And Wing of Wind is also very expensive.

Why is this kind of flying car more expensive?

After thinking for a while, Ning Guang opened the mouth and said:

"Then give me a fight."

"Since only people with the eyes of gods can fly, there is no need to add 0."

Her secretary doesn't have the eyes of God.

In other words, this thing can only be used by her in the future.

As for the secretaries?

as usual.

Bai Ye nodded.

Do it directly and get one of the same model.

There are also special patterns printed on it.

If you look closely, this is the pattern on Ning Guang's legs.

Ningguang naturally saw it too.

When she saw these patterns, she couldn't help but roll her eyes at Bai Ye.

This guy, just staring at her legs?

The tattoo on her leg is not a tattoo, it's just a decoration.

A thin, almost transparent sock.

That's why it gives people the illusion that Ning Guang has a tattoo on his leg.

After getting the car out, Ningguang was very satisfied.


"I'll give you the money later."

"Come with me."

"Go inside and talk."

After glancing at the motorcycle, she didn't think much about it.

Instead, it changed the subject.

Putting things off to get down to business.

Bai Ye and Ke Qing came over suddenly, there must be something wrong, right?

Otherwise, Bai Ye wouldn't come running over suddenly.

bother you for something.

She is still very clear.

Otherwise, it would be fine for Bai Ye to contact her directly on the walkie-talkie.

Bai Ye and Ke Qing didn't hesitate, and followed Ning Guang directly into the Qunyu Pavilion.

Coming inside, Ningguang greeted the two of them and sat down.

Soon, her secretary also brought tea, snacks and the like.

After taking a sip of tea, Bai Ye directly took out the design 4.1 drawings he had made.

"Keep these things safe."

"These must never fall into the hands of other countries."

Saying so, Bai Ye directly handed over a stack of documents to Ningguang.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ning Guang frowned.

Immediately, he picked it up and quickly looked through it.

However, when Ning Guang saw the designs above, his eyes suddenly became more dignified.


"For naval warfare?"

In just a moment, she knew what it was.

This is clearly a weapon used to fight back.

Thinking of this, Ning Guang was shocked.

However, when she saw the above series of techniques, she fell silent.

Alchemy in Kanria? ?

Did Bai Ye directly use all the alchemy techniques of Kanria on these ships?

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 131, Get all the shipyards directly

Ning Guang took a closer look, and was shocked to find out.

On this, most of the technology used is Kanria.

Except for a small amount is unheard of.

The rest is Liyue's tricks.

Just like the end machine or something.

After looking at a design drawing, those who didn't know thought that Kanria had made something.

"It's all Kanria's technology, so there's nothing wrong with making it like this?"

Staring at the things in her hand, she frowned.

Kanria, that is a country that has been wiped out by Tianli and the Seven Gods.

But now, is it okay to do so?

He stared at Bai Ye with fixed eyes.

How did these things come about?

Noticing her gaze, Bai Ye shrugged.

"No problem at all."

"These are all given to me by the emperor."

"So go ahead and do it."

Since Zhongli took out all these things.

That means he doesn't care about it.

What's more, it's not just Bai Ye who is using it, other countries also have some Kanria technology, okay?

For example, the Kingdom of Winter.

In the Winter Kingdom, the relic guards have already been mass-produced there.

So, there's nothing to worry about.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ning Guang nodded immediately.

So, is the technology given by the emperor?

If that's the case, then there's nothing to worry about.

Thinking of this, Ning Guang got up directly and took these things away to put them away.

It was placed directly in a treasure chest that only she could open.

After putting away these things, Ning Guang returned to the table.

"Are you going to start building next?"

Remembering what Bai Ye said before, form a navy to patrol the coastal areas of Liyue.

Now that the design drawings have come out, is this going to be fully built?

Thinking of what Keqing said to her before.

She made a decision without waiting for Bai Ye to speak.

"Full build."

"I'm here to support you."

"Quickly build the shipyard."

"Then I will send some people from the Liyue Port Shipyard here."

"Now that the new ships have come out, there is no need for the old ships."

"Leave some to make fishing boats."

"The rest, all go build these new ships."

"Keqing, you are also speeding up the construction of the shipyard."

"It's cheap for that guy!"

When it comes to this, Ningguang is a little upset.

Beidou also has shares in the shipyard. If she builds it with all her strength, her side will also benefit.

But if you think about it carefully, she will ultimately benefit from that guy's small share.

After all, Beidou only wanted better ships from the shipyard they built with them.

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