really not bad.

With this in mind, she continued to reply.


[Then I will send you some photos in the future. 】

【Hurry up and activate your power. 】

After posting this, she also sent an emoji.



good guy! !

How can you be so active?

What's the point of this?

I couldn't help but muttered in my heart, but Bai Ye quickly put these things behind her.

white night:

【it is good! 】

[I must activate my power quickly. 】

[Then revive your sister! 】

【By the way, can I see your legs? 】

Ying expressed his doubts about Bai Ye's strange request.

What's so good about legs?

However, she still took a picture and sent it.

Just like that, a certain silly Baitian Thunder God was fooled by Bai Ye.

Bai Ye, who is an SP, would come and tease him from time to time.

But Ying didn't realize it.

Instead, they chatted happily with Bai Ye.

Especially when Bai Ye told her some novels from time to time.

But as he talked, he asked her to click on some pictures or something.

Sister Shadow expressed her doubts.

Could it be that Bai Ye needs some special circumstances to awaken his power?

It was said in the novel.

It seems that when a man sees something beautiful, his mood will be excited and his strength will increase greatly.

Is this the reason?

Apparently, in order to revive his sister.

Still need to post more selfies.

If Yae Kamiko sees the chat records of Shirai Ye and Ying, he will definitely die laughing.

After all, Ying was deceived.


In addition to Ying getting a mobile phone, Xin Hai on Haizhi Island on the other side also got a mobile phone.

Under Thomas' tutelage, she quickly learned how to use it.

And also added Yae Miko as a friend.

At the same time, there is Ayaka Kamisato.

Kanli Linghua also began to share with her some experiences in Liyue.

This surprised her very much.

There is even an urge to go to Liyue to have a look.

It's just a pity that she can't leave Haizhi Island now! !

Otherwise, she really wanted to go to Liyue to have a look.


Bai Ye chatted with Ying for a while, and after taking a few selfies.

He just got busy.

Beidou is still selling fishing boats.

The first batch of people who eat crabs have appeared, and just a boatload of fish has made them a lot of money.

This makes them more confident.

Even after selling all the fish, they replenished their energy and went to sea again.

I'm going to grab some and go to Liyue Port to sell them.

You can also make a lot of money there.

It is precisely because of this situation that many fishermen want to buy fishing boats immediately.

However, the first group of people had already bought out the fishing boats.

Some people even have to wait a few days to get the money.

And now, how many days?

In the past few days, I have been watching others make money.

Watching other people make money is more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

This is what many fishermen think now.

But nothing can be done.

These people can only go to the shipyard with the ship purchase contract and wait.

As long as the fishing boat is off the assembly line, they will take their contract up without saying a word, indicating that the boat belongs to them.

Then drive away! !

As time went by, new mobile phones also began to be sold.

In the past few days, this incident has been continuously broadcast on the news.

Now basically everyone in Liyue knows about this.

So when the store opened that day.

Countless people started to come and line up.

When they see that beautiful phone and the features on display.

Everyone (Zhao Li's) was shocked.

How could it be so?

Especially what's playing on the screens at the door.

This is TV?

That's right, there are now a lot of screens placed at the entrances of these mobile phone stores.

What is played on it are all kinds of photos of the mobile phone, as well as functional gameplay.

Many people who had no interest at first also stopped at this time, Zhu stopped and watched.

After watching for a while, these guys decisively ran to line up.

Otherwise, there is really no need to buy it later.

God knows how much is being produced now.

Don't be like the radio again, buy and buy, and it will be sold out the next day.

Then there is not enough produced every day for everyone to buy.

Buy early and enjoy early.

This is what many people think.

Early in the morning, the door of the mobile phone store was full of people.

They are all here to buy new mobile phones.

As the time to open the door came, Liyue's people poured into the store one after another.

Start buying or trying out that new phone.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 323, Sugar Kiss, you don’t want your wish to be fulfilled, do you?

Today is definitely a special day for Liyue.

The release of the new mobile phone soon caused a sensation.

The first batch of people who bought a mobile phone soon discovered some special ways to play it.

Can you even communicate with strangers anytime and anywhere?

Just sign up for a forum account.

This undoubtedly surprised many people.

There are tutorials on how to post on Weibo and even how to follow other people.

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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