With this, they can relax a lot in the future.

Several uncles took turns.

It was easy to learn how to control it.

After all, it's really simple.

It's just that the harvester is a little more difficult.

The field below was directly plowed by everyone very quickly.

If it is normal, it is impossible to handle few disappearing.

But with these machines, a field can be finished in about ten minutes at most.

Then put the water in, and break the soil up when the time comes.

The cultivator in front of me can do all of this.

After explaining the tiller, it was already noon.

Bai Ye and others had a simple meal at Qingce Village under the hospitality of Granny Ruoxin.

During the meal, the person responsible for pulling the seeds also arrived.

Bai Ye immediately let them eat first.

Remove the seeds after eating.

Seeing these seeds, the people in Qingcezhuang were very curious.

Bai Ye also pushed the sugar out.

Let the sugar teach these old men and women how to plant.

Those things should be noted.

Take a short break at noon.

Bai Ye continued to explain to them how to operate the harvester.

Drive one of the harvesters directly into the wheat field.

Then I went to help them harvest all the wheat in the wheat field.

Seeing this, the wheat was harvested easily.

The uncles who were in charge of operating the machine were immediately excited.

It won't be so troublesome anymore.

Although it is a bit difficult, these uncles still get started quickly.

By the time they all learned it, the sun had already set.

The harvested wheat was also packed up by the old men, and then prepared to be hauled back in donkey carts.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye also reacted.

I forgot to bring some cargo trucks over.

Thinking of this, Bai Yedang even shouted:

"Wait a minute, leave these to me."

"I'll get you a new car."

After saying this, Bai Ye's heart skipped a beat.

Directly using the ability of the Herrscher of Reason, a truck carrying goods was directly projected.

Seeing Bai Ye's operation, these people in Qingcezhuang couldn't help being surprised.

As expected of a big shot from Liyue Port.

This kind of power is really too powerful.

One, two, three... Five cars were produced in a row.

Only then did Bai Ye stop.

It just so happens that the five uncles can have one set for each of them.

Bai Ye called the five uncles over, and briefly explained to them how to operate this.

Driving these cars is not the same as driving a cultivator.

They still have to be proficient.

So Bai Ye's next job is to teach these uncles how to drive these cars.

If it really doesn't work, just let the people from the Qianyan Army come over and drive it.

Anyway, there are ways.

This time, Bai Ye helped bring the food back by himself.

You can pull a lot at once.

There is no doubt that these old farmers like their cars very much.

Isn't this much faster than a bullock cart?

In the past, when they were harvesting wheat, people from the Qianyan Army had to come over to help.

Now that we have this car, we can probably go faster.

There is a lot of wheat harvested here every day.

These people who came here today are only a part of it.

There are more people who are also working in the fields at this time but have not come over.

They are all busy with the autumn harvest.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 117, Walnut, please keep an eye on Keli! !

Qingcezhuang doesn't look small like games.

In fact, Qingcezhuang is actually very large.

Looking around, there are fields as far as the eye can see.

In fact, the land planted by some old people is not much, and more people from Qianyan Army and Liyue Port come here to plant.

The grain grown here has basically been collected.

The rest, only a small part was confiscated.

And Bai Ye brought these machines over, which undoubtedly accelerated their autumn harvest.

You know, in the past, even with the help of Qianyan Army, Zhuangzi wanted to harvest all the food.

That will also take several months.

But now that we have these machines, there is no doubt that the time for harvesting food can be greatly shortened in the future.

Even more farmland can be planted.

This machine is definitely not enough.

So Bai Ye planned to ask Gui Liyuan to produce more cultivators.

Plant all the land that can be planted.

It is said that the grain output of Qingce Village was ten times what it is now.

It is only because of the large loss of population in recent years that it has led to a reduction in food production.

It even got to the point where Qianyanjun was allowed to come here to farm.

But now, there are high-yield grains and machines to cultivate the land.

If it continues like this, maybe the farmland of Qingcezhuang alone can support most of Liyue's people.

Although it will not feed everyone, it can greatly reduce food imports.

For Liyue, this is undoubtedly very beneficial.

Wouldn’t it be nice to use the money spent on importing grain every year to do other things?

It is precisely because of this that Bai Ye, Shen He and others temporarily stayed in Qingce Village.

At night, Bai Ye took out the radio and started contacting Keqing.

Ask her to help the factory produce more cultivators.

After production, it is sent directly here.

At the same time, Bai Ye also contacted some Ning Guang.

Ask her to send some people to Qingcezhuang.

Only relying on these old people now, it is impossible to cultivate more fields.

The best thing is to hire back all the people from Qingce Village.

Ningguang certainly agreed with Bai Ye's suggestion.

She's going to start dealing with it tomorrow.

Wait until the next morning when you wake up.

The three lolis ran over.

"Brother Bai Ye~.!"

Hearing Keli's words, Bai Ye was a little puzzled.

"What happened to Kelly?"

Then come here early.

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