"As you can see, I don't want this noble Son of God to be born from the magma - at least for the time being. Therefore, I have to spend most of my strength on sealing this crater, and your attacks prevent me from doing so. Do not interrupt this behavior.”

"In just a few seconds, this noble existence destroyed more than half of my fairly solid seal... In terms of the executor's thinking, your reckless behavior almost caused Disastrous consequences, the second eruption of Mount Tambora will boil the sea in this area, and the lava and tsunami will kill tens of thousands of people living on the surrounding islands, and the more far-reaching impact may continue to the long-term future."

A strong sense of awkwardness emerged in the hearts of Ella and Ling.

There is no doubt that the wizard in front of him is the chief culprit and sworn enemy of the tragedy in London.But his speaking style, and the feeling he gave to the two, is more like a professor in Kraft.

It seems that this is not a crater, but a classroom in Glamis Castle.

And the man's next words explain the eerie feeling.

"Let me introduce myself. I am Ulysses Philip, the former professor of Kraft School of Magic and Magic. You should probably call me Professor Philip."

Shocked, disbelieving and intensely puzzled, Ella's expression changed rapidly. When she entered school, what Adolf said reappeared in her mind.

[Essentially speaking, we are soldiers, guardians who exist to kill those damned monsters and maintain the superficial peace of the human world. 】

Puzzlement slowly turned to anger in Ayla's heart.

Philip continued to talk to himself and said something that didn't match the atmosphere. He first looked at Ling who was closer to him,

"This is the second meeting, young Mephisto. If I guess correctly, your father should be Fred Mephisto. I guess you are probably just his adopted daughter. Yes, this is very It fits the character of that kid Fred, and his luck is obviously very good."

"And you—"

Phillip looked at Ella, and then his tone became very exaggerated.

"Look, what is that! It's unbelievable, the old seal medal? Those stubborn school directors would actually award it to a young student. I don't think anything like this has happened for at least 50 years!"

"I guess you are probably the Ella Williams mentioned in the wizarding newspaper! Williams...I have no impression of this surname, it should not belong to any prominent wizarding family, which is undoubtedly more obvious Your excellence!"

He looked around twice again, and turned his head with some doubts.

"Strange, in the news that Selvi gave me, there should be a young boy among you. According to Selvi's description, I guess he is a Belusse. So, Mephistopheles and Belusse Really an ally? Heck, I thought it was the Wizarding Papers talking nonsense!"

"Did the boy not show up? If I had to guess, he was probably injured, or a side effect of some kind of prop trouble - well, it doesn't matter, I didn't like those belusai at all... I was It's their professor of theology, who is teaching this class now? Isidore? Raymond? It can't be that old Kleist?"

"To shut up."

Philip paused for a few seconds, then shrugged

"Okay, Ella, what do you want to say?"

"You are a traitor to Kraft - therefore, you have no right to mention those names!"

The girl's voice sounded furious.

Philip touched the funny smiling mask and laughed so hard that he almost died. He curled up and trembled all over. After a while, he covered his abdomen and gasped slowly,

"This...is indeed very interesting."

Chapter 54 Game Start

After struggling to stop smiling, Philip straightened up.

"So, Ella and this Mephisto, sorry, I didn't know your name until now—"

Ling did not let down his guard, and his whole body tensed up. He had had the experience of fighting once before, and Ling knew very well how terrifying this man was.While she responded, her eyes were fixed on all of Phillip's movements.

"You don't need to know, uncle?"

Phillip shook his head and sighed, seeming a little disappointed,

"Didn't Fred teach you that? It was just basic manners, and I thought you already understood where you were."

"I believe that through the battle just now, you should have understood that although you are very good, you are still too young. If I want to, I can easily kill you at any time."

"I can't draw too much power for the time being, but you don't dare to do anything to me. If this continues, in order to avoid being encircled by the executors who rushed over, I will have to unseal the crater. At that time, You will face a volcanic eruption no less than 30 years ago and the Son of God who was born in this world, but in this way, I will not get what I want... This is for each other It’s not a good result, is it?”

Ella read the hidden meaning in Philip's words,

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Phillip snapped his fingers, his voice sounding very happy.

"It's very simple, I decided to play an uncomplicated game with you."

Ling frowned, she felt that the spirit of the man in front of her was a bit abnormal.

Out-of-control wizards do not absolutely die or become monsters. These lucky survivors often show completely different spiritual characteristics from before, becoming indifferent or crazy, which is the characteristic of wizards whose spirit is polluted.


"That's right, the game! Before I tell you the rules of the game, Ayla, if I remember correctly, you used some kind of power five years ago, it was a cold pale fire that delayed the Sons of Abhoth The time of birth - don’t rush to deny it. Honesty is the premise of all games. I can lift the seal and escape from the volcano at any time. This is not a completely unacceptable result to me, but it is different for you."

"Now you just need to answer me yes or no, I will ask again, did you prevent the coming of the Son of God five years ago."

