The road is very difficult.

And there are so many stones, if you don't deal with it, the road may not be able to be repaired.

At that time, it will take a lot of time to process the stones over there.

Even because of the Shimen, when many people went to Mengde, they would rather take the road on the snow mountain side than the Shimen side.

But since (abeb) the bridge leading to Mingyun Town was destroyed, many businessmen seldom continue to take the road to the snow mountain.

From Liyue to Mond, there are only two roads to go.

One is blocked, so we can only take the most difficult one.

Although the road is a bit difficult, at least we can still do business, right?

After dinner at Xiangling's place, Bai Ye said goodbye to her. Her place hadn't been decorated yet.

Xiang Ling was probably going to be busy for a long time, so Bai Ye didn't bother her anymore.

The next day, I took Xiao Keli and set off directly.

An off-road vehicle appears.

Bai Ye directly led Xiao Keli and Shen He towards Shimen.

Entering Dihua Prefecture, Bai Ye drove the vehicle on the road that had been built.

Now the road under the body is only half built, and it has only been built to the side of the statue.

There is still a long way to go from where Shimen is.

Although the speed of construction is very fast, it will take more than a month to repair the road to the side of Shimen.

Bai Ye went over to blow up all the stones that should be blown up on the side of Shimen.

Then it will take a long time for people to transport it away.

After it is done, the people on Liyue's side should also build over there.


There were no people on this road.

Except for the occasional passing carts pulling cement or businessmen driving horse-drawn carriages, no one else could be seen.

It was precisely because of this that Bai Ye drove recklessly.

It's just that the good times didn't last long, and a sign for diversion appeared in front of Bai Ye's eyes soon.

There is construction ahead. Pedestrians and vehicles please change routes.

Bai Ye drove directly off the concrete road, and then walked on the dirt road below.

The car started to bump up.

Keli stared at the scene outside, her eyes widened.


"Brother Bai Ye, has the road been repaired here?"

"Looks like we're going to Mond soon."

Hearing Keli's words, Bai Ye nodded.


"It should be soon."

"There should be many people from Mondstadt coming to help now, and the speed of road construction will only become faster."

Speaking of this, the corners of Bai Ye's mouth couldn't help but rise slightly.

The collaboration between Liyue and Mond has already begun.

After Qin went back, the recruitment notice was released soon.

Anyone who is interested can sign up at her location.

After some selection by her, many workers were sent here to build the road.

There are a lot of molas that can be earned every day.

Qin didn't send those lazy people over.

Instead, those who sent it were those who were diligent.

This also caused Qin to suffer a certain amount of criticism in Mond.

Those giant babies were also spreading rumors that Qin got rich and didn't bring them anything.

For such people, Qin now directly ignores them.

This road is really important to Mond.

She doesn't want to be affected by these people.

And she had made an agreement with Ningguang from the beginning.

Forbid those lazy people to pass.

They don't need the kind of people who come here to eat.

With the addition of those workers from Mond, the speed of road construction will be even faster.

There are also many Mond people from Guiliyuan looking for jobs there.

These people were all taken over by Keqing.

So don't be surprised if you see some crooked nuts in Return to the Origin now.

Because this is where other countries come here to find work.

At least 10,000+ people are working on the entire Guiliyuan.

And even more! !


Driving the car, Bai Ye, Keli and Shen He carefully walked on the very difficult road.

Fortunately, what Bai Ye drove over today was an off-road vehicle.

Otherwise, there is really no way to go this way.

Fortunately, this section of the road was only a short section, and Bai Ye soon returned to the right path.

Then continue to look at the unbuilt road and head towards Shimen.

When the time came to noon, Bai Ye finally arrived at Shimen.

At this time, there are only some Qianyan troops stationed here.

Those inns that originally opened here have also moved to the other side.

Although roads need to be built here, their business still needs to be done.

At this time, Bai Ye parked the car at a simple inn.

Seeing someone approaching in a car, the people from Qianyan Army walked over immediately.

When they saw the person getting off the car, they hurriedly saluted.

"Master Bai Ye!"

These Qianyan soldiers all knew Bai Ye.

Everything that Guiliyuan has now is the masterpiece of this one.

As I said before, Bai Ye's reputation on Liyue's side is no worse than that of Liyue Seven Stars.

It is normal for these Qianyan Army people to know Bai Ye.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 84, it can be blown up in one go

When Bai Ye saw these Qianyan Army members, he immediately asked.

"Have all the people at Shimen cleared?"

"Have they all moved out?"

Hearing Bai Ye's inquiry, the Qianyan Army member also hastily replied:

"Back to Lord Baiye, they have already moved out."

Bai Ye nodded.

"it is good."

"Then directly block the opposite side and prohibit people from entering."

"Go and arrange it."

"We start work tomorrow."

Now that they've all moved away, there's no problem.

Bai Yedang even made arrangements.

Let people go across and block some places.

The next step is to directly use bombs to blow up some mountains.

If anyone comes in then, things will be in trouble.

He would probably be buried alive.

When the Qianyan Army heard what Bai Ye said, he thought he was resigning.

Quickly call your companions.

Then he started to run in the direction of Chenxi Winery.

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