'咻咻~~! '

'boom! ! '

'boom! ! '

The explosion sounded, and some people who were working nearby looked over.

They were also taken aback by the explosion.

But when they saw Bai Ye and the little red girl attacking a wooden bridge.

Immediately speechless.

It's really simple and rude.

Ke Qing couldn't help feeling helpless.

"I'll ask someone to get firewood down there."

After saying this, she didn't bother to pay attention to these two guys who were already playing.

What an outrageous kill.

Just do it right away.

No wonder, you didn't respond when you said that someone would take it apart.

You have already prepared for the relationship.

I couldn't help complaining crazily in my heart.

No wonder that guy Keli likes you so much.

(Ask for flowers, ask for a monthly pass, ask for a reward.).

Chapter 63, Di Luke, the richest man in Mond

Bai Ye and Keli bombed indiscriminately.

After several rocket launchers, all the wooden bridges leading to Mingyun Town were turned into firewood.

Bai Ye looked at the firewood floating on the water and being washed down.

He didn't think much of it.

The people Keqing called had already started to pull up the firewood with the bamboo rafts.

A little further down is the place where White Night will build the pier.

There are many workers busy below.

It can also be used as a fire if you grab some firewood.

After finishing all this, Bai Ye clapped her hands.

"Okay, Kelly."

"The next step is to get the bridge out again."

"You give some."

Hearing Bai Ye say this, Keli nodded.

Dang even trotted away from here.

Seeing this, Bai Ye immediately took action.

The power to directly stimulate the heart of God.

The rock elements began to gather continuously.

Then according to Bai Ye's idea, he began to create a wooden bridge.

The earth seems to be connected with this bridge.

A large number of rock elements are mobilized.

A thick rock pier began to grow out of thin air under the water.

Then, a bridge deck with a width of 10 meters and a length of about 5 meters began to slowly emerge.

Little by little it takes shape.

After it was fully formed, Bai Ye stepped onto the constructed bridge.

Then move towards the direction of Mingyun Town little by little.

433 If the entire bridge is built, it will be about [-] meters long.

It took a little time before Bai Ye got the whole bridge out.

It also changed the terrain.

Make the bridge and the ground less steep.

The bridge was built, but the work did not stop.

Bai Ye stood on the bridge, and the power that directly stimulated the Heart of God began to strengthen it.

He didn't want the bridge he made to be a tofu project.

The workers standing in the distance were completely stunned at this time.

Everyone thought that Bai Ye was the emperor.

If not many people have seen Dijun's real body, maybe they really thought it was real.

The people who built the pier were dumbfounded.

Since you have such power, why do you need us to build it.

Couldn't it be done easily by myself?

Bai Ye didn't know what those people were thinking.

After all, he only gained such power yesterday.

It took a little effort, and Bai Ye stopped after strengthening the bridge.

It also made him very tired.

Even if Bai Ye possesses the power of the Heart of God.

Theoretically speaking, it has infinite elements.

But mobilizing these elements also requires energy, so this makes Bai Ye feel very tired.

The bridge system (abeb) is completed.

Bai Ye came down from above.

Keli looked at Bai Ye with eyes full of admiration.

Brother Bai Ye is really awesome.

Gaining the admiration of the little loli, Bai Ye's tired body disappeared in an instant.

Really good.

"Brother Bai Ye~!"

Xiao Keli ran up directly.

Bai Ye patted her on the head.

"Come on, let's take down one."

Hearing this, Keli nodded hurriedly.

"it is good!"

Immediately, the two of them did not hesitate and started to return directly.

Keqing also came over from a distance at this time.

Seeing Ke Qing, Bai Ye hurriedly said:

"Aqing, please have someone draw the dividing line on the bridge."

"In the future, this bridge will be the same as the road, and it will be divided into two sides."

"Mingyun Town must also build a road."

"Plan ahead."

Hearing Bai Ye's words, Keqing nodded.

"I see, I'll make arrangements."

"Leave the rest to me."

"You just go build the second bridge."

After Bai Ye explained the matter, she took Keli back to the bridge outside the Wangshu Inn.

Just like before, the whole bridge was blown up.

Then Bai Ye used the power of God's Heart to build it.

This is true for three bridges in a row.

By the time it was repaired, the place had completely changed.

The people in Wangshu Inn also ran out when they heard the noise.

They were also amazed to see the bridge being built.

It's much stronger this way.

After these bridges were built, Bai Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The former workers also started to act at this time, and began to pull the materials to Mingyun Town.

Then we went directly to the power station upstream through Mingyun Town.

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