted after a middle-aged gentleman wearing a wide-brimmed hat, took his hand and entered the castle.

Young girls, gloomy Normandy turrets, groups of students in the castle and middle-aged gentlemen dressed in this year's fashion.These irrelevant elements are being suddenly kneaded together by an invisible big hand.

Ella has no real feelings about what happened these days, but it doesn't matter. After all, no matter how bad the new environment is, it can't be worse than before, can it?

It all started in London a week ago.


North of the Thames, a fire broke out in a textile factory in the East End, which is not unusual in the East End, which is known for its chaos, but this time the incident seemed to be different.

The sour smell of the slums mixed with the pungent smell of burning cloth rolled up thick smoke, which made the evening sky look darker.

Henry is the director of this textile factory, and he knows a lot about the incident that appeared to be a fire.The dead millworkers meant nothing to Henry, but the smell of burning cloth was like a blunt knife cutting through his heart with its notched edge.

Henry pressed the intense stomach pain into his greasy belly and put on a big smile.He looked at the men in black robes who were scattered around but blocked all the exits of the factory, and couldn't help but took out a handkerchief from his pocket to wipe the cold sweat off his head.He clearly remembered that after these professionals he found through some means rushed into the factory, thick smoke was ignited there.

Henry didn't dare to complain about this result. He had heard about the methods of these people, and it was something that made him feel creepy just thinking about it.What's more, compared to what actually happened in the factory, the fire seemed much milder.

A whistle sounded from inside the mill, signaling the completion of the mission.

The man in the wide-brimmed hat patted Henry on the shoulder. He was the leader of the group of men in black robes and what they called the Professor.

"Mr. Henry, you should know how to explain this accident to the outside world."

"Of course!"

Old Henry put away his handkerchief and swallowed.

"I know your rules. This time it was just a fire caused by the factory worker's careless operation. I don't know anything else!"

The professor touched the brim of his hat and shook his head.

"What I mean is, it's better for you to know some things, such as going to see the current situation inside the factory with me, at least in this way, we can make the lies more believable."

Henry's expression changed, and he took a step back in resistance, but the professor grabbed his arm involuntarily.Henry could see that the professor's hand was as dry as a claw, but full of strength, like an iron hoop, he couldn't break free.

As the director of a textile factory, Henry has seen all kinds of people for more than ten years. He is quite confident in his eyesight. As long as he sees a person's expression and demeanor, he will make a more accurate judgment on that person's character. judgment.

He raised his head and looked at the middle-aged man called the professor. The professor's figure was hidden in the wide black robe. The dark sky made the shadow of the brim of the hat cover most of his face, leaving only a pair of gray-green eyes. Glittering in the shadows, like the eyes of a bat or a wolf in the night.

Henry suddenly shivered as if falling into an ice cave, and looked away. He gave up resisting and let the professor drag him into the factory.

It was originally a place Henry was all too familiar with. Rows of spindles and looms were lying on the ground of the factory.But what was hanging on it was not cloth but a strange film that was black and red. The smell was not that of dye or cloth, but the smell of burnt protein and an inexplicable sour smell.

Henry took two steps forward with a heartbroken heart, and walked towards a crooked textile machine. The cloth and dyes were ignored. If even the machine was scrapped, the loss would be too great.Henry tore off the half-burnt black-red film in twos and threes. In a stream of warm and viscous liquid, something spherical rolled out of the film into his arms.The head of the textile factory first caught the thing, observed it briefly, and then let out a scream like a strangled duck.

It was the head of a person. The strange thing was that it seemed to have been soaked in strong acid or something. All the hair had disappeared, and the skin and facial features had melted into a sticky liquid, covering Henry all over.Only then did he see clearly the red and black substances that covered most of the factory space. Those were just melted flesh, and then they were scorched by the fire and turned black.The head of the textile factory scrambled and hid behind the professor, hugging his thigh, his huge and fat body shrank into a ball.

The professor pulled Henry apart and dusted off the stains on his pants with some disgust. He found that the color of the fat factory manager's pants had obviously become much darker, and the disgust in his eyes was even stronger.The professor forced down these displeasures and walked deeper into the factory.

In the center of the factory, there is the remains of a huge monster. It is an indescribable alien shape that makes people feel disgusted from the bottom of their hearts. To describe it, it is like a large number of corpses and internal organs mixed with black translucent gel. A product of random collages.

At first glance, it looked like the pile of flesh piled up by the corpses of factory workers that Henry found, and then poured with black and shiny asphalt, but the thick tentacles that were still twitching unconsciously told others that it was an independent creature.

At this time, most of the alien's body was burnt into charcoal, and disgusting blood and liquid flowed from the split part of the wound.

More than a dozen men in black robes surrounded the remains of the monster, holding various things such as old flintlock guns or copper-colored carvings in their hands.

"There were no casualties."

The professor remembered the number of companions who rushed into the factory, but asked the question just to be on the safe side.You can never be too careful when dealing with this kind of thing, and there have been recorded incidents in history where entire execution teams have been replaced by monsters with tragic results.

