It felt like time was almost up, so I lowered my altitude and looked down. I saw that it was still a vast ocean. According to the calculation on the map, the straight-line distance was about 1600 kilometers.

I was flying south in a straight line. The fastest speed of this plane is 400 kilometers per hour, which is exactly 1600 kilometers in four hours. So now as long as I fly due west, I should be at the location of Shanghai, and even if it is not, it will not be far away.

So Lin Hao turned and flew westward. After flying for about 10 minutes, he found some lights due west and north.

Thinking that he should have arrived at Shanghai, Lin Hao continued to fly towards the light with confidence. About seven or eight minutes later, he had already flown over Shanghai.

But Lin Hao didn't dare to land the plane because he couldn't see the ground below.

So Lin Hao thought for a while, and simply put the plane into the space, opened the parachute, and parachuted directly to a place with few people outside the city.

After Lin Hao put away his parachute, he felt like he was a paratrooper landing in Shanghai!

Shaking his head, he came to a main road and looked in the direction of Shanghai. Lin Hao rode his bicycle towards the city. When he entered the city, it was already 1:[-] in the morning.

Looking at the brightly lit Chinachem Hotel, which was the Peace Hotel after the founding of the People's Republic of China, he took out his suitcase from the space and checked in directly. Lin Hao would not treat him badly anyway.

I asked for a suite on the second floor, then took a shower and slept. These few hours made Lin Hao exhausted, but the speed was really fast. He completed the three-day trip in five hours.

It seems that I have two more days of free time, during which I can do some personal work.

The next day.

After a good sleep, looking at the bustling scene outside the window, Lin Hao shook his head and sighed, there is still more than a year.

In the future, he may stay in Shanghai for a long time, so Lin Hao plans to buy a house and buy a few safe houses for future emergencies.

Ask the people at the hotel to make an appointment with a real estate agent for you and prepare to go out to look at houses.

In the end, Lin Hao and the agent spent a whole day buying a villa in the public concession and the French Concession, spending a total of 116500 oceans.

Later, Lin Hao found several people with different identities to rent twelve houses for himself. The houses ranged from big to small, but compared to buying a house, the twelve houses in total were really not expensive.

Then go through all these houses one by one and check the surrounding conditions.

After handling these trivial matters, Lin Hao returned to the Chinachem Hotel. Lin Hao asked the accompanying waiter:

"Is there anything interesting here for you?"

The waiter couldn't help but look at Lin Hao and said respectfully:

"It all depends on what you want to do. If nothing else, in our hotel, you can go to the ballroom on the eighth floor every night. There will be many beautiful ladies and dancers coming over."

"When does the dance usually start?" Lin Hao asked because he didn't understand.

"Usually people will come when it gets dark, but when it's busiest, it'll be after eight o'clock in the evening." the waiter replied.

"Okay, got it!" With that, Lin Hao took out a big ocean and sent the waiter away.

Many historical events happened in the Chinachem Hotel during this period. You should encounter some plot characters from movies and TV dramas here!

The time came to eight o'clock in the evening before he knew it. Lin Hao, dressed in decent clothes, came to the ballroom on the eighth floor. It was said to be a ballroom, but it was actually somewhat similar to a bar in later generations.

There are many booths for resting, a huge bar counter, and of course a hall that can accommodate dozens of people dancing together.

Lin Hao was at the bar, leaning back casually on the bar, ordering a glass of red wine, holding it in his hand and facing the ballroom, sipping the wine and the beauty.

Of course, while Lin Hao was tasting wine and looking at beauties, there were also people who fell in love with him because of his outstanding temperament. Lin Hao's free and easy temperament was also unique in this ballroom, attracting the attention of countless celebrities.

At this time, a voluptuous woman walked up to Lin Hao and said in a sweet voice:

"Look, sir, drinking alone here. Doesn't he have a dance partner?"

When Lin Hao saw this woman's face, he immediately felt that she looked too familiar. Then his heart moved. Lin Hao was immediately sure that this was a drama character. You must know that this woman has acted in many dramas.

The one that impressed her most was the "Elite Lawyer", but which spy drama it was? I had watched so many dramas that I couldn't remember it at the moment, but I wanted to get to know her first.

Lin Hao drank the wine in the glass in one gulp, shook his head and said:

"I just came here today and I don't know many acquaintances. This is my first time attending such a dance!"

"Then would I be honored to dance with you sir?" He said and extended his hand.

Lin Hao smiled and said: "How can one bear to refuse when such a beautiful woman invites her!"

As he spoke, he took the beauty's slender hand and led her to the dance floor. At this time, the beauties who were eyeing her with eager eyes all regretted it. If they had known it was so easy to get started, they should have taken the initiative.

The two swayed slowly to the rhythm of the music, and then got closer and closer. At this time, Lin Hao asked:

"Dare you ask the lady's name!"

"Lan Xinjie!"

"The blue sky means purity of soul, a very beautiful meaning!" Lin Hao exclaimed.

At the same time, Lin Hao immediately locked the title of the drama "Rebel" in his heart, mainly because the heroine in it was played by the same person as Gu Jia, so this impressed Lin Hao deeply and he could not ignore the heroine, even if this heroine The protagonist has some crotch stretching.

At this time, I heard Lan Xinjie’s charming voice:

"I'm talking to you, why are you always distracted?"

"I suddenly thought of something!" Then he realized that he was distracted and asked, "By the way, what did you just ask?"

Lan Xinjie glanced at Lin Hao charmingly and said dissatisfiedly:

"I'm asking, sir, what's your name?"

"Hey! How can we meet before?" Lin Hao looked literary and artistic, but he really wanted to be beaten up.

