That's right, that's right.

No wonder, Dijun was held by someone's arm.

It is also recorded in some unofficial histories that the Dust Demon God likes Morax.

I thought it was just gossip, but now it seems that it should be true.



"I see."

Thinking of this, Ning Guang couldn't help laughing.

Maybe that's good too.

Well, Dijun really should find a companion.

Now that Dijun has decided to retire.

Then there should be someone by your side.

Thinking of this, Ningguang suddenly said:

"Come on."

Baixiao outside heard Ningguang's words and walked in immediately.

"Lord Ningguang!"

Seeing Bai Xiao, Ning Guang couldn't help saying:

"Go on."

"Have someone put [-] million moras on Mr. Zhongli's card."

"Just write in the note, congratulations Mr. Zhongli."

Well, just send the money as a congratulations.

After all, Dijun doesn't have any money, does he?

Wait a minute, she asked Bai Ye to help build a house for Dijun as a wedding room.

Such a happy decision.

When Bai Xiao heard what Ning Guang said, she was stunned.

Ah this?

what happened?

Why such an arrangement all of a sudden?

For a moment, Bai Xiao was also full of doubts.

But she didn't think much of it.

As a qualified secretary.

Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, just do things seriously.

"I'll make arrangements right now."

After saying this, Bai Xiao left here directly.

When she came outside, she took out her mobile phone and called the bank in Liyue Port.

Have someone transfer the money directly to Mr. Zhongli's account.

Although she didn't have it, the bank can check it.

At this time, Zhong Li also took his breakfast after all.

However, Zhongli felt embarrassed after eating breakfast.

Because, no money! !

He forgot about it again.

The waiter at the side also recognized Zhongli.

"Mr. Zhongli, where should I send the bill?"

"Send it to the Hall of Rebirth?"

Hearing his words, Zhong Li just wanted to speak.

Then a text message was received.

Take out your phone and take a look.

Hmm... two hundred million moras.

And when he saw the note, Zhongli suddenly fell silent.



He glanced at the end.

Then, I understood something in an instant.

"Wait a moment."

"I'll be back in a moment."

"After all, wait for me here."

After saying so, Zhong Li got up directly.

Then walked out.

After a while, he disappeared in place.

About 10 minutes or so.

Zhongli is back.

At this time, Zhongli was full of confidence.

With money in your pocket, don't panic.


Although it was a speechless Ning Guang operation, he accepted it.

After paying the bill, Zhongli left here with his final words.

Start heading towards the General Affairs Department.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 374, Ningguang: Come here, call Mr. Zhongli [-] million for marriage

Zhong Li and Gui finally came to the Department of General Affairs.

Looking at those people queuing up, after all, his eyes were full of curiosity.

With the end in mind, Zhongli quickly entered the General Affairs Department.

Bai Ye saw the arrival of the two.

I couldn't help but whisper in my heart.

"Bai Ye, please help me get an ID card after all."

"Also, she said she wanted to help here."

Zhong Li looked at Bai Ye, and he directly explained the reason for his visit this time.

Hearing what the old man said~, Su Yu nodded.

"no problem!"

"Come on, you come here first."

"I'll help you get your ID card."

"As for work, I already have an idea."

Having said that, - Bai Ye smiled.

Isn't this delivered to your door by yourself?

It just so happened that Bai Ye needed her help with something.

After all, my face was full of doubts. Do you already have an idea?

What are you going to ask her to do?

Although curious, he finally sat down.

Let's deal with the ID card first.

Be a Liyue citizen!

Bai Ye fiddled with the machine for a while.

Then let it finally cooperate.

After a while, he got out his final ID card.

After getting the ID card, I was very happy after all.

After settling this matter, Bai Ye continued to speak:

"Old man, what do you think about letting Gui Shi teach the mechanical department?"

"At the same time, help out at the organ workshop."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Zhongli thought for a while and then nodded.

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