At night, Lin Hao still had to sleep on the boat. After all, flying a plane over the vast Pacific Ocean at night without any reference object might cause the plane to crash and everyone to die while taking a nap.

Therefore, in one day, Lin Hao could only drive for about 10 hours during the daytime, and could probably fly less than 4000 kilometers, so it took him two full days to arrive.

It was already eight o'clock in the evening, and Lin Hao was flying the plane hovering in the sky, because he didn't know the specific location now, whether he was flying north or south.

There are no lights on the coastline, so even if you want to ask someone, you can't.

After thinking about it, the latitudes of Los Angeles and Shanghai are a little higher than Tokyo.

And I set off from Tokyo and flew due west. In other words, excluding directional deviation, I should fly south.

So Lin Hao turned the plane and flew south along the coastline. He also saw many towns on the way. Half an hour later, Lin Hao saw bright lights on the land, so he did not hesitate to find a place to land in the suburbs.

"It seems that my character is pretty good!" After Lin Hao entered this city, he immediately realized that this was Los Angeles.

In this case, what else is there to say, just let Nerna go!

At this time, Nerna had already recovered from his injuries. Wearing the suit Lin Hao bought for him, he looked like a human.

Lin Hao found a hotel and asked Nerna to register his name, because the whole country was not very friendly towards Chinese people, and the Chinese Exclusion Act would not be canceled until December 1943.

Lin Hao didn't have enough time and didn't want to waste it here, so having such a French person as a shield could avoid a lot of trouble.

In the following months, Lin Hao was so busy that his feet never touched the ground, and there were footprints in the sky.

First, with the help of Nerna, he applied for an identity in Milijian. Leisen, whose English name is Leisen, is a genuine identity that allows Lin Hao to travel and do things normally in Milijian.

Lin Hao first asked Nerna to acquire a small bank in Los Angeles, and then changed its name to Rayson Bank. Then Lin Hao purchased most of the shares, and then deposited all his gold, US dollar bills and cash in it.

Rayson Bank, which had a large amount of cash, began to acquire a medium-sized pharmaceutical factory and then purchased equipment related to the production of sulfonamides.

At this time, sulfonamides had just completed clinical trials, and many pharmaceutical companies had begun to invest in production, but most of them still used laboratory preparations, so the output was very small and the price was comparable to gold.

It was not until 1940 that Mi Lijian mastered industrial preparation and mass-produced it for every soldier.

Moreover, the current drug management of Milijian is basically non-existent. Like European countries, drugs and food are as laissez-faire.

The well-known Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was only a small bureau-level department under the Ministry of Agriculture at this time, with only one hundred or ten people.

Therefore, in terms of drug management at this time, we only need to check whether the labels of the drugs are accurate or whether they meet drug standards. The main work is to manage food transportation.

"En..., it feels so good!" The drugs at this time didn't even require basic toxicological testing.

What else is there to say? Sulfonamides are inherently safe and reliable drugs. As long as no weird things are added to them, there is basically no risk.

So after Lin Hao directly took over the pharmaceutical factory, he updated some of the equipment, then adopted the preparation methods of later generations, quickly started mass production, and then started selling to the outside world.

At the same time, Lin Hao also found several equipment manufacturers and customized three sets of production equipment, two of which Lin Hao put into his own space.

There are also upstream raw material suppliers who purchase a large amount of raw materials, and Lin Hao also packs most of them into his own space.

As for the issue of penicillin, Lin Hao didn't pay much attention to it. Now that even food and clothing are a problem in the liberated areas, where can the corn be used as culture medium?

Moreover, suitable strains are not easy to obtain. It is better to wait for them to spend a lot of financial and material resources to screen out strains and develop large-scale production technology.

Then Lin Hao handed over the pharmaceutical factory to Chen Minzhang to take care of it. Part of the sulfa produced was used for external sales and part was shipped to Xiangjiang.

After arriving in Hong Kong, the drugs will be handed over to Chen Minzhang and sold by Leisen Trading Company.

The pharmaceutical factory's sulfonamide issue was resolved, and Lin Hao set his sights on telegraph equipment manufacturing again.

Although Lin Hao has the technology to improve the telegraph machine, improvement requires not only technology, but also an industrial foundation.

In terms of current technology, Lin Hao needs to spend a lot of time researching to reduce the size of the telegraph, increase the hertz capacity, and increase the sending and receiving distance.

