"But it doesn't look as good as you in your own clothes."

"But wearing this is quite imposing."

"Zhongli, go and carry the coffin."


Hearing Hu Tao's words, Zhong Li cast a direct glance at her.

Thank you for saying that.

Buy such clothes for him to carry the coffin?

It's not possible at all, is it?

Just when he was about to refuse, Hu Tao directly accepted the idea.

"Forget it, it seems hard for you to do that kind of thing 4.1."

"This Hall Master is not someone who likes to force others."

"So pretend I didn't say anything about it."

While staring at Zhongli, Hu Tao took back what she just said.

Well, Zhongli is not suitable for that.

If the emperor dies in the future, it's not too bad to let Zhongli carry him.

Only such people deserve to be carried by Zhongli.

She didn't say this.

After all, Liyue is full of emperor chefs.

If she said these words, she might be beaten directly.

Although she is not afraid.

But she is still quite worried that her business in Xiangshengtang will be affected.

She is not afraid of the dead, the only thing she is afraid of is that her business is not good!

Ayaka Kamisato on the side listened to Kurumi's words the whole time.

At this moment, she was speechless in her heart.

Good guy...this Miss Walnut...

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 256, Inazuma doesn’t need to generate electricity, electricity is everywhere

Ayaka Kamisato is accompanied by Walnut.

The two went shopping directly in the mall.

As for Zhongli?

After Hu Tao bought him a suit of clothes, he drove him away directly.

The rest of the time is the girls' private time.

You old man, what are you doing here to join in the fun.

Regarding Hu Tao's operation, Zhong Li was very speechless.

It was you who pulled me over, and it was you who drove me away.

Everything is you.

Shaking his head, Zhong Li didn't care too much.

He also started to wander around here.

For this kind of place full of shops, Zhongli thinks it is very good.

Anything you want to buy can be found here.

It's really a nice place.

So good~~!


Throughout the whole day, Kamisato Ayaka was shopping outside.

I bought a lot of things, and then directly hired a car to help take them to the shipyard.

In the afternoon, she also made a special trip.

Beidou has also risen at this time.

Seeing what Ayaka Kamisato had asked to pull over, she slowly made a question mark.

"How many things did you... buy?"

She looked at everything in front of her in confusion.

There are too many 01 things.

Hearing her words, Kamisari smiled.

"Sister Beidou, if you are going to Inazuma next time, please help me bring these things there."

"At that time, just hand over the things to Thomas on the pier."

"I'll write a letter later and give it to you tomorrow."

When Beidou heard the words, he immediately agreed directly.


When going to Liyue, she used to go there empty.

However, this time it seems that we can bring something more to the past.

Bai Ye happened to come over at this time.


"If you go to Inazuma this time, please help bring some things there."

"Along the way, just put things on some deserted islands."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Beidou was a little puzzled.


Why was she suddenly asked to bring something there?

Bai Ye directly projected the things she wanted her to bring over.

"Signal transmitter."

"With this, if you are on the ship, you can also hear the news from Liyue, and you can even use the phone."

"Though it might be a bit slower."

"Just throw it down every once in a while."

"Do you have the chart?"

"If there are any, I can mark them for you."

Bai Ye didn't hide the role of these things either.

Upon hearing these words, Beidou suddenly regained his spirits.

Can I make a call?

This can have.

Thinking of this, she immediately ordered her subordinates to go down and get the chart.

Kanli Ayaka watched quietly from the side.

"Are you planning to take all the phone calls to other countries?"

This thing should be an important device that allows calls to be made, right?

Bai Ye nodded.

"It does have that idea."

"You get stuff down along the way."

"Let's connect to Dao's wife first."

"By the way, you can bring some power generating devices over there."

"At the same time, some redundant signal devices also need to be arranged in other places in Daozu."

"At that time, let the Shenli family help you."

Bai Ye had told Little Turtle about these things before.

The little turtle on the side also nodded.


"I'll give you the letter tomorrow."

"Just give it to Thomas."

Later, she will write a few letters, and when the time comes, just ask Beidou to take them back.

Beidou nodded.

He also directly agreed.


"I'll bring it to you then."

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