Seeing such an interesting woman, Lin Hao naturally wanted to tease her.

"Oh! Sir, how can you be so shameless? I've already told you my name!" Lan Xinjie grabbed Lin Hao's arm and refused.

Chapter 153: Being tricked, returning to Jinling

"Oh! Sir, how can you be so shameless? I've already told you my name!" Lan Xinjie grabbed Lin Hao's arm and refused.

Ouch~!Beauty's coquettishness is really hard to resist. No wonder heroes have been saddened by beauty since ancient times. Lin Hao considers himself a hero, so naturally he is no exception.

"Okay, okay! I'll say it! I'll say it!" Lin Hao slowly approached Lan Xinjie and said seriously: "Zhang San, a gangster from a certain family!"

"Oh! How could you do this! I'm angry!" He let go of Lin Hao.

"Miss Lan, don't be angry. Let's go have a drink over there and apologize to you!" Lin Hao then followed Lan Xinjie to an empty wine table.

Then he said to the waiter next to him: "Waiter, bring me a bottle of red wine, from Chateau Lafite!"

"Okay sir!" The waiter then asked the bartender to bring the wine over.

At this time, Lan Xinjie's heart was slightly stirred up. This person with outstanding temperament ordered the red wine of Chateau Lafite without any care, and had some estimates of Lin Hao's financial resources.

Later, Lin Hao looked at Lan Xinjie and said with a smile: "I, Lin Hao, please take care of Miss Lan in the future!"

"If I'm not mistaken, this is Mr. Lin's first time here!" Lan Xinjie responded with a charming smile.

When Lan Xinjie smiled, two charming dimples appeared on her face, which made people want to poke them.

"Miss Lan is not only beautiful, she also has great eyesight!"

Lan Xinjie poured a glass of wine for Lin Hao and a glass for herself, and then asked:

"Then do you like Shanghai?"

Lin Hao touched her with the wine, drank it all in one gulp, shook his head and said:

"To be honest, I don't like it!"

Lan Xinjie looked at Lin Hao in surprise and asked strangely:

"Why! Everything is rich and prosperous here, and everyone is here. Everyone I see who comes here says they like it here!"

"There are very few people who are as frank as Mr. Lin!" Lan Xinjie paused here, as if to organize her words: "I feel like he is a maverick!"

Lin Hao picked up the bottle and poured wine and said:

"Relatively speaking, I hope Shanghai is part of a complete country. In that case, I might like it here, especially if there is a beautiful lady here!"

Hearing this, Lan Xinjie leaned forward slightly: "With the world in mind, I'm very curious about what you do!"

Lin Hao smiled and said: "Curiosity is often the beginning of a woman's downfall!"

"Haha!" Seeing Lin Hao avoiding the topic, Lan Xinjie wisely stopped raising the issue.

Lin Hao felt that the music played in the dance hall was very comfortable, so he stretched out his hand to Lan Xinjie and said:

"This song is very nice. Do you want to dance with me?"

Lan Xinjie put her hand on Lin Hao's palm and said in surprise:

"Hey! What a coincidence, I also like this song...!

The time came to eleven o'clock in the evening. Lan Xinjie, who drank a lot, had already been drunk by Lin Hao. This girl actually wanted to drink from Lin Hao.

Lin Hao had such a good capacity for drinking. If he couldn't drink it, he could cheat and put the wine into the space. Therefore, Lan Xinjie couldn't drink, but she was drunk and was confused.

Supporting this soft and boneless woman, Lin Hao took her back to his room. The waiter next to him was used to seeing this kind of thing.

"Where is this, who are you!" After returning to the room, Lan Xinjie was mumbling drunken words.

Obviously at this time, she could no longer distinguish between east, west and north, but she still struggled feebly to leave this strange place.

Lin Hao didn't say anything when he saw this. He put her on the bed, took off her shoes, and then got her a towel to wipe off the stains on her body.

Before Lin Hao traveled through time, he watched spy war dramas every day. Naturally, he had also watched "The Rebel", and Lin Hao was naturally aware of Lan Xinjie's experience.

So when Lin Hao saw Lan Xinjie, he felt sorry for her from the bottom of his heart. In Lin Hao's view, she was just a woman, struggling to survive in troubled times.

Lin Hao naturally liked this charming woman, but he never thought of taking advantage of others' danger to do something pleasant with her.

Hiss~!Wait, I seem to have done this kind of thing before!

Whenever he thought of Gu Jia, he would think of the heroine of this drama, Zhu Yizhen, who looked exactly like her. Lin Hao shook his head and quickly got rid of the thoughts in his mind.

Later, Lin Hao helped Lan Xinjie take off her earrings, necklaces, hairpins and other accessories, and then put those bits and pieces on the table.

Seeing Lan Xinjie who was a little restless, Lin Hao looked at her like this for a while, then helped her put down the quilt, poured her a glass of water and put it on the bedside table.

Then, Lin Hao kissed her forehead gently, left the room, and helped her close the door.

But what Lin Hao didn't know was that as soon as he left the room, Lan Xinjie, who had her eyes closed and her eyes widened, stared blankly in the direction Lin Hao left.

As a dancer, Lan Xinjie has seen too many different kinds of people, all of whom pretend to be sanctimonious and behave like gentlemen, but in reality they are all male thieves and female prostitutes.

She was in the ballroom today and immediately took a fancy to Lin Hao, who had outstanding temperament but seemed out of place among the crowd.

He also had an inexplicable aura about him that made people afraid to approach him easily. Therefore, many dancers at that time only dared to watch from a distance and did not dare to approach him to strike up a conversation, so Lan Xinjie took the initiative to attack.

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