Lin Hao finally got over this matter, so he quickly said:

"I'll invite the brothers in the team to dinner tonight. Brother Chen, remember to come with me!"

"I am an outsider, is it appropriate?" Chen Ming looked at Lin Hao and said.

"Whatever is appropriate or not, everyone in the team is my brother, and you are my brother too!" Lin Hao said politely.

"That's a great relationship. I'll definitely support my brother tonight!" Chen Ming said politely.

In fact, when Chen Ming got close to Lin Hao, he also deliberately made some connections in the Secret Service. Lin Hao was not only a serious Huangpu graduate, but he had also made such great contributions this time and would definitely be highly valued in the future.

It’s better to start a cold stove now than to rush things in the future!

At this time, Lin Hao said: "Brother Chen, I still have something to deal with, so I'll take the first step!"

"Then brother, just go about your business! I won't disturb you anymore!"

Then Chen Ming watched Lin Hao leave, and then went to find other places to make connections.


After Lin Hao became the deputy captain, the next half month seemed a bit boring. Every day's work was very simple. After getting information from the Intelligence Section, he went out to arrest people and came back, but basically returned without success.

As before, there were almost no disturbances, because whether it was the Red Party or the island country's intelligence team, they were very well hidden. As long as they found any abnormalities, most of them would evacuate immediately.

At this time, Lin Hao also felt that staying in Jinling was not necessarily a good thing. As the capital of a country, Jinling would definitely have a lot of espionage personnel. There should also be plots in the spy world, but the frequency of encounters seemed to be far lower than in Shanghai. .

I have only been to Shanghai twice, and I have found out the plot of the spy world in the two worlds. It seems that I have to find a way to leave Jinling. As the saying goes, a thousand birds in the forest is worse than a bird in the hand.

As for the Rebel World, there is no rush. It will not open for more than half a year, but we can plan ahead in the near future.

But if it is not appropriate to intervene now, otherwise you may not be able to find those people hiding behind the scenes, which will reduce your profits.

Why not use this time to put the preparation of sulfonamide on the agenda? You must know that this thing is hard currency. It won't be long before the war starts, and sulfonamide is as hard to find as gold.

There is also the matter of airplanes. Today's airplanes are slow and very ugly. I have the Seamless Stretching Charm, so I can try to build airplanes myself, and I can completely make the airplanes look amazing.

After returning home, he routinely taught Lan Xinjie the skills of sending and receiving telegraphs. She learned things very quickly, and now she can use the radio. She just lacks some skills, but she just needs to practice more and become proficient.

Next, Lan Xinjie needs to be taught other skills, such as the use of firearms.The next step is to learn techniques such as tracking and anti-tracking.

It's not that Lin Hao doesn't know how to care for women, it's just that in this world where humans and ghosts are indistinguishable, living is really not an easy thing.

Moreover, the nature of his work determines that the women around him cannot simply be a vase, but must at least have a skill or a certain ability to protect themselves.

Seeing Lan Xinjie, who once again hit the wrong dot and horizontal line, looking at him with big watery eyes, Lin Hao felt helpless. In order to motivate her to study, he threatened to spur her on if she made a mistake.

Who would have thought that after Lan Xinjie learned to send and receive messages, she would often make mistakes on purpose and let herself whip her, leaving Lin Hao speechless.

This woman is so understanding!

"Okay, don't pretend to be stupid with me, today I'm going to teach you how to use and maintain firearms!" Lin Hao hugged her slender waist and said fiercely.

Lan Xinjie looked at Lin Hao with charming eyes and said:

"I know how to use a gun, and I'm particularly good at maintaining big guns!"

While talking, his little hands were still exploring Lin Hao's body randomly.

"Isn't it just cleaning up the remains after the bullet is fired, and then adding a little more oil to the barrel? What a big deal!"

Lin Hao patted her buttocks and said, "I'm telling you something serious!"

"I'm also talking about seriousness, you are not serious!" Seeing Lin Hao's eyes looking unkind, he hurriedly ran away and hid in the bedroom.

"Fairy, where are you running from? Give me a stick! Today the roof is on fire. Even if the King of Heaven is here, I can't save you. Let's see how I deal with you, a fairy!"

An hour later, Lin Hao took Lan Xinjie to the basement.

This basement existed before, but after Lin Hao came back, he expanded the basement and dug out a larger space, nearly 100 square meters.

Later, Lin Hao dug out more than ten door-sized spaces on the surrounding walls and leveled all the walls with cement.

Then, after installing a door in the small space, and using the Traceless Expansion Charm, the space was expanded into a room with a height of 3 meters and more than 440 square meters.

Lin Hao took Lan Xinjie to the basement. Lan Xinjie carefully looked at the basement hall and exclaimed:

"How long did it take you to create such a big space!"

Lin Hao smiled and said truthfully:

“There used to be a basement, but I just expanded it on the original basis!”

Then Lin Hao took Lan Xinjie to find the door labeled "Training Room". After entering, there was a rectangular space, 70 meters long, 6 meters wide and 3 meters high.

The tables on both sides are filled with a variety of common domestic firearms. On the left are box guns, Browning M1911, etc., and on the right are rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, mortars, etc. of.

Later, Lin Hao began to teach Lan Xinjie to disassemble the gun. However, before Lin Hao started teaching, he saw her dismantling the M1911 into parts. Although she didn't look very skilled, she definitely had the foundation.

"You really know how to use a gun!" Lin Hao said with a smile.

Lan Xinjie smiled brightly and said: Yes, I know how to use it. Didn't I tell you before?

"It's just that I haven't fired much, and some of my hands are raw!"

