At this time, many spaceships have been produced here.

As of now, five have been produced.

And still in production.

After thinking for a while, Bai Ye made a decision.

These are produced.

Just use it first.

Open the airport to 357 first.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye walked in.

Bai Ye checked the spaceships in front of him.

These spaceships are both for soliciting passengers and goods.

The spaceship is divided into two layers, and the upper layer is used for seating guests.

The lower layer is used to pull goods.

If necessary, the spaceship can also be completely transformed into a cargo puller.

In other words, it was directly transformed into soliciting customers.

The change is also very simple, and a lot of mechanisms have been used inside the spaceship.

Naturally, it is difficult to change the spaceship or something.

It can be said that this spacecraft is designed to make the best use of everything.

After walking around and checking everything, Bai Ye called the person in charge here.

"I will take these spaceships away first."

"Notify you first."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, the person in charge of producing the spaceship nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, Master Bai Ye!"

"I see!"

Bai Ye talked to someone, then took out his mobile phone and said to Nu Wa:

"Nuwa, arrange to send all these spaceships out."

"Next, send all these spaceships to the airport."

"Then inform those pilots and get them ready."

"In a few days, the spaceship's channel will be officially opened."

"By the way, inform people in other countries and tell them about this!"

"The ticketing system can also start."

Bai Ye began to arrange these tasks.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 747, Young Master: How about I emigrate?

Nu Wa began to arrange Bai Ye's tasks one by one.

Although there are only five spaceships, they are enough.

At the same time, she also began to promote it on the Internet.

Tell people who want to go to other countries, the spaceship will be opened next.

In fact, the ticketing system can also be opened.

In other countries, airports and so on have actually been built in sevens and eights.

Flying there is actually no problem.

In just a moment, Sumi, Daozuma, and Monde also received the news.

All of a sudden, everyone started to set up.

Under Nuwa's arrangement, news of the official operation of the airport quickly spread.

If any goods need to continue to be shipped to other places.

You can contact the airport.

Various tasks have also begun to be assigned to the hands of those airport personnel.

The person in charge of the airport was Baishi. After receiving the news, she immediately began to make adequate preparations for her people.

Start operating the airport anytime.

Many spaceships also began to fly in the direction of the airport.

On the other side, people specially trained to fly those spaceships are also waiting.

Seeing the spaceship falling from the sky, everyone felt a little excited.

They are constantly learning during this time.

Now is finally their turn to get to work.

Many people at the airport can fly the spaceship after training.

However, this requires Nuwa's help.

Nu Wa can be said to have become a system for assisting driving.

Of course, Nu Wa only played an auxiliary role.

It will take over when the spacecraft encounters any problems.

The spaceship begins to take place.

At the same time, some merchants who needed to continue shipping also began to contact this side.

I started asking if there was a spaceship flying to Inazuma.

Nuwa determined the route of the spacecraft in a moment.

The spaceship departs from Liyue and flies to Daozu, then Daozu flies to Sumeru, Sumeru flies to Mond, and Mond returns again.

Some set off directly from Liyue, fly to Sumeru, then fly to Daozuma, then fly to Mond, and then come back.

At the same time, some set off from Liyue, fly to Mengde, then fly to Sumeru, then fly to Daozu, and finally return to Liyue.

Not only that, there are also Mondstadt who can directly fly to Daozhi or Xumi.

The route was thus directly planned.

Then it was sent to various countries.

When I received the news, Xiangren opened the ticketing system as soon as possible.

Start to arrange.

Bai Ye was also staring at these things all the time.

After confirming that there is no big problem, Bai Ye said to Nu Wa:

"The spaceships that will be produced in the future, you will invest here one after another~¨."

"After collecting ten ships, the spaceships began to be delivered to Mond and Daozu."

"It's the same with Sumi."

"Then you have to keep an eye on the route. If there is any problem, be prepared as soon as possible."

【learn! 】

After Nu Wa finished speaking, she fell silent.

If this matter is handled well, Bai Ye has nothing to do.

She simply returned to her manor.

After waiting for a few days, the first spaceship gang is finally about to take off.

This day, Bai Ye brought Ning Guang and Ke Qing to the airport.

As soon as they came here, Bai Ye and the others saw people starting to board the plane.

In the past two days, various goods have been loaded into the spacecraft.

It is now ready to take off.

Since this is the first run, a lot of the work here is a bit messy.

But Bai Ye and Ning Guang didn't care either.

As long as it can take off normally.

It's the first time, it's normal!

After all the passengers boarded the spaceship, the spaceship slowly took off.

The passengers were sitting on the spacecraft, and at this time they were looking at the slowly rising scene.

I was extremely excited.

And when the spaceship officially started to move towards its destination, they became even more excited.

The spaceships took off one by one.

Start moving towards your destination.

Seeing this scene, Ning Guang was not to mention how satisfied she was.

"In the future, it is estimated that spaceships will often be seen flying in the sky, right?"

"It's really good."

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