"There were no casualties, professor. The opponent was just a Shoggoth, but it ate too many workers and became huge, which caused us some trouble. We had to use [Magic Flame] to burn down most of the factory." The tall man in black robe stood up. The thing wrapped around his hand looked like a woman's long hair, and the hot temperature still remained on it. It seemed that the fire in the factory was inseparable from this thing.

"Are there survivors?"

"We haven't had time to search carefully." The man in black robe shrugged, as if he didn't have much hope for it. "This thing stayed in the factory for at least an hour before we arrived, and there was very little hope that anyone could survive... …Unless that person is our kind.”

After confirming the safety, Henry put his nausea aside and began to tear off the bloody film wrapping the machine to check the machine and save his assets.When he checked some leftover cloth in the corner, he screamed again, because there was obviously something wriggling in it, and then slowly crawled out, which made the scream of the middle-aged factory manager another octave higher.

The tall man in the black robe tensed his muscles, took a step forward, and made an aggressive gesture, but the next second the professor stretched out his left hand to stop him. He carefully looked at the thing crawling out of the cloth, and then talked with At the same time, the professor had a strange look on his eagle-like face.

"It's not really that coincidental, is it?"

Climbing out of the depths of the curtain was a young figure, a thin girl about eight or nine years old.Wearing shabby blood-stained work uniforms, her silver-white hair was stained with stains, her little face was dirty, but her rare pink eyes were clearly visible in the shadows.

"Ayla?! You're alive!"

The girl trembled visibly when she heard the voice of Henry, the factory manager. Her work clothes had been corroded by acid and turned into tattered cloth strips, revealing her immature body.The girl named Ella is also a worker in the factory. Although it is not uncommon to have several child laborers deep in the factory in the Whitechapel area, Ella's age is too immature in comparison.

In fact, she is a child fostered here by Henry's cousin who has been away all year round. Although her father will send Henry a large amount of maintenance money every once in a while, but in the spirit of not letting anyone eat in her hands According to the principle, Henry still let the girl into the textile factory.The fact that the girl is still alive makes Henry very satisfied. In this way, at least for a long time in the future, he can still get that large and pleasant child support with peace of mind.

Ella felt a little dizzy from Uncle Henry's yelling. She hid in the depths of the cloth. She had lost a lot of strength after experiencing the terrible slaughter. Her legs seemed to fall backwards when her legs went limp. Then, a dry but warm His hands supported her from behind.

Ella turned around and met a pair of gray-green eyes.These terrifying eyes that make ordinary people feel like wild beasts, make the girl feel inexplicably kind and familiar.

"My name is Howard, Howard Yousef, you can call me Professor Yousef, little lady, can you tell me your name?" Although Professor Youssef heard the girl from Henry's yelling However, he still asked the girl again. He wanted to observe whether the factory incident had affected the girl's mental sanity, which was the key for them to judge similar qualifications.


The silver-haired girl was stunned. She had never heard anyone call herself "little lady" before, which made her feel a little fresh and strange, but she was only stunned for a moment.

"My name is Ella, Ella Williams, just call me Ella."

Professor Yousef nodded in satisfaction. The girl who survived the nightmare environment still retains a clear logic of thinking, which means that the girl has a spiritual will above the passing line.But he still felt a little puzzled. Even though Ella was the same person as them, she was only eight or nine years old after all. Could such a young girl survive for an hour under the threat of monsters?

With these questions, Yousef said, "Little Ella, can you tell me what exactly happened?"

Thinking back to those terrible things, the girl slumped on the cloth, buried her little face in her knees, and began to speak slowly.

"...that ooze-like monster that ate everyone up."

"Didn't it attack you?"

"No... I was eaten too." Ayla buried her face deeper.

But Yousef was stunned. The fate of being swallowed by Shoggoth can be clearly seen from the corpses of those factory workers. The fragile human body will be melted into sticky flesh by the acidic gastric juice, but the girl Not only was there no injury, not even a single piece of silver hair was corroded by acid, it just got a little dirty, which was beyond Professor Yousef's comprehension.

But when he observed carefully, he found that the light on the girl's silver hair was a little blurry. It was almost undetectable. The cold, gray flames had begun to extinguish gradually, but as the flames beat slightly, even the silver hair The bloodstains and stains on it are slowly disappearing.Only then did Yousef realize that although he had not seen any records of this ability in his past experience or books, it was obvious that this was the reason why Ella was able to survive.This made Yusuf's eyes brighter and brighter.

The girl continued to speak in a low voice, her tone hardly changed, but with an indifference that shouldn't be at this age.

"In the belly of that monster, everyone became like a burning candle..."

Although the people in black robes had rich experience, they still felt the creeps when they heard the metaphors spoken by the young children.

On the other hand, Henry had already covered his mouth with his hands to suppress his screams. He definitely didn't see Ella's difference. Maybe he attributed her survival to good luck, or he didn't think about this problem at all, let alone Thinking that this clumsy child laborer is the "same kind" of those men in black robes.

