Lin Hao put his arms around Chen Jiaying's slender waist and said:

"Look how thin you have become, and you still say you're not hungry!"

"Cuckoo!" Then a sound of cooing came, and the aloof Chen Jiaying suddenly broke her guard.

"Haha, your growling stomach tells me that it is really hungry!"

Chen Jiaying said calmly: "I'm going to die!"

Lin Hao pulled out the chair and waited for Chen Jiaying to sit down before starting to eat.

"By the way, was the journey here this time smooth?" Lin Hao asked.

Chen Jiaying smiled sweetly and said: "It went smoothly, mainly thanks to you!"

"What's wrong!" Lin Hao heard this and looked up at Chen Jiaying.

Chen Jiaying took a sip of red wine and said again:

"When passing by Jinling Station, someone got on the train to conduct a surprise inspection. Fortunately, I had the space for my handbag you gave me, otherwise it would have been difficult."

“I didn’t expect the inspection at Jinling Station to be so strict!”

Lin Hao took a bite of steak and said disapprovingly:

"Of course. As far as I know, your Jinling underground party only has three or two kittens left now! Otherwise, you wouldn't have moved the provincial committee to Shanghai!"

Chen Jiaying was silent. She only learned about the severe situation in Jinling when she was at the Central Committee. She did not expect that the comrades in Jinling would be even more difficult than they were in the Northeast.

After Lin Hao finished speaking, he saw Chen Jiaying looking at him blankly. Lin Hao was also stunned for a moment, and then said out of the blue:

"Wait a minute, are you sent to Jinling to rebuild the party organization?"

"I'm telling you, don't even think about it!"

Lin Hao put down his wine glass and said with a serious face:

"As the capital of a country, everyone in Jinling wants to capture your red party members as a way to advance."

"Let me count them for you. The Fuxing Society's Secret Service, Fuxing Society, Comrades Association, Party Affairs Investigation Department, Inspection Department, Investigation Team, and Police Station are all on the surface. Secretly, each department is also running its own intelligence team."

Chen Jiaying rolled her eyes at Lin Hao:

"Don't worry, my workplace is not in Jinling."

"Where is that!" Lin Hao asked eagerly, fearing that Chen Jiaying would lie to him.

Chen Jiaying enjoyed Lin Hao's concern very much. She cut a piece of steak and handed it to Lin Hao's mouth:

“I can only tell you that I’m in Shanghai!”

Lin Hao took a bite of the steak and said, "Hmph, you want to block my mouth, right?"

After taking a sip of wine and swallowing the steak, Lin Hao asked fiercely:

"If you don't tell me, I'll eat you!"

"I'm too lazy to pay attention to you!" Seeing Lin Hao getting up, Chen Jiaying didn't dare to take action anymore and said quickly:

"Shenjiang University!"

"Eh~! How can it be Shenjiang University!"

Thinking that Zhu Yizhen and Ji Zhongyuan are both at Shenjiang University, if Chen Jiaying goes there again, she can directly set up a party branch in the school!

Chen Jiaying saw Lin Hao's surprised look and asked doubtfully:

"Is there a problem with Shenjiang University?"

Lin Hao shook his head and reminded: "Aren't you afraid of being cooked in a pot?"

Chen Jiaying heard this and asked, "Yi Guo Cuo, do you mean we have someone lurking in the school?"

"What do you think!" Lin Hao asked again funny.

Chen Jiaying thought of another task she had come to Shanghai to screen for party organizations in Shanghai, and then understood why the organization arranged for her to go to the school.

However, something seemed to be wrong. Chen Jiaying looked at Lin Hao and then realized that it was the same in the Northeast.

"You discovered our people again!" Chen Jiaying asked in disbelief.


After getting Lin Hao's confirmed answer, Chen Jiaying couldn't help but feel happy in her heart. Thinking of Lin Hao's ability, it would be scary to think about it if Lin Hao followed the Secret Service wholeheartedly.

Fortunately, he is my man!

After the two of them finished their meal, Chen Jiaying looked at Lin Hao with blurred eyes.

No need to say anything at this moment, Lin Hao immediately took Chen Jiaying to eat.

"What are you doing!" Seeing Lin Hao pulling her anxiously, Chen Jiaying shyly stopped Lin Hao.

"Take you to see the big baby!" Lin Hao said, closing the door and preparing to drag Chen Jiaying into the basement.

Feeling that Lin Hao was really going to do something bad, Chen Jiaying forcibly stopped Lin Hao's movements:

"Stop making trouble, I have a mission later!"

"What mission!" Lin Hao paused for a moment, thinking that when Chen Jiaying came here, he would definitely go to the meeting, so he asked: "Isn't it to go to the meeting!"

"Yeah!" Chen Jiaying knew that silence was useless. Lin Hao, a sensitive person, must have guessed his purpose, so he could only nod.