Lin Hao felt that there was no need for this at all. The functions of the currently produced telegraph machines were sufficient, and there was no need for him to develop them further!

Therefore, Lin Hao still let Leisen Bank hold the controlling stake, and planned to directly purchase the production license, introduce the production line, and start manufacturing directly.

Lin Hao had already thought about where to go for the finished products. At this time, both the party-state and the Red Party continued to produce telegraph machines, so Lin Hao had no worries about selling the telegraph machines he produced.

With the communication problem solved, the next step is the ordnance.

The weapons Lin Hao wants to make are not rifles, submachine guns, or artillery.

Instead, they manufactured this batch of anti-aircraft weapons, which are currently in short supply in the country, and the first thing Lin Hao thought of was: M2 Browning large-caliber heavy machine gun.

Equipped with a tripod, this thing can be used directly for air defense. It is definitely a good thing for China that has lost its air defense advantage.

The gun fires 12.7×99mm caliber bullets, including ordinary bullets, armor-piercing incendiary bullets, armor-piercing bullets, tracer bullets, armor-piercing tracer bullets, armor-piercing incendiary tracer bullets, sabot-piercing bullets, hard-core armor-piercing bullets, training bullets, etc.

When the gun is empty, the total weight of the gun is 38.2 kg and 58.2 kg with a tripod. The effective range is 1800 meters and the maximum range is 2500 meters. The bullets are fed by a belt.

As we all know, anti-aircraft weapons are used to fight infantry, and their final destination is armored vehicles and aircraft.

This thing has been in service since its birth until modern times, with a total of more than 300 million produced. Like the Browning M1911 pistol, it is known as a generation of sharp guns.

Thinking of the M1911 semi-automatic pistol, Lin Hao thought.It can also be introduced for production. After all, the life cycle is long and this thing is definitely profitable.

As for the bullet it uses, it is a 0.45-inch (11.43mm) pistol bullet. There is no need to worry about it. After all, Yan Laoxi has already produced it himself.

Besides, as long as you are here, you will have as many bullets as you need.

By the way, there is also an M1935 automatic pistol ordered from the Belgian FN company.This gun is also a long-lived firearm. It was used in the 90s and then began to be replaced by other pistols.

M1935 automatic pistol, Guo Preserved once ordered thousands of pistols of this type from FN Company, but soon after the European War broke out, Belgium directly ran out of them, and the supply was interrupted.

Later, Guozhi negotiated with the Ghanaian government and improved and supplied more than 2 such pistols.

As for the concentrated pistols popular in the country at this time, one shot, two horses, three mouths, four snakes and five dogs opened their mouths and kicked.


These types of pistols are quite famous, but they are just famous. As for why they are so famous, of course, there were no choices in China before.

Firearms are basically like this. Even if we want to develop other ordnance, we will have to wait until later, such as Mark grenades.

This little thing will soon be derived from the Mark 2A1 hand grenade. After removing its fuse, it will directly become a rifle grenade.

Finally, there is the issue of the aircraft. This is also the aircraft that Lin Hao has been thinking about for a long time.

It was also controlled by Raytheon Bank, and then Lin Hao poached people around with high salaries to form the Thor Aircraft Manufacturing Company.

Lin Hao directly drew the appearance of a P-51 Mustang fighter jet, and then asked them to produce a shell, but it was not the original size, but a reduced version of the P51.

Lin Hao then asked these aircraft engineers to use the R-2-1820 engine on the Hawker 80 aircraft, superimpose four layers of cylinders, and directly increase the engine to 4 horsepower.

Of course, such a large engine cannot fit into the P51, so Lin Hao made a semi-open hollow cylinder with a diameter of 30 cm, a wall thickness of 5 cm, and a length of 40 cm.

Then, put the 3100-horsepower engine in, extend the main shaft, and install the propeller. Perfect!

Because the engine has become a 30 cm cylinder, a large amount of auxiliary equipment is reduced, so the aircraft weighs only 1.4 tons.

So Lin Hao installed a 5cm steel plate in the cockpit, mounted six M2 heavy machine guns on the wings, which were also built into the cylinder, and a bomb release port was made on the belly of the aircraft.

In the end, this smaller version of the P51 has unlimited speed (fake), unlimited ammunition (fake), and a bulletproof cockpit.

The maximum speed exceeds one thousand kilometers per hour. It took more than three months to finally complete the aircraft.

