Ella watched from the hillside.

Edward sighed and let the liquor linger between his lips and teeth. When it became bitter and pungent, he swallowed it. He exhaled and answered:

"There is no Sutter Town anymore. It's too dry here. The wood that makes up the houses is gone, and now only coke is left. Even if the streets here are rebuilt, it should no longer be called Sutter Town. This is very common in the west. , if you take out a map five years ago, you will find that there are almost no place names that match today."

Ella was silent. The western United States and the Whitechapel District of London were similar but different. Before the discovery of gold mines, poverty was their common theme. What is unique to Whitechapel District is decay and death under order, while what spreads in California is chaos. numbness and cruelty.

She shook her head, this was not a question that should be thought about now, it didn't make any sense.

Now there are more practical matters to consider.First of all, it was impossible for her to buy mercury and coarse salt from gold diggers, which are essential materials for drawing old seals.Edward told her that this could only be bought from other towns more than ten kilometers away. Ella could go with them. The gold diggers also needed new fresh water and food supplies.

There are still four days and nights left before the one-week deadline that Adolf said, but it is impossible for Ella and the others to wait here anymore. The town of Sutter no longer exists, but this is not a big problem. She can stay at the Golden Sunshine Hotel As long as the two professors Adolf and Yousef return here, they can easily contact Ella through the messenger.

The question now is how to rescue Andre and the residents as soon as possible, or how to prevent Gore from entering the cave too early.As long as the time is delayed until Adolf returns, it will be very easy to deal with the lame Gore and dozens of gunmen.

[There’s no need to go to such trouble, you can deal with them yourself, they’re just dozens of inferior creatures. 】

Startled, Ella looked around for the source of the sound.She heard this voice before. During the magic ceremony four years ago, Ayla's consciousness fell into confusion. She heard a second voice from her body at that time, and she told herself the name "Yafum".

After four years, this voice sounded in her heart again, which made the girl break out in cold sweat.

"Ella? What's wrong?"

Ling was a little confused and looked around, but found nothing.

"Did you hear a voice?"

Ella held down a Deep Sea Seal cautiously. The parchment was burning, but there was nothing unusual around her, and Ella did not hear the sound again.

"Not at all, you are too tired."

"No, it sounds like... never mind, it's nothing."

Ella felt her hands and feet begin to go numb again, and she quickly lost the ability to move. This feeling of fright was more suffocating than confronting a gunman across a cabinet.In the world of magicians, hearing strange sounds is definitely not a good thing. Ella glanced at her satchel with her eyes that could still move. She still remembered the words in the magic book:

"Only evil gods desire the flesh and soul of their offspring."

Ling, noticing Ella's relapse, helps her into her sleeping bag.

"You're just too tired, take a good rest."

Ella nodded in response, but she was doomed to lose sleep tonight.

..................................Boundary line............ ............................

(Gossip: I failed to sign the contract today. I have to wait another fourteen days because the profile is illegal emmmmmmmmm, there should be no sensitive things, right?

Chapter 15 Adventurer Spirit

The sky is white, announcing the coming of day.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert is huge. Although summer is about to enter, the temperature on the hillside at dawn is still very low. There is wet dew on the rock wall, which wets the girl's hair.

Ella stayed up all night last night, her mind was full of messy thoughts, and when she noticed, the sky had turned white.

She got out of her sleeping bag, feeling dizzy and dry eyes.

Not many people in the camp were awake yet, and after the bonfire burned out, only white ash and blue smoke remained.

Edward sat on a rock humming a little song, facing the direction of the sunrise, cooking stew in an iron pot. The so-called stew was just leftover black bread from yesterday with some onions, carrots, lard, and The dried meat is stewed together, and there are enough spices and salt in the soup. It is not very delicate, but it is full and oily, which is very suitable for gold diggers who need to be busy all morning.

"Oh, it's Miss Williams. Did you sleep well last night?"

Ella rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"It doesn't look good. I have to rush today. Is that okay?"

"Absolutely not."

Ella took out a bottle of purple potion and drank it with her head up. This is the vitality potion she prepared before departure, which can relieve fatigue to a certain extent and make people excited.

