Amidst the hissing sound of the bandage being torn apart, Wendy couldn't help but sigh: "This is too astringent!"

Qi You: "???"

Wendy: "Really, if you don't believe me, just touch it..."

Oh, it turns out that the material of the bandage is very astringent and uncomfortable.

I also said, how come you can drive on this broken road?

Qi You shook his head, trying to throw away the yellow waste.

Unexpectedly, Wendy suddenly jumped in front of him, raised her bandaged arm, and made a strongman's pose: "Come and touch my biceps."

Qi You:! ! !

It’s so astringent!

He looked away and pulled Wendy away: "If you have square, thick arms and legs, if you really bulge out a muscle, I can't think of any other possibility except that you were parasitized by a dahlia. Although I am not a doctor, free of charge The amputation surgery can be arranged."

Wendy felt that the knife in Qi You's hand was a bit dangerous.

While winking, he stayed away a little: "Let's lighten the atmosphere, hey."

I have to say that the atmosphere was indeed lightened by Wendy.

The surroundings were quiet, as if time had been frozen, there was no sound.

More stable than the electrocardiogram of a dead zombie.

Soon, as they were walking, a huge shadow appeared in front of the two of them like a ghost.

"This is the last room."

Wendy raised the flashlight and said softly: "At that time, because the shape of this house was too ugly, it might not have been able to impress your preferences, so you never did anything to it."

Qi You:? ? ?

The reason why a good person doesn't take action is because the other person is ugly!

"I didn't do anything to it because it was too far away and the boomerang couldn't reach it."

Wendy sighed: "I thought you could get it very far, but no, no."

Qi You:? ? ?

Before he could reply, Wendy had already stepped into the house first.

'Hoo hoo—'

A heavy breathing sound came immediately.

It looked like some huge ancient behemoth, breathing heavily in annoyance, giving people a feeling that it was quite difficult to deal with.

Wendy paused, as if going back in time, and then fell out intact.

He patted Qi You on the shoulder: "Brother, you go first."

Qi You showed a speechless expression: (▼_▼)

He took two steps in and then stepped back without any change: "What did you just say?"

Wendy blinked: "You, you go first?"

"last sentence."

"I thought you could get it very far, but no, no..."

Wendy was silent for a moment, then quickly changed her words: "Brother, you can do it, you are the best."

Chapter 123 You can’t run away

Qi You then raised his flashlight and walked in slowly.

The other hand held a rock, while Wendy held a shotgun.

Although it was inside the house, the fog did not weaken at all.

From time to time, a few zombies would rush over and scratch their claws.

It doesn't take much blood, but it hurts a lot.

And with such an unsuspecting claw, coupled with the weird atmosphere around him, Qi You suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Turning on the flashlight, the dense fog in front of him was very dense. Under the illumination of the light, the bloody gray fog particles became brighter and brighter, making his eyes dizzy, and the visibility was even lower.

As a last resort, Qi You could only put away the flashlight and raise the torch.

Visibility, only 4 grid areas.

And the claws of the zombies are so long, and they have awakened the ability to drag.


The zombies rolled over and crawled over, grabbing Qi You's ankles from the left and right, and trying to drag him into the crack in the wall.

Under the huge force, he was directly pulled into a Y shape.

Qi You stumbled and fell to the ground, and quickly took out his shotgun to fight it off.

He almost fell off the long cobblestone bridge and fell into the spores of the bloody dahlia.


Qi You gasped and stood up, holding a bandage in his mouth, and recovered the blood loss DEBUFF.

At this moment--

"Shh..." Wendy suddenly made a silent gesture.

Qi You pulled the bandage for a moment, looked at him quietly for a while, and then he hissed again.

Qi You was a little confused: "I didn't say anything."

"No, you're breathing a little heavy."

Qi You held his breath, and so did Wendy.

He frowned and listened for a moment, but couldn't figure out why. He raised his head and said, "Your heartbeat is a bit heavy."

Qi You was speechless: "How about I die here on the spot? If I die, I will be in peace."

"That's one way." Wendy smiled and said, "Have you noticed that the breathing sound that we have been hearing since we walked in suddenly stopped."

When Wendy said this, Qi You realized it.

Previously at the door of the tower, I heard heavy breathing sounds from inside.

It was like some giant monster was snoring.

But now, the sound has stopped...

The surroundings were eerily quiet, and you could even hear each other's heartbeats.

He heard Wendy swallow her saliva and say in a dry voice: "Is there a possibility that that thing is awake?"

[Xiao Gong]: "I'm so numb! I was so scared by the zombies just now that I didn't pay attention to the breathing sound!"

[Paimeng]: "Singing's observation skills are really keen."

[Keqing]: "In other words, the experimental subjects hidden in the tower are looking for them?"

[Gan Yu]: "It seems that Mr. BOSS makes no sound even when he moves around."

Qi You has already vaccinated himself.

The bandit leader's tower may very well contain the final experimental subject.

Since coming in, zombies have been spawning and crawling over in pursuit, distracting Qi You's attention.

Therefore, before he realized it, the sound of breathing had stopped.

"Or maybe."

Wendy lowered her voice deliberately:

"In the fog, it couldn't see the direction just like us. So after it was woken up, it was also looking for us?"

Qi You sighed, silently loaded the shotgun, and said, "Be optimistic, what if that thing doesn't wake up, but dies."

Wendy didn't answer.

'Da da da'

The sound of blocks being struck sounded.

"Is it a siege zombie? Be careful."

But when I turned around, there was no sign of Wendy.



Qi You shouted several times, but there was no response from the other party.

On the other hand, my own echo echoed back and forth several times in this huge room, making it very permeable.

Wendy's name was hidden in the fog, blurry.

Qi You squinted for a long time before finding his location.

Why did you run behind me?

Could it be that he was scared and wanted to run away?

Qi You raised the flashlight and approached the door.

He found Wendy standing not far away, staring blankly at a pool of dark mucus on the ground. When he saw Qi You coming, he made a silent gesture.

"Qi You, I think we all guessed wrong just now..."

Along the way, this pool of mucus was not there just now.

This dark, corrosive slime comes from 'experimental monsters closer to their parent bodies', which are all the experimental subjects recorded in the scholar's notes.

It can be basically inferred that a BOSS experimental body just passed by quietly.

Wendy lowered her voice and said almost with her lips: "It's not looking for us."

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