Start today's work.

At this moment, the construction site outside has also started.

The workers got up early and continued with today's work after eating the chef's breakfast.

When many people saw Bai Ye and Ke Qing, they also greeted each other.

Bai Ye brought Keli to the place that was surveyed yesterday.

Then he looked at Keli.

"Kelly, what should we do next?"

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Keli took out a map drawn by herself from her bag.

"Kelly has already drawn the map."

"Brother Bai Ye, look."

"Clary is going to bomb some deep holes first."

"Then drop a bigger bomb."

Ke Li held up the map she drew for Bai Ye and Ke Qing to look at.

Looking at the graffiti-like map, Bai Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Then I will listen to you."

"Next, I'll take you to decorate."

After saying this, Bai Ye took Keli on a bamboo raft.

Then he took Keli and started to arrange it on it.

Ke Qing was a little skeptical at this moment, is this really possible?

It feels like the things Keli draws are just like playing.

However, seeing Bai Ye's appearance of completely trusting Keli, she could only keep her doubts silently in her heart.

Just wait and see.

Bai Ye took Keli and started to arrange it.

After reaching the first point, Keli said to Bai Ye:

"Brother Bai Ye, after I drop the bouncing bomb, remember to push the bamboo raft away quickly."

"Ke Li will be fine, but Brother Bai Ye may be bombed."

"It's not good if you get injured."

Hearing Keli's reminder, Bai Ye nodded.

"rest assured."

"no problem."

Of course he understands.

"Then Keli is going to start dropping bombs."

Keli directly took out a bowl-sized bomb and looked at Bai Ye.

Hearing her words, Bai Ye nodded.

"Throw it away."

"Throw it away and I'll take you away directly."

When Keli saw this, she didn't immediately.

Directly, he dropped the bomb in his hand at a fixed location.

'Boom! '

"Brother Bai Ye, run!!"

After hearing her words, Bai Ye immediately used force and pushed the bamboo raft out hard.

In an instant, the bamboo raft rushed several meters away.

After Bai Ye left for nearly ten meters.

A 'boom' sounded at the place where Keli dropped the bomb just now.

The loud noise caused the water to fly several meters high.

The entire surface of the water rolled over in an instant.

The water under the water droplets immediately became extremely turbid.

"Okay, it worked."

"Brother Bai Ye, let's continue."

Keli knew that this meant that she had succeeded.

You can continue to blow up other places first.

Bai Ye nodded.

Then he began to lead Keli to continuously place bombs on the water.

After a while, the explosion sounded again.

The bursts of explosions also surprised the workers on the construction site.

Has construction started on the dock?

Everyone is clear about the construction of the pier.

That model has been updated by Bai Ye, and many people have seen the brand new model.

What Bai Ye is doing now is to deepen the water level.

At first, everyone thought they were asking people to go down and dig up the rocks directly.

Now it seems that it is not.

After blasting more than a dozen holes in a row.

The next step for Keli was to start laying out new bombs.

It took Keli a lot of brain cells to make this kind of special bomb.

Because it needs to be detonated in water.

This is very troublesome.

In terms of waterproofing, Ke Like has put in a lot of effort.

Keli took out big bombs that were the same as Keli's ultimate move.

Then throw it into the pit that was just blown out in the water.

These bombs were not fuzed.

Bai Ye was also a little curious about this.

"Kelly, doesn't this need to be lit?"

Hearing Bai Ye's inquiry, Ke Li quickly explained:

"No need."

"As long as Keli detonates one of them, after the explosion, the other bombs can explode after receiving shock and vibration."

"It was taught by Keli's mother."

When she said this, she was very proud.

This is her technique of pressing the bottom of the box.

She rarely uses it.

It was only used once when bombing a certain mountain.

Then he was banned by the head of Qin.

Now it can finally be used again.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 23, Due to some irresistible reasons, I ate fish today

Liyue Port, as usual, is very prosperous here.

However, this place was also frightened by the sudden explosion.

There were sudden explosions in the direction of Gui Liyuan.

This startled a lot of people.

"what happened?"

"Why did it suddenly explode?"

"What happened, what happened?"

For a moment, everyone was shocked.

I can't figure out what's going on here.

Why did everything explode suddenly?

Ning Guang in Qunyu Pavilion also raised her eyebrows.

She also heard the explosion.

Putting down the work in hand, Ning Guang went directly to the outside of Qunyu Pavilion and looked in the direction of Gui Liyuan.

Her eyesight is very good, even though Guiliyuan is far away from here.

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