After drinking the potion, she shook her head, tied her messy long hair into a ponytail, and her complexion became rosy again.

Ella sat on the other end of the rock and looked to the east. The sun had not yet risen from the horizon, and it only dyed a small area of ​​the surrounding sky with a little color.

Edward filled himself a can of stew in an empty tin can and passed Ella another.

"No, I don't feel like I have any appetite."

The gold digger looked at her for a while, and groped for his rough stubble. Edward was only 29 years old this year, but his rough skin and short beard made him look like a middle-aged man in his forties.

While preparing breakfast with a dagger as a tableware, he said to himself:

"You look very anxious, although I don't know what complicated issues witches would think about... We adventurers also often encounter things that make people feel disappointed. For example, before we found Mount Sibylla, we explored several places that were rumored to contain gold. They only found sand and stones in the places, lacked fresh water and food, and almost starved to death in the mountains and forests... Earlier, they drove goods and cattle to distant towns, only to find that the place was destroyed by gang fighting when they arrived. , the fresh fruits and meat were all rotten and infested with maggots. I felt terrible at the time. That business almost destroyed all my assets, which my father left to me after his death. Guess what I did that day? "

Ella shook her head, but didn't think of any suitable answer. She felt that if it was her, she would be lost for a long time, but when Edward mentioned these things, his face was full of nostalgic smiles, making it hard to guess his thoughts.

"After I returned to the town where I lived, I rewarded myself with a good meal and had a good sleep. The journey was really tiring. No matter what the outcome was, I had to relax. Being depressed would not solve the problem. No? It’s better to adjust yourself and prepare to start over.”

Edward handed the tin can to Ella again, and the girl took it this time.

Ella felt that the light was a bit dazzling, and she raised her hand to cover her front. The sun had completely risen from the horizon, and the dew on the shrubs and rocks shone with a golden luster.

"I'm going to wake them up. We'd better get to Black Lane Town before noon. The lamb chops there are delicious and the supply exceeds demand. If we go late, we'll have to wait until the next day to eat them."

Ella cut off a branch with her silver knife, peeled away the dusty bark, and scooped up the stew with the flat end.

It has a strong flavor, just like this land with a strong style.


Ella and Ling rode on a brown horse, while Alice followed in a carriage loaded with supplies. This horse was distributed to them by Edward. In order to avoid confusion, the carcass did not go into Black Lane Town openly. Gregory stayed near the town of Sutter, and when Ayla needed it, he only needed to call the name of the carcass.

Before eleven o'clock, Edward's horse team arrived at Black Lane.

The size of this town is much larger than that of Sutter Town. Unlike the small gathering place with a dozen houses in two rows, there are several streets, squares and wells, police stations and churches, bars and red theaters, nearly a hundred houses and With hundreds of residents, this place is more like the scale that a town should have.

As Edward said, the lamb chops in Black Lane Town are very famous. They are simply seasoned and then roasted with poplar branches until they are browned. There is no smell of mutton, and the juicy and tender meat makes people feel a little sweet.

Edward has already posted the recruitment notice outside the hotel. The news that there may be a gold mine in Sibilla Mountain has set off a big wave in the town. Many cowboys or gold diggers have expressed that they will join, and they are not afraid. Lame Goyle and his gunners wouldn't mind scalping the notorious bounty man for the bounty.

Edward said that he would spend a day buying supplies and go to Mount Sibilla after a night's rest. Ella bought mercury and coarse salt from a freckled woman who set up a fortune-telling stall. Ella once suspected that The woman is a wild magician, but she doesn't feel any magical breath in her body. In fact, the woman is just a occultist who hasn't started yet, and has collected these strange things based on hobbies and rumors.

When the woman mysteriously said that Ella had an ominous smell, the girl just felt a little bit dumbfounded. She was an orthodox witch at Kraft School of Magic, but she was going to be made a whole lot here by a wild occult lover. Unfounded divination.I don't know what expression the fortune teller will show after learning the truth.

Alice told the inspector and the mayor of the town about her husband's kidnapping. After hearing what happened in Sutter Town, the latter only increased the bounty of the lame Gower and said that several police officers would join Edward's team. team.This may not have much effect, but it is already Alice, an ordinary wife, can do everything except pray.

