Drinking is indeed done here.

It is also suitable for young couples to date.

Really good.

There are no guests coming now, but Diona doesn't care.

Instead, he concentrated on greeting Ning Guang and others.

Not long after, there was an extra glass of wine in everyone's hands.

At this time, guests came one after another.

The guests who came here were a little confused.

Is this what a tavern is like?

Although they were confused, they walked in anyway.

Get ready to feel something special from Mond next door.

Seeing the guests arriving, the waiters also began to greet them.

Ying and Paimon also got busy together.

Not to mention Diona.

Start working constantly.

Make everything the guests order and have them delivered.

There are still quite a few guests who heard the broadcast.

With curiosity, many people came here.

Then, Diona was too busy at this time.

Whether it's the drinks in the tavern, or the snacks just provided by Bai Ye.

Many guests are full of curiosity.

Immediately ordered some.

This also made the young lady that Bai Ye taught just now to be in a hurry.

But soon, she also entered the state.

Started to complete the order in an orderly manner.

Seeing the situation here, Bai Ye nodded in satisfaction.

And Ning Guang couldn't help saying at this time:

"Perhaps those snacks of yours can be opened into a restaurant?"

"Convenient, fast, many people are willing to buy it."

Hearing her words, Bai Ye directly refused.

"You'd better not get involved in this kind of business."

"Small business, can that fall into your eyes?"

"Let Diona come here for this thing."

I have to say that Ningguang still has a very good business vision.

Immediately saw the market for these foods.

However, Bai Ye refused.

Hearing Bai Ye say this, Ning Guang nodded.

She just mentioned it casually.

If Bai Ye agrees, then she can try to get someone to do it.

If you don't agree, forget it.

While everyone was drinking.

Another guest came outside.


"Huh? Mr. Zhongli."

"this way please."

When Bai Ye and others heard this, they were stunned for a moment.

Immediately also turned his head.

And then... boy.

Zhongli walked in from outside with his wallet.


"Bai Ye, you are here too."


Dadalia's eyes lit up when he saw Bai Ye was there.

It's just when he sees Liyue Seven Stars like Ningguang and Keqing.

Immediately froze.

Although very speechless, he also greeted.

"Miss Ningguang, Miss Keqing, and this one, Miss Ganyu."

"Hi everybody."

The three of them nodded immediately when they heard his words.

"Hello there!"

"Will Mr. Zhongli come over for a drink too?"

"Diona, I'll invite you this time."

"Whatever Mr. Zhongli wants to drink will be charged to my account as 0."

Ning Guang greeted Young Master, and then focused on Zhong Li.

What is the son?

She must pay for Dijun's consumption today!

When the young master heard this, he was stunned.

How do you feel that Ningguang is targeting him?

Zhong Li was also speechless at this time.

But he didn't say anything.

Isn’t it nice to have someone foot the bill?

After drinking, go for a ride.

Just in time, doesn't this guy also want a car?

White night is here.

Thinking of this, he glanced at Dadalia.

"Bai Ye is right here. You can talk to him about buying a car."

Hearing Zhongli's words, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows.

what's the situation?

Is Zhongli planning to take the young master to go racing?

I complained for a while.

However, Bai Ye did not refuse.

There is money to be made, why not?

Emperor, as long as you are happy.


"Mr. Bai Ye, it's like this."

"I want to buy a car of the same model as Mr. Zhongli."

"I don't know how much it will cost?"

Hearing what he said, Bai Ye smiled and said:


"It's high technology."

"The price is very expensive."

"For Mr. Zhongli's face, I only gave you the discount."


Hear what Bai Ye said.

Zhongli fell silent immediately.

He looked at Bai Ye with a strange look in his eyes.

Then he winked directly at Bai Ye.

Meet half ah!

In this regard, Bai Ye instantly understood.

Ning Guang, Ke Qing and others on the side had strange expressions on their faces. 4.1.

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