"You flatter me too much."

"The emperor heard about my thoughts and experiences from another world, and signed a contract with me on a whim, hoping that I would bring some better changes to this Liyue."

"Plus, Dijun wants to retire."

"He just thought, let me try and see if I can bring some changes to Liyue."

"Liyue is very similar to the ancient country I used to be."

"Because of this, I talked a lot with Dijun, and he felt that many things from me were helpful."

"Just invite me to stay in Liyue and change Liyue."

Bai Ye told some of the conversation between himself and Zhongli.

When the two finished listening to Bai Ye's explanation, they immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

"We get it."

"Then, please come with me first."

"Keqing, please run first."

"Notify Ningguang."

"Call the other Liyue Seven Stars over."

"We need a meeting."

There is no doubt that this is a very important matter.

Gan Yudang even made a decision.

Let Keqing go back first.

And she followed closely behind with Bai Ye.

Ke Qing is faster.

Especially the elemental combat skills, which allow her to travel quickly.

Hearing Gan Yu's words, Ke Qing nodded.

She glanced at Bai Ye and didn't hesitate immediately.

Using elemental combat skills directly is to leave here quickly.

In a few blinks, she disappeared in place.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye was immediately amazed.

Ah Qing is much stronger in reality than in the game.

"Mr. Baiye."

"plz follow me."

"I'll take you there, and let me introduce you to Liyue Port by the way."

Gan Yu extended an invitation to Bai Ye very seriously.

Hearing this, Bai Ye nodded.

"sorry to bother you."

"I'm also looking forward to Liyue Port."

Seeing this, Gan Yu didn't hesitate, and directly led Bai Ye towards Liyue Port below.

Look from here.

Liyue is really big, far from being as small as seen in the game.

Standing here and looking down is like standing on some hill in modern society and looking down at the big city below.

It looks quite spectacular.

Moreover, from here, Bai Ye could also see the palace floating in the air, it must be Qunyu Pavilion.

Gan Yu walked in front, Bai Ye followed behind.

The two started towards Liyue Port one after the other.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 6, Speaking of which, Liyue is really wonderful, everyone is in Liyuegang

Gan Yu and Bai Ye entered Liyue Port.

At this time the sun has gone down.

Some people started to return home after a busy day.

That is, the rush hour for get off work.

Looking at Liyue Port where people come and go, Gan Yu walking in front gives people a very lonely feeling.

It's like being out of tune with this city.

Bai Ye understood what was going on with Gan Yu.

For thousands of years, Gan Yu has witnessed the prosperity of Liyue Port.

But because she is of half-celestial blood, her nature makes her dislike this increasingly noisy city.

But its human side made her miss this gorgeous city very much.

Therefore, Gan Yu, who is half human and half immortal, is very contradictory.

While liking Liyuegang, he thought of living a quiet life in the deep mountains and wild forests.

That's why she couldn't integrate into the bustling city in front of her.

Especially now that Dijun is going to return Liyue to humans.

She was even more confused.

Should I leave too?

Gan Yu, who was walking in front, looked at the Liyue Port surrounded by people, and fell into a daze for a while.

At this moment, Bai Ye's voice sounded.

"Miss Gan Yu."

"You seem very confused."

"Did something happen?"

Gan Yu who was pulled back to God by Bai Ye's voice hurriedly apologized.

"Sorry, Mr. Bai Ye."

"I lost my mind."

"Just thinking about something."

Shaking his head, Gan Yu didn't say much.

Instead, after simply fooling the past, they began to change the subject.

"Mr. Baiye."

"Do you have any plans for the future?"

"Dijun said that you will change Liyue's status quo."

"But specifically, he didn't tell me."

Hearing this obvious change of subject, Bai Ye just smiled.

She didn't want to say it, and Bai Ye didn't force it.

But let's talk about this topic?

Bai Ye had already thought about it on the road.

Thinking of this, Bai Ye didn't hide anything, but directly said:

"I also thought about this question on the road."

"Liyue, for now, if you want to change."

"That is undoubtedly a very difficult thing."

"Compared to changing the original social structure, it is better to rebuild a city similar to Liyue, but with a different concept."

"So, I plan to rebuild a city!!"

"Furthermore, the address is Guiliyuan."

When he said this, Bai Ye was very serious.

When Gan Yu heard this, surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Rebuild a city..."

"Mr. Bai Ye, is this really okay?"

Will it be too much trouble?

Bai Ye nodded.

"why not?"

"Also, the current Liyue Port is already too crowded."

"I believe that if this development continues, there will only be more people here in a few years."

"At that time, all aspects will also fall into bottlenecks."

"If that's the case, why not start preparing now?"

"Building a new city can solve the current congestion problem in Liyue Port, and it can also be used as a test site to test whether some of my ideas can be used in this world."

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