Keli simply took out some Liyue play guides from her bag and handed them to them.

These are what Keli usually carries on her body.

If anyone came to ask her for directions, Keli could give them these things.

This is also what Keli often encounters when she plays outside.

It is already very proficient.

Several people were a little surprised when they saw the pamphlet Keli handed over.

Still took it over and looked at it.

They are also very curious.

Liyue travel guide?

It seems to be interesting.

With curiosity, several people followed and watched.

As they read it slowly, they also understood some of the situation on Liyue's side.

It even told you about Liyue's current changes.

For example, if you want a car, you have to take a driver's license test before you can buy it.

There are also motorcycles that can fly into the sky, which can only be purchased by holders of the Eye of God, and so on.

car?Is it those iron boxes that just passed by?

But what is a flying motorcycle?

When a few people came to Liyue Port General Affairs Department, they finally understood what a flying motorcycle was.

I saw Ningguang riding her car and riding down from the sky with two secretaries.

After landing on the side of the General Affairs Department, her eyes locked on Tinari and his party for the first time.

"A distinguished guest of Sumi."

"Hello, I am Tianquanxing, Ningguang."

After getting out of the car, Ning Guang introduced himself and left.

Hearing this, several people immediately became serious.

Is it the boss Ningguang?

They didn't dare to be careless, and introduced themselves one after another.

Now in Liyue, Liyue Qixing is the person in charge of this country.

They still knew this when they came.

Ning Guang smiled and nodded.

Then an invitation was sent to several people.

Let them enter the General Affairs Department 0.

Keli doesn't need to be involved in the next thing.

So she ran away without saying anything.

She doesn't want to stay here.

If you stay here, you may not know when you will be able to leave.

Keli ran away directly.

Then he returned to Guiliyuan through the teleportation array.

Keli, who came back here, didn't go to school either.

Instead, she ran towards the pier.

Kelly, who was humming a little tune, was very happy.

"Da Da Da ~ ~!"

Many people looked at Keli passing by, and they couldn't help but smile on their faces.

After all, a big cute thing running on the road is very attractive.

Some women even wanted to hug Keli.

But seeing that Keli seemed to have something to do, she didn't do anything casually.

Kelly ran to the pier, then went straight to Mond's warehouse.

At this time, Yura and Amber are busy here.

Because Diluc's ship has returned.

Some merchants' goods are also out of warehouses at this time.

Or it was pulled in.

Pull away when the time comes.

Once in and out, this kept the two of them busy.

Keli ran over and shouted directly to Amber:

"Sister Amber, sister Ke Lai is here."

"She's in Liyue Port."

Hearing this, Amber was also taken aback.

"Has it arrived yet?"

"I see."

"Kelly, since you're back, it's time to go to school."

"You can't just play around outside, you know?"

Amber has contact with Ke Lai.

It's just that when Ke 4.1 entered Liyue Realm, their connection was broken.

But I didn't expect to have come to Liyue Port.

He glanced at the little girl Keli.

Amber started preaching.

You have already started school.

But what the hell are you playing outside now?

Hearing what Amber said, Keli giggled.

"Know it!"

"I'll go to school tomorrow."

"I'm going to find Brother Bai Ye, see you, Sister Amber~!"

After saying that, Keli ran out directly.

Can't stay here any longer.

Otherwise, Sister Amber will preach again.

Seeing this scene, Amber was a little helpless.

But didn't say anything.

Kelai has arrived in Liyue.

Then she will probably come to him later.

Amber had told her where he was.

So there is no rush.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 491: Sister-in-law Liang, let me check your body.

Ke Li ran to Gui Liyuan's General Affairs Department.

She directly ran into Bai Ye's office.

"Brother Bai Ye, I'm back!"

Hearing Keli's voice, Bai Ye also looked up.


"Is everything done?"

The work in hand was lost in the night.

He was a little surprised.

Things got done so quickly?

Kelly nodded.

He ran directly to the coffee table and sat down, saying:

"It's almost done."

"However, there are guests from Xumi, so sister Ganyu brought me back."

"Keli didn't want to follow over there, so she came back first."

"By the way, tell Sister Amber that Sister Ke Lai is here."

Xiao Keli chirped and told the reason of the matter.

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