Although he was asking a question, Philip spoke in a descriptive tone, and he was so sure of it that he emphasized that the question was merely his own bad taste.

Ella pursed her lips.

It was undeniable that what Philip said was true, and there was nothing she could do about it.


"Very good. Now that the conditions are met, the next step is the rules of the game -"

"I will give you 5 minutes to prepare ritual magic or something else. After that, I will gradually unlock the seal of the crater. You have to use your own power to fill the gap I left until it is completely replaced. . In this way, I don’t have to continue to maintain the seal and use my power to do what I want to do. You can also delay the time and wait for the executor. If it is Kleist, you can do it, right? Expel this noble son of God, and The same thing he did five years ago!”

"Of course, just this is not a game. It still lacks some rewards and punishments and the necessary fun. In the process of gradually unlocking the seal, the power I can freely manipulate will also increase. I will tell you Ritual magic interferes and gradually intensifies, of course! I will not attack you directly, that will end the game prematurely and lose the fun, and your friends can provide you with all possible help during this time."

"If you can successfully complete the seal under my interference, it is your victory, otherwise, I win. I swear to the soul here, if you win this game, I will leave here and will not harm you Any threat, if I win - that means death, and you don't need to think about follow-up issues."

At the same time, Ella felt that the unique magical fluctuations of the oath appeared on Philip's body, and the oath he made to the soul had come into force.

Swearing to the soul is a very serious matter for wizards.Words contain magic power, especially for wizards with magic power. Breaking the oath will pay a very heavy price, which is common sense in the mysterious world.

"What a damn game this is!"

Ling reprimanded angrily, knowing very well how dangerous the magic Ella used at that time was.The result of the last time was that Ella almost permanently lost her magic power.

In such a dangerous magical ritual, if something goes wrong, the performer of the ritual will face loss of control and death.In such an environment, when arranging a ceremony and facing the interference of a terrible wizard, the probability of failure of the ceremony will reach a terrifying number!

"How should I put it? In fact, you have no other choice... No, it's not impossible, you can escape, which also has a certain chance of success, think about it, those disgusting residents of the island , they are numb, stupid, cruel, full of prejudice and discrimination, in fact everyone is the same, they are not worthy of your protection—"

"I accept."


"--What did you say?"

Philip turned around and put his left hand to his ear, looking very funny.

Ella raised her head and answered calmly.

"You are wrong. There are still kind people in Tangerang Town, like Mr. Suharto and Johanna. For those who have turned into ghouls, I am also willing to embrace them."

"I accept your game - for the good and the innocent, this is the mission of the executor."

Philip was silent for a moment. He stopped tapping the ground with his crank cane. Although he was wearing a mask, Ella and Ling could always read Philip's emotions from his exaggerated body language and the strange atmosphere he displayed. .

But at this moment, all Philip's emotions seemed to disappear, like a funny but lifeless puppet.

After a few seconds, he shrugged and replied in the usual tone,

"Very well, then the game begins."

The frequency of Philip's tapping on the ground with his cranked wooden cane suddenly changed, and the chains slowly wriggled and tightened. One of the thick chains began to tremble, and its appearance gradually became more illusory, and small cracks appeared.

A faint roar began to echo in the non-material world, deep in the magma, something sleeping began to wake up.

An indescribable, trembling aura leaked from the seal, making people unable to help but worship!

Familiar, suffocating terror tortured Ella and Ling's nerves.

There is no mistake, just like the existence in the Thames five years ago, this belongs to the superior, the breath of the gods.

"In 5 minutes, there will be a leak in my seal. You still have 5 minutes."

Time begins to flow.

Chapter 55 Ritual Reenactment

Ella took out the Eye of Hermes and cut her wrist with the sharp edge of the bronze mirror. The blood shone with a coquettish luster on the mirror, then gradually faded and was absorbed by the alchemy tool itself.

As the magic power surged, the wounds on the girl's wrists did not solidify and scab but gradually expanded, and scarlet lines gradually covered the entire exposed arm.

At this point, the basic preparations have been completed.

This dangerous magic does not require complicated rituals. It is just to dedicate to a certain existence and get a response, but this is also its danger.

"You really want to do this?"

Shadow's voice sounded from Ella's consciousness.

It sounded different than usual, and after all the embellishments were stripped away, it sounded very similar to Ella's own voice, but subtly different.

"Did you see this scene in the "Book of Futures?"

The shadow is silent,

Ella smiled and finished all the preparations, she already knew the shadow's answer.

"Then you already know my choice."

"...Because of this, I don't want everything to go according to Sibyl's prophecy, do you have other choices now?"

Shadow's mood began to fluctuate. This was a strange mood that she had never experienced before. She was angry, irritable, and helpless.

"Is there, but I don't see it?"

Ella replied seriously, but for her there was no other option.

"......You will regret this."

"And the last question, is what's going to happen now what you call a sickeningly bad future?"


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