Ella and Ling stayed at the Blackstone Hotel. They made old seals and potions from the magic materials they bought.

Although Edward's words have played a big role, Ella still can't be as open-minded as the former. She can only try her best to clear her mind and let herself fall asleep. , Kleist can provide her with some help.

She now needs to replenish her strength as soon as possible and adjust her condition to the best.

Chapter No.16 Emergency

"Ella, are you asleep?"

The companion's voice came from behind the girl,

"not yet."

Ling was silent for a long time, so long that Ella thought that what just happened was just Ling's murmurs in his sleep.

A few minutes later, Ling's voice sounded again.

"Are you really planning to go to the Sibilla Cave? Maybe in a few days, Professor Adolf and the others will come back. It's too dangerous for us to go there now. As you said, it's just causing trouble for the professors."

Ella tightened her grip on the sheets and took a deep breath.

"I know Ling, I know...but I can't leave those townspeople and Mr. Andre alone."

"I thought you would no longer be as impulsive as before. You know, you can hardly use any magic now and only rely on some old seals? They are difficult to come in handy when encountering real danger!"

"If you want to relax, maybe we don't need to enter the cave at all. We just need to stop the lame Goyle before he brings the hostages in."

"If it really goes that smoothly..."

Ella felt Ling curl up behind her,

"Did I mention it to you? About my childhood."

"I don't think so."

Ella said she didn't know why Ling brought up old things at this time, but Ella was curious about it.

"When should I start... My mother was tricked into coming to the UK in 15, because the applicants had to sign a contract at that time, and the salary after going abroad was deducted from the sample travel expenses, so they were called contracted Chinese laborers, which was even more ugly. It's called selling piggies..."

As Ling narrated, the image of her mother gradually became fuller. She was a Chinese female worker who smuggled herself to England. She was pregnant with Ling, who was not yet born, before boarding the ship. In the first few months, she worked on a plantation, but then she As his belly gradually grew bigger and he was unable to work, he was fired and lived on the street.

Ling was born in the sewage of the slums and grew up slowly.Due to long-term labor or some unknown disease, her mother's mental state began to gradually become abnormal. Therefore, Ling still does not know her mother's name, and the beggars in the slums only call her a crazy woman.

When she was very young, in order to avoid starving to death, Ling relied on stealing to make a living. The money from begging was not enough to support her and her mother.It was also during this time that she discovered that she was different. She ran faster and was more agile than other thieves. She could communicate with birds and instruct them to complete some simple commands, which made her stealing behavior more complicated. easier.

One winter, the mad woman fell ill and needed enough money to buy medicinal materials and food for the winter. This was not difficult for Ling. She had already set her sights on the wallet of a well-dressed gentleman.

However, she missed. .

When Ling, exhausted and with nothing to gain, returned to the slums, the mad woman had already died.

The gentleman at the time eventually became her adoptive father.

Ling finished talking about his past in an extremely plain tone, like a bystander narrating things that had nothing to do with him.

"So Ella, I just want to say...I forgot what I originally planned to say. In short, don't think about things so simply. You can't always get the best results."


At five o'clock the next morning, Edward's cavalry appeared in the streets, and it had grown in size, with five more constables in addition to the new recruits of gold diggers and cowboys.

Ling didn't mention what happened yesterday. She followed Ella's instructions and used the silver coin to divine the location of the lame Gao Er. They would arrive at Mount Sibylla this evening.

According to the plan, Edward will arrive at Sibyl Mountain half a day earlier and lay in ambush. This is just the simplest strategy. Its advantage is that Ling can use the coin to monitor the position of Gower's team, so the simplest strategy becomes It has to be effective.

Sibylla Mountain is located south of the town of Sutter. It is nearby an abandoned logging camp. The entire mountain is now bare, with only some shrubs and young poplar trees visible. The river begins in a cave on the mountainside.A gold digger in the team dug out some sand from the river bed. After processing it with gold mining tools, he indeed found a piece of gold sand as big as a grain of rice. He picked it up carefully, fearing that it might mistake the sand for gold. The piece of gold sand came close to his eyes, and then his whole body trembled with excitement.

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