Looking at Lan Xinjie's proud expression, Lin Hao knew that she did it on purpose, but Lin Hao did not continue to ask why she used firearms.

Because Lan Xinjie had the basics of using firearms, she learned very quickly, but her shooting was not very accurate, so Lin Hao asked her to practice more accuracy.

While Lan Xinjie was practicing shooting, Lin Hao sneaked into the hall alone and found the room with W written on it.

After entering the door, Lin Hao saw the editor and his wife teaching their children to read.

When the editor saw Lin arriving, he said:

"Boss, I don't know when we can go out!" He was quite worried in his words.

"Don't worry, since I worked so hard to rescue you, I will definitely arrange it for you!" Then Lin Hao asked again: "How is your training going?"

The editor said with some shame:

"I know all the abilities you asked for, but I'm just not proficient in them."

"Okay, I'll take you to Xiangjiang for at most half a month. During this period, you can practice your special agent skills, especially tracking and counter-tracking."

In fact, Lin Hao didn't plan to train him to be an agent. He just wanted him to have more self-protection capabilities. This man was okay with a pen, but he was completely blind with a gun.

When he comes to Xiangjiang in the future, he will be able to run a newspaper, and that will be his final destination.

After returning to the hall, come to the room with the letter C written on it.

Seeing Lin Hao come in, brothers Chen Minzhang and Chen Minzheng all trembled. Mainly because Lin Hao impressed them so deeply.

"Hello Mr. Wang, we have learned almost everything you asked us to learn!" Chen Minzhang said.

Chen Minzheng also said: "I have learned firearms, vigilance, and speaking skills!"

Lin Hao looked at the Chen brothers. As a fraud duo who played tricks on the party, they almost met most of the requirements of agents.

For example, observation ability, adaptability, concealment ability, social ability, psychological quality, etc., these are all top choices.

Seeing how these two brothers actually dared to pretend to be government officials and fooled the people in the Peace Hotel, the key point is that they learned very similar skills, which shows how capable they are.

What they lack now is mainly defensive capabilities, but Lin Hao's requirements are not high, as long as he can protect himself.

The Chen brothers are worthy of Lin Hao's attention mainly because of their abilities. They will definitely have many industries in the future, and they will be needed to help them manage their industries and deal with many people and things.

"I'm here to tell you that within half a month, I will send you to Xiangjiang and Shanghai respectively. You must be mentally prepared."

"No problem, don't worry. In the future, we two brothers will definitely follow your lead and never change our minds!" The two brothers promised, patting their chests.

Lin Hao nodded and said, "Okay, let's do that!"

After saying that, Lin Hao left the room. The two Chen brothers breathed a sigh of relief after seeing Lin Hao leave.

After Lin Hao returned to the hall, he went to the N-letter room and felt the situation inside. Then he opened the door and entered, where he saw that Nerna had recovered from his injury.

When Nerna saw Lin Hao coming in, he immediately said:

"Mr. Wang, I promise you, I can do anything you ask me to do. Please don't lock me in this place, especially that little dark room that never sees the light of day."

This Frankie was willing to surrender, but he didn't know how true or false it was, but Lin Hao didn't care. Anyway, he had many ways to deal with him, such as locking him in a small dark room.

If this Nerna hadn't been useful to him, Lin Hao wouldn't even bother to talk to him!

"Okay, you still need to live here for a few more months. I will send you to Likai when the time comes, and then you can work seriously for me. Do you understand?"

"No problem, I will definitely listen to you!"

Then Lin Hao threw a few newspapers to him to read, letting him pass the time, and then left the room.

Finally arriving at the D-letter room, which was Lu Dailing's room, Lin Hao stood outside the door to feel the situation inside, but had no intention of going in. The main reason was that the woman refused to let go and was still unwilling to submit to him.

Sometimes Lin Hao wonders if he is too kind to Lu Dailing. If it doesn't work, he will go up and train her himself.

I'll continue to put up with her now. If she doesn't cooperate if she continues like this, it won't be too late to find a way to deal with her in a few days.

After just walking around for a while, when I returned to the training room, more than an hour had passed and I saw the beautiful woman was holding a gun and fighting fiercely.

I saw Lan Xinjie at this time, the pistol in her hand had been replaced by a rifle, and she was shooting at the target 50 meters away.

So, Lin Hao simply sat down and admired her female power.

After Lan Xinjie saw Lin Hao coming back, she put down her gun and said, "I want to try that big guy!"

Lin Hao followed her gaze and saw that it was a 92 heavy machine gun.

Seeing that she was still eager to try and looking at the heavy machine gun next to her with gleaming eyes, Lin Hao quickly said:

"A heavy machine gun requires several people to operate it. I'll teach you how to use the heavy machine gun later. For now, just become proficient in using pistols and rifles."

Seeing Lan Xinjie looking at him with pursed lips, Lin Hao quickly said:

"How about this is it for today! It's getting late, and we should go back and rest. Rome wasn't built in a day. Shooting should be done step by step."

Lan Xinjie did not make it difficult for Lin Hao, but agreed, but she also put forward a condition:

"Okay then! But next time you come here, you must teach me how to use a heavy machine gun. I like that big guy, it makes me feel so safe!"

Lin Hao was a little dumbfounded, "How about I teach you how to fuck next time?"

"Okay! Okay! That's much more fun than firecrackers." Lan Xinjie said with a smile, not to mention how happy she was.

Hiss~!Why do you have such a mean mouth?She obviously just went to the basement to practice shooting, but now she was teaching her how to fuck.

Lin Hao wondered if he had seen it wrong. Why was this Lan Xinjie different from what he imagined?

So he held Lan Xinjie's head in his hands and turned it over to take a closer look.

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