Lin Hao scratched his head a little. It was obvious that they had negotiated and had to go to the meeting. After thinking about it, Lin Hao said:

"Wherever you go, I'll take you there!"

"No need, you went along. On the one hand, you were afraid of being misunderstood by local comrades, and on the other hand, you were afraid of being suspected by the Secret Service!" Chen Jiaying said worriedly.

Lin Hao smiled and comforted:

"Don't worry! I won't follow you to meet anyone. I'll just stay nearby to support you and help you see if there's anyone from the Secret Service nearby, just in case!"

Thinking that after getting along with Lin Hao for a long time, he would know sooner or later due to his ability, and besides just sending him there and being his eyes, he simply told Lin Hao:

"Let's meet at Chase Hotel, I~!"

"Wait!" Before Chen Jiaying could finish speaking, Lin Hao shouted in a low voice: "Datong Hotel? Are you going to commit suicide?"

"Death!" Seeing Lin Hao's big reaction when he heard about Datong Hotel, Chen Jiaying was shocked. She knew something must have gone wrong, so she quickly asked:

"Is there something wrong with Chase Hotel?"

"Nonsense!" Lin Hao said with a pout: "There are dozens of spies in Chase Hotel now, most of them have submachine guns. They are not here to commit suicide!"

"What!" Chen Jiaying said in disbelief: "Is there really something wrong with Shanghai Station?"

Lin Hao heard Chen Jiaying say that there was a problem at the Shanghai Station, and immediately knew that he was too anxious to speak, causing Chen Jiaying to misunderstand.So Lin Hao said:

"It's probably not the problem with your contact person, but the problem with the connection location. When was the connection point you decided on decided?"

Chen Jiaying received too little information and could not analyze any useful information at all. She could only rely on Lin Hao to help her analyze the current situation, so she quickly said:

"Three days ago, when I set out, the other party gave me the address and agreed that when I arrived in Shanghai, I would check into Datong Hotel directly. He would come find me in the evening."

Lin Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If the agreement was made three days ago, then it is not a matter of the contact person!"

Chen Jiaying narrowed her eyes slightly. From Lin Hao's words and demeanor, it seemed that something had gone wrong at the meeting place in the past two days, so she asked:

"There must be something wrong with Datong Hotel in the past two days!"

Lin Hao nodded, and then continued to ask:

"What is the code name of the person you are contacting?"

Seeing Lin Hao nodding, Chen Jiaying relaxed her nervousness and said:

"His code name is Fisherman!"

"Fisherman!" Lin Hao said with a smile:

"That's such a coincidence. Did you know that this fisherman is the Red Party member who graduated from Shenjiang University as I told you before?"

Hearing this, Chen Jiaying grabbed Lin Hao's big hand with her soft little hands, and then asked:

"There is still time, let me tell you about the Chase Hotel!"

Lin Hao then told about Wang Zhi's arrest. Chen Moqun hid the news from the Secret Service and secretly detained Wang Zhi in the Chase Hotel, trying to find the postman lurking in the Secret Service until he left Shanghai last night.

After Lin Hao's narration, Chen Jiaying had grasped the whole story.

At the same time, he thought that Wang Zhi, whom Lin Hao was talking about, was not the liaison officer of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee as mentioned by the previous leader. Unexpectedly, he was not only arrested, but also became a traitor.

Suddenly, Chen Jiaying looked at Lin Hao in surprise.

"Look at what I'm doing, look at me, still looking at me, look at me again, believe it or not, I will eat you right now!" Lin Hao looked at Chen Jiaying with a thirsty mouth.

Ignoring his childish behavior, Chen Jiaying marveled at the power of Lin Hao's information:

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful and know so many secret things. Whether it's about our party organization or the secret service, it seems that you can't hide it from you!"

"You know I have great magical powers, why don't you come and curry favor with me!" Lin Hao said proudly.

Chen Jiaying said angrily: "Take me to the fisherman quickly, lest he fall into a trap at Datong Hotel!"

"Let's go then!"

With that said, Lin Hao drove Chen Jiaying to the gate of Shenjiang University. Before Chen Jiaying got off the car, Lin Hao gave one last instruction:

"Remember, librarian, Ji Zhongyuan, don't make a mistake!"

"I know!" The red lips lightly tapped Lin Hao's face and said, "That's a long way to go!"

Afterwards, Chen Jiaying took out a book from her handbag, held it in her arms and walked elegantly to the library.

As he said, Lin Hao did not accompany Chen Jiaying to the library. After parking the car on the side of the road, he became somewhat interested in this university. Being bored, he took this opportunity to wander around the campus.

Chapter 167 Take You To See The Big Baby

When Chen Jiaying arrived at the library, she immediately saw a middle-aged man pushing a trolley to organize books, and knew that this was the librarian.

But Chen Jiaying did not come forward to talk directly. Instead, she walked around. After some exploration, she confirmed that there was no one around and there was only one librarian here.

Then he slowly walked up to him and said:

"You are Teacher Ji!"

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