"Later... the people over there rushed into the factory with a lot of adults. After the monster was attacked, it vomited me and everyone out, and I hid... You will all know later."

After Ella finished speaking, her eyes almost closed. After confirming that the environment was safe, unbearable drowsiness and fatigue swept over the girl's body, but she still managed not to fall asleep, because an inexplicable intuition told herself that the sight in front of her was Middle-aged people will bring decisive changes to her in the future.

A kind expression appeared on Yousef's face, "Ella, I just said that I am a professor. Are you willing to be my student and go to my college?"

Henry's face changed drastically. If Ella left here, after his cousin knew about it, he would no longer be able to get that alimony. In the past few years, Henry has taken this money as a natural income.But he didn't dare to directly reject Howard Yousef, so he could only wink at Ira desperately, making a terrifying expression of wanting to swallow her alive, and it was hard to say for a while whether it was the one who killed more than a hundred factory workers The monster and who looks more hideous and terrifying.

"What will you teach me?"

"Magic, just like those fairy tales and popular novels." A bright flame lit up in Yusef's left hand, not as hot as an oil lamp in the night.

The girl smiled softly, showing a little innocence in line with her peers, but then shook her head, unable to resist the sleepiness anymore, her eyes slowly closed, and the words she spoke became like murmurs sleep talking.

"I would, but Uncle Henry wouldn't agree..."

"I'll talk him into it, go to sleep kid."

Professor Yousef lowered his body and picked up the girl curled up in the cloth.Then he turned around, his kind expression changed back to as sharp as an eagle.

"What do you say, Mr. Henry?"

Fat Henry began to wipe the sweat from his brow with the handkerchief again, but he still smiled all over his face. He took a deep breath and tried to calm his voice.

"At your convenience, Mr. Professor."

Henry replied.

Chapter 1 Birthday Song

Carrying a small leather satchel, Ella followed Professor Yusef to the train platform.After that, they rested for several hours.The men in black, whom Yusef called the executors, burned the grotesque corpses into charcoal. With the help of Henry, the factory manager, the incident was finally disguised as an ordinary fire.

As for the outside world, the police officers, under the instructions of their superiors, knew no less than Henry. However, the families of the factory workers and unrelated people all needed money compensation and a relatively reasonable explanation.

Ella had two hours to pack the belongings she needed to take away, but in the coming winter season, except for a pair of deer brown thick woolen gloves sent by her parents whom she had not seen for a long time, several pieces of the same style, Oversized overalls are Ella's entire possession.

Ella had almost forgotten what her parents looked like. She would only occasionally hear Uncle Henry mention her wandering cousin, and then she would slow down and realize, oh, that was her father.

Even the pair of woolen gloves had always been worn by her cousin Will, Henry's only son. He was only 16 years old, but his belly was already Henry's size.Henry, who used to dote on children, forcibly snatched the gloves from the young man's dissatisfied and puzzled expression, and stuffed them to Ella.

Professor Yousef watched everything silently. Ella, who woke up after only an hour's sleep, found a rag and neatly wrapped the same style of work clothes.

Henry dodged Yousef's increasingly cold gaze, and the latter snorted coldly, threw the rag package out of Henry's three-story building, and pulled Ella out without even looking at the farewell dinner prepared by Henry. The small building.

Ayla's clothes that had been corroded into rags by the monster's stomach acid could no longer be worn, and that thing can now cover no more than a few nylon ropes, although in the end Ayla has nothing to cover.

Ella was wearing the professor's overly long coat, and her hands and feet could only reach half of the sleeves, which looked very funny.

The female store manager of the clothing store looked at the suspicious two with a strange expression.If the middle-aged customer hadn't been generous enough to take out a lot of pounds without hesitation, and the girl hadn't shown resistance to him, the female store manager would probably have chosen to call the police.

"Sir, what do you think of this one? It was a pleated skirt ordered by a viscount for his daughter. Later, that viscount went to prison... Ah, don't worry about it, I think its style should be very suitable. your daughter."

The female store manager was talking nonstop. It was a black ruffled children's pleated skirt, decorated with complex lace patterns on the cuffs and neckline, and paired with a small palace-style soft hat.She put the dress on Ella involuntarily.Ella's appearance was originally very cute, but she had been wearing shabby work clothes in the past few years, and her face was often stained with various dyes. After dressing up again, and her face was pale due to weakness, she looked even more... Like a delicate doll.

"Ella, what do you think?"

"It's too expensive, I can't..."

Yousef whistled softly. If Henry saw this scene, he would be surprised. This was completely different from his impression of the professor.

"Don't worry about money, it's meaningless to people like us, not to mention that your parents will send your alimony and tuition directly to the college later, and by your Uncle Henry's standards, it is indeed a huge sum of money , not to mention—" The professor smiled, "Happy birthday Ella, you are nine years old, and although you still have a school uniform after you arrive at the station, this is a trivial gift from the professor to the students."

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