Instead, it was passed directly to Bai Ye.

Looking at this document, Bai Ye decided to agree after thinking about it.

Since it’s so difficult to cultivate inside, then don’t cultivate.

Now it is completely possible to let large machinery enter the field.

Then start mining first.

Thinking of this, Ms. Bai Yebai began to give orders.

Let Nu Wa start to deal with this matter.

"Notify, the mining team will start to pass."

"Excavate directly."

"At the same time, notify Ningguang and tell her that the mining of the minerals in the snow mountain has started 0 ."

Bai Ye directly made a decision.

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Nuwa's voice soon rang out.

[The order has been issued. 】

[The news has been passed to Miss Ningguang. 】

It wasn't long after Bai Ye gave the order.

Ning Guang walked in from the outside.

Bai Ye is now in his own home.

Ning Guang originally planned to come to play with Bai Ye.

But she never thought that she would receive this message as soon as she came here.

So she hurried in.

"white night!"

"The road in the snow mountain is not repaired?"

Ning Guang, who was holding the phone, was full of doubts.

Hearing her words, Bai Ye nodded.

"Not repaired."

"Just send the machine over."

“The further in you go, the harder it is to repair the road.”

"It's all ice and snow, so it can't be built."

"Simply don't fix it."

"Mine first, then talk."

When Ning Guang heard the words, she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

But soon, she was relieved.


It's full of frozen soil.

It is really difficult to build roads in it.

Immediately, she didn't say anything more.

Instead, he came to Bai Ye and sat down.

Looking at Bai Ye's house, he found that only Bai Ye was there.

She couldn't help but whispered in her heart.

"What about Keqing and them?"

Ningguang looked at Bai Ye with her big smart eyes.

Hearing her words, Bai Ye pointed upstairs.

"Up there."

Hearing what Bai Ye said, a look of disappointment flashed in Ning Guang's eyes.

But 4.2 soon recovered.

"I'm here to stay for a few days."

"Since there is no road construction on the snow mountain side."

"Send the engineering team back and let them build the iron tracks."

"Ruotuo Dragon King has opened up many places."

"The railway is ready to be built."

Since Ke Qing is here, she can only put away the little Jiujiu in her heart.

He began to talk about these serious matters with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye also thought so.


Now it's time to start sending people over to start building the railway.

It's just about the railroad tracks.

Thinking of this, he looked at Ning Guang.

"The material of the rails has always been your responsibility."

"Did you make it?"

Ever since those formulas and blueprints were given to Ning Guang, Bai Ye ignored them.

How about it, only ask Ning Guang to know.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 591, Ke Qing: Concentrate on you vixen!

When Ning Guang heard the words, he immediately began to tell the information about the materials of the rails.

"It's all been produced."

"Then it's just a matter of sending it over and assembling it."

"To lay a railroad is to pull some stones across."

"Basically there are no major problems."

Of course she's fine here.

Many things have already been prepared.

Construction can begin at any time.

"In that case, let's start."

"Nuwa, you started dispatching people to build the railway."

"What materials are needed, you can integrate them."

"It's time to place an order for production."

Bai Ye picked up the phone and gave the order directly to Nuwa.

【receive! 】

[Start to arrange. 】

As its voice fell, the scene became quiet again.

Ningguang took out his mobile phone and played with it for a while before speaking out:

"I have to say, with Nuwa's help."

"Instead, we were free."

Speaking of this, the corners of Ningguang's mouth rose slightly.

She was still in a very good mood.

It's good to have some free time. If you have time, go play with Bai Ye.

Thinking of this, she leaned directly on Bai Ye's shoulder.

Then I started chatting with her about 01.

"By the way, when did you start to get the island I mentioned earlier?"

"Make it in advance, we can also go there to play."

Bai Ye saw Ging Guang leaning on his shoulder.

I feel a little helpless.

Is this guy planning a showdown with Keqing?

Aren't you afraid that Keqing will blow up her hair directly?

Although he was very puzzled, he didn't say much to ask this.

After all, after asking, maybe Ningguang will say something strange instead.

Are you so worried that Keqing knows about us?

Could it be that I am not as important as Keqing in your heart?

Do you want to keep our affairs from being known for the rest of your life?

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