
As he got closer, he heard the weak and gasping voice of the ender dragon.

Its health dropped a lot, it was hovering in the air, its huge wings were beating, and the whole dragon looked wilted.

"Its health is slowly decreasing."

Squinting, you can see Qi You kneeling on top of it, motionless.

There was finally peace over there, so Nasida built a two-block-high 'roof' above her head according to Qi You's previous instructions, so that the three-block-high Enderman could not be teleported in.

"It feels like... the danger has been lifted." Nasida breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do not……"

Zhongli took out the leaf-green halberd again and looked in one direction.

A rustling sound suddenly appeared on the jump gate made of bedrock that everyone had teleported over.

Obviously, it’s the sound of the clods being built!

Following the sound, I found that countless zombies had been teleported over and were building a bridge of earth to attack here!

And at the end of the zombies, stood a guy completely black.

After so many days of evolution, its intelligence and sanity levels completely rival those of scientists!

He was truly reborn with the help of a stronger creation...

The glutton's eyes were as scarlet as blood, and he walked toward the group of people step by step, mouthing human words:

"You guys really gave me a good meal..."

Chapter 157 Dust on the Laurel Crown

Gluttony walked across the bridge made of dirt and cobblestones.

The dark body was filled with dense mist, almost condensing into a solid body.

His glowing red eyes were filled with insane ecstasy.

"The End, this is the End!"

"That place that only exists in legends is actually real?"

"Haha, hahaha! Hahahahaha!"

Unable to conceal its inner joy, it held its head and rubbed its head manically like a madman, its body trembling crookedly:

"I'm telling you! My plan won't go wrong! It never goes wrong!"

"The same goes for resurrecting from a weak body, and the same goes for finding the place of end!"

"This is all the guidance of fate!"

"I will eventually collect the four 'sacrifice' and become the god of the new world!!"

Based on the meaning of his words, it is not difficult to guess.

The four sacrifices refer to the source virus in Qi You's body, the scientist's own memory and mind, the glutton's ability to infinitely devour evolution, and the ender dragon that dominates the end.

No matter what, it really thinks highly of itself.

He even included his evil intentions as one of the sacrifices.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

It arched its body, and the tentacles hidden in its body opened uncontrollably, swaying like flowers.

And just when it was twisting its body like a zombie, it was about to set foot on the end continent.

Several figures stood directly in front of it.

"Get out of the way! You bunch of ants, don't do it..."

Before he finished speaking, Wendy, who was flying overhead, dropped the grenade.


Grenades fused with leaf-green substances have stronger repelling capabilities.

Not only did it blow up part of the bridge, but it also blew all the twisted and crawling zombies on it down into the void.

In the gray-white explosion wave, the scarlet light in its eyes never dissipated, but became more and more angry.


Seeing its furious look, Nasida folded her arms helplessly: "In front of us, calling yourself a god would be too arrogant."

The four gods of Teyvat were all 'old guys' who lived for hundreds of years before they took over the power to govern the world.

Even in this hopeless world where the difference between gods and humans cannot be reflected, their knowledge is far beyond what ordinary people can match.

In front of them, this scientist, who had lived for decades, was as stupid and ridiculous as a babbling baby.

Gluttony understands the expressions on their faces at this moment.

Called disdain, ridicule, contempt...

In short, it is definitely not the belief, loyalty, admiration and admiration it desires.

"You're just an ant, what right do you have to look at me like that!"

Growing up, when did anyone dare to tease it like this!

It has always been the pride of heaven and has never suffered a single loss. How can it tolerate a grain of sand in its eyes?

"No! No! I'm going to make you pay the price!"

It jumped up and rushed in front of Zhongli almost in the blink of an eye!

Zhongli reacted quickly and dodged sideways, and the halberd circled in the air, slicing across its hard body impartially.

The Gluttonous Eater was worthy of being called the King of Corpses. His blood volume was so heavy that Zhongli didn't even hurt it.

But the reaction speed of his block really shocked it.

"No, it's impossible!"

"How could you dodge my blow!"

"You don't even have the virus from the source body!"

Gluttony looked at his dark hands in disbelief.

In the world it thought, its own strength should be crushing!

But Zhongli's agile movement made him become even more angry!

The huge gap made it almost go crazy!

Suddenly, his eyes widened and he cut off his right hand fiercely!

Although it healed and grew back immediately, it just refused to let go and kept cutting again and again!

Roaring and shouting:

"You ungrateful thing!"

"So many days have passed! Why did I only eat so many zombies?"

"I even spent an entire experimental subject (Fat Man) raising you!"

"Do you know how perfect that experimental subject is!"

"Are you worthy of my training for you?"

"How could I not tear his body apart?"

"how is this possible!!"

As he chopped off more and more arms, everyone could clearly see that the cuboid-shaped arms were twisting toward the zombies behind him like wriggling maggots.


Qi You collected the silverfish in the fortress, and the gluttons devoured them as well.

Giving it the ability to split its body to execute orders.

After eating the zombies that kept crawling in from behind, the glutton's blood volume gradually increased.

During this process, they did not act rashly.

Because they know that they are no match for it.

At this moment, all that can be done is to delay.

I hope Qi You behind him can absorb that huge ender dragon quickly.

Seeing the glutton beating his body like crazy not far away, Zhongli slowly spoke:

"Do you know what a god is?"

Zhongli shook the leaf-green halberd in his hand, and the white-green light left afterimages in the air. There was no trace of fear in his eyes.

As if it wasn't the mad scientist who made countless people cringe and kneel on the ground, begging to be spared.

But an ordinary person.

He looked at it with the same compassion and helplessness as he looked at his people.

Just like no matter how fast a river flows, it will eventually return to the sea.

This undoubtedly verified that the dimension he existed in was much higher than it.

For the first time, Glutton felt fear.

It recharged its energy, took a few steps back, and said in a hoarse voice:


"The one who rules everything, the one who turns his hands to make clouds and rain, the one who makes the common people bow their heads, the one who can decide the life and death of others at will." At this point, a greedy smile appeared on the corner of its mouth.

There was a hint of undetectable mockery in Zhongli's brown eyes.

"That's not a god."

"That's Hunjun."

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