After repeated test flights and confirmation, Lin Hao ordered the production of two more aircraft and a seaplane based on this as his own backup aircraft.

Thinking about the take-off distance, it only takes more than 20 meters to get into the sky. Any large warship can be used as its mother ship as long as it has a deck of more than 20 meters.

Later, a dual-engine version of the P51 was also produced. After flight testing, Lin Hao felt that this was meaningless.

No matter how much horsepower is added, it is difficult for a propeller aircraft to break through the speed of sound. Even if it breaks through, it will only happen for a moment. It will soon exit supersonic speed. In short, the gain outweighs the loss.

So Lin Hao asked the aircraft factory to develop other aircraft around this 3100-horsepower engine.

For example, the P47 is a powerful fighter jet, or a cargo aircraft, or a passenger aircraft direction design.

At this point, Lin Hao came to Milijian and completed all his plans. In the next more than a month, Lin Hao prepared the materials for the return trip.

We have prepared 2000 pistols that have just come off the production line. We have prepared 1911 pistols each for m1935 and m1. It’s not that we don’t want to prepare more, but the production line has just started running and all the output is here.

Originally, he wanted to produce the M2 in his own company, but unfortunately production has not started yet, so Lin Hao purchased 200 enhanced M2HB high-level dual-purpose heavy machine guns from Colt Company.

In addition, I also bought about a hundred boxes of MK II grenades. This grenade is much more powerful than the M24 grenade, but the M24 also has an advantage. It can cluster bomb tanks.

There are also motorcycles, Deutsche BMW and R-1000 medium-sized motorcycles costing 35 marks each. I bought 10 of them, so I won’t have to ride a bicycle next time.

I also bought 5 military trucks. No matter whether they can be used or not, it is right to prepare them in advance.

After loading all these weapons and equipment into the space, Lin Hao began to prepare other things.

Chapter 160 Flight from the United States to the Republic of China, stop

I almost forgot about the telegraph machines produced at home, and I also prepared 120 of them as gifts.

I also bought more than 20 cars, including Buicks and Fords. Cars are a symbol of status, especially in China. Whether it is a gift for a lover, a friend, or a boss, it is always agreed upon.

In addition, we have specially customized some bunkers, 5 cm steel plate bunkers, and a few large rocks. It is absolutely easy to use whether it is for hitting people or blocking roads.

In the future, you no longer have to worry about having to take out an artillery piece to scare people after being flanked like last time. After all, it is not always appropriate to bring out an artillery piece.

Later, Lin Hao also purchased some bits and pieces of daily necessities.

After the preparations were completed, Lin Hao summoned the people who stayed in Mi Lijian to explain the recent work of Chen Minzhang and Nerna.

The next morning, the sky was misty and slightly bright.

In the test flight area of ​​the Thor Aircraft Manufacturing Factory, Lin Hao pressed the one-button start button, and the super aircraft, which Lin Hao personally participated in manufacturing, started with a whine.

After the aircraft started, there was no roar of the engine, only the propellers cutting through the air, producing whining wind noise. Compared with other propeller-driven aircraft, it seemed much quieter.

This aircraft, named Leishen 1, is the world's first direct flight across the Pacific route, from Milijian to the Republic of China. The first flight officially set sail today.

No, it seems that we have to stop at Kumamoto City in the island country. No matter, this plane is more than enough to fly directly to Shanghai.

As the plane slowly took off, it adjusted its direction and headed northwest.

You choose Danan~, I'll fly...all roads lead to Rome!

Lin Hao finally realized what it means to make rapid progress!

No, this girl’s car is over tens of thousands of kilometers away!It should be twenty thousand miles in half a day.

Let’s wait until we reach the island country to experience the rapid progress from the island country to the Republic of China!

Lin Hao set off at 7 o'clock in the morning. He did not take a break this time and flew until 3 o'clock in the afternoon. After flying for nearly 8 hours, Lin Hao saw the coastline in the distance.

This aircraft was so advanced that it flew over the limit speed of 1200 kilometers per hour on the road. However, for the sake of safety, the speed was reduced to less than 1000 kilometers per hour. Even so, it arrived at around 3 p.m.

But now, there are people everywhere on the land. If you land in such a swagger, you will be discovered in broad daylight!

"What a mistake. I should have known that I would be halfway there and take a short rest!" I hurried and hurried slowly. I still had to wait until dark before I could land in Kumamoto City.

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