She had to arrange it.

Explain the reason to the customer and send some snacks.

Inform them that it is closed at night and the boss has to greet other guests.

Let them come back tomorrow.

The guests also expressed their understanding.

After drinking, these guests also left here.

After they left, others came over one after another.

Finally brought Wei Wei here.

Zhongli came with him.

In addition, that guy Wendy also ran over for a drink.

At this time, how can we miss him?

Not long after they arrived, Eden came with Barbara, Yun Jin and Xin Yan.

Also Yura and Umber.

After a while, there were a bunch of people with God's Eye in the room.

Even that fellow Hutao got the news from nowhere.

Then ran over.

Large-scale netizen meet and greet.

Ayaka Kamisato also ran over.

Except that Mei and Zhenheying didn't come.

Now the acquaintances on Liyue's side basically ran over.

Looking at the people in the room, Alicia was very happy.

Everyone greeted each other.

Eden was also talking with people while holding the wine mixed by Diona.

Especially she is very curious about Zhongli.

Zhongli is the founder of this country.

Although he is retired now, his knowledge is also very curious.

She also wanted to get some inspiration from Zhong Li.

Then write a few songs that belong to Liyue.

(Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and rewards.) Qian.

Chapter 740, Shocked the insects and ducks for 1 years

Everyone drank to their heart's content in Diona's tavern.

Then chat.

Opportunities to get together like this are rare.

Zhongli sat with Bai Ye and Wendy.

Looking at the people in the room, especially Eden and Alicia.

Zhong Li asked Bai Ye curiously:

"What are you going to do?"

What he asked was why Bai Ye pulled so many people over.

What are your plans next?

Hearing Zhong Li's inquiry, Bai Ye took a sip and then said:

"You should have noticed."

"Our world has been upgraded."

Zhongli nodded.


"The power of the elements has become stronger, and I have also become stronger."

When he said this, he couldn't help but whispered in his heart.

When the world becomes stronger, he also becomes stronger.

This is outrageous.

He even found that the wear and tear on him from the years had begun to gradually disappear.

Maybe "Three Five Three" will never wear out again?

It wasn't just him who discovered this, it was Wendy as well.

At this moment, Wendy was also listening to Bai Ye's words.

He was also very curious about what Bai Ye planned to do next.

Bai Ye raised his hand with a smile and began to draw a tree on the table.

"Our world is the world bubble on this tree."

"Below is the sea of ​​quantum."

"The Tevat of the past is falling, falling into the sea of ​​quantum."

As he said that, Bai Ye drew the previous situation.

Zhongli and Wendy stared intently at what Bai Ye had drawn.


"During this time, with my help."

"Our world has been upgraded."

Saying so, Bai Ye took the world of Teyvat to another place.

The two nodded.

Manual upgrade?

Then the power of the elements in the world became stronger.

"Their world will fall again."

"I have told you about the world over there before."

"Now they regard our world as the last paradise."

"But I am bound to this world."

"So what they're thinking now is, help our world grow."

"Then, I use my power to float our world."

Bai Ye began to explain.

He will manually upgrade the world.

Finally, hang the world on top of the tree of imaginary numbers.

Become the most dazzling pearl in this tree of imaginary numbers!

Even, if you can.

Bai Ye can also integrate other worlds in the future?

If possible, directly integrate the world bubbles on the entire tree.

If this is really possible, it will be awesome.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Zhong Li was a little dazed.

What Bai Ye is talking about is a bit high-end.

It was beyond his comprehension.

But generally understandable.

For a moment, he couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

How to integrate?

How to continue to float?

Various questions began to appear in Zhongli's mind.

Or, as long as we continue to develop civilization? ?

After a while of thinking in his mind, Zhong Li roughly figured it out.

"That is to say, next they will develop in Anju and we will mention Watt."

"So it makes you stronger, right?"

"So what do they need you to do?"

After Zhong Li figured out the situation, he asked this question.

Bai Ye nodded.

"I need to help them save the world!"

"I will definitely go to their world in the future."

"Then, help them solve the collapse of that world."

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