The concealment is so high, and its speed is so fast.

Who can guarantee that the next time it appears, it will be able to escape unscathed?


The roar of the zombies suddenly came closer.

Nasida: "Zombies that can destroy blocks have spawned again. We have to get out of here quickly."


Qi You became much more cautious when he opened the balcony door.

He was afraid that the thing would lie on some wall and give him a sudden surprise.

After realizing that there was nothing outside, Qi You breathed a sigh of relief.

"One click placement."

Chapter 100 Red umbrella ~ white umbrella, let’s lie down together after eating

[Current survival days: 25]

During this process, Qi You found:

503 emeralds, one set of drinking water, two sets of cans, 13 compressed biscuits, three sets of potato chips, one set of bandages, 8 epinephrine, 3 locks, 20 fragmentation grenades, 5 smoke bombs, 2 sets of obsidian, And some VZ58 assault rifle bullet groups 3.

The enchanted books include: 3 Protection II, which was enchanted by Qi You on the bulletproof vests of the three of them.

Recoil reduction I, penetration II, and bleed II are enchanted on the VZ58 assault rifle.

At this moment, the blood moon that lasted for several days finally ended.

The sky finally dawned.

Qi You stood in the sky on the square, and together with Nasida Wendy, they seemed to be standing on a floating island in the sky.

In the process of searching for supplies, they ignored the surging zombie tide and hid whenever they could. This resulted in more and more zombies chasing them.

At this moment, everyone gathered at their feet, densely packed into a large area, forming a solid circle of zombies with a radius of 20 blocks.

The speed at which they build blocks and escape is not even as fast as the zombies gathering together.

Moreover, Qi You's cubes were all consumed, leaving only two sets of cobblestones.

This also caused them to all be trapped in the sky and unable to come down.

"Hey, have you noticed that it's actually quite nice to stand in the sky all the time? Zombies can't come up anyway, so why don't we build a house in the sky and spend these 100 days?"

"Qi You said that when the zombies evolve to the end, they can perfectly reproduce all the player's abilities. Including placing blocks on them."

"Yeah, it's difficult. No wonder Qi You came to the city in such a hurry to find weapons."

At this moment, the two streams of lava Qi You put down finally fell to the ground and scattered, burning and melting the zombies that were pushing around, exuding a disgusting smell of burning and rotting flesh.

"However, the scope of the magma is still too small. There are so many zombies. When will it be burned out?"

Speaking of this, the two of them glanced at Qi You.

He is looking for something in his backpack:

"Fortunately, the zombies drop gunpowder."

"There is also a part of sand, but in order to save space, I made them all into TNT."

"Including those found in deserted villages, there are 40 in total."

"That's enough for the rest."

Next to this sky road made of round stones, Qi You placed TNT.

Then he took out the flints and lit them one by one.


The TNT was glowing with white light, falling one after another under the influence of gravity, and fell into the zombie group, exploding into black and white explosion light waves.


'Boom boom boom! '

The gravel road was blown into large pits one after another. Magma flowed through, melting the stumps and severed heads, and splattered blood everywhere.

[Keli]: "Keli likes this red bomb! It's square and square, not as cute as the bouncy bomb."

[Yura]: "Magma? It's really powerful, and it can extend so long."

[Keqing]: "Incredible."

[Gan Yu]: "Use magma to deal with a large number of monsters. Qi You also did this in hell."

[Sugar]: "I also want infinite magma."


Now that the blood moon has disappeared, the generation rate of zombies has also slowed down.

Seeing that the monsters were almost destroyed, Qi You poured a splash of water around him.

The reason why it didn't happen was because Nasida and Wendy were still around, so he couldn't control the time.

"Let's go down."

With that said, Qi You stepped into the water first.

Nacida stretched out her little feet and when she stood in the water, she felt that her whole body was being pushed downward.

Unlike the waterfall, the water flow did not speed up her fall to the ground. Instead, it slowed down her fall, as if she was acting like an ice-cold water elevator.


Wendy jumped straight out, over the water elevator, and fell into the puddle with a thud.

[Paimon]: "Wow? Can you still play like this?"

[Albedo]: "The water flow actually slows down gravity?"

[Noelle]: "I know another way to land from high altitude."


"Now that the food and medicine are full, where should we go next? The military arsenal?"

"My suggestion is to go back to the train first and put all the useless things there first."

Wendy: "Hey, I'm useless, just leave me there to rest."

Nasida: (¬_¬)

Qi You: Your map of Yan State is a bit short...

[Ying]: "I heard this plan in Sumeru."


On their way back to the train station.

[Random questions and answers are coming! 】

[Amber]: "Coming, coming! Here we come again!"

[Xiao Gong]: "As soon as the rhythm slows down, random questions and answers will come. I really don't dare to lose my mind for a moment..."

[Laila]: "What will be the Q&A this time?"

[Question: What is the product of water and magma? 】

[Roll call: Tinari! 】

Tinari was patrolling Daocheng Forest. After hearing the question, his plush ears, which were black on the outside and pink on the inside, twitched.

This question is not difficult for him.

Because Qi You had just used magma to deal with the zombies, and then placed a bucket of water next to it.

Where magma and water collide, boulders are formed.

So, he answered without thinking: "Round stone."

【you sure? 】

These three big words made Tinari slightly stunned.

The answer he had given so confidently just now made him have some self-doubt now.

[Wutao]: "That's weird. Shouldn't we say 'correct answer' or 'wrong answer'?"

[Gan Yu]: "According to my experience, Mr. Tinari's answer should be incomplete..."

[Ying]: "@ganyu, good at taking exams."

Looking at the death countdown on the screen in front of him, Tinari recalled all the blocks in Minecraft.

Is it just cobblestone?

What else could there be?

【time out!This is considered an incorrect answer! 】

【correct answer:】

[Flowing water + static magma = obsidian]

[Flowing water + flowing magma = cobblestone]

[Still water + flowing magma = rough stone]

[Wanderer]: "When did you tell me how to make obsidian? Why don't I remember?"

[Ke Lai]: "Yes, yes, I thought obsidian could only be obtained from boxes."

When faced with the argument, the system gave a picture.

That was when Qi You and Naxida went down to the mine, and there happened to be a magma pool not far away.

When Qi You put the water stream next to him, the surface of the magma quickly condensed into dark obsidian.

[Arataki Yidou]: "Your investigation is too detailed! Who can answer it?"

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