Seeing that Lin Hao gave in, Chen Jiaying let go of her ears, and then said fiercely:

"Teachers and students are together, isn't it exciting! Don't think that I don't know what dirty things are thinking in your mind!"

I almost forgot that Chen Jiaying was an expert in behavioral trace analysis, so Lin Hao quickly put aside those very tempting thoughts.

"No, it was just love at that time!" Lin Hao quickly explained.

Seeing Lin Hao being dealt with, he chuckled. Finally, someone could deal with him!

Later, Lin Hao took care of them in Xiangjiang for a few days before leaving.

After returning from Xiangjiang, Lin Hao looked at Hu Xiufen and told him that when she was pregnant, Lin Haoden had a big headache. The chaos of the war was too dangerous.

Hey~!I remember that I was a good and pure man from beginning to end, but I don't know when I became the person I hated the most.

But having said that, being a passionate person is quite good, but it is a bit wasteful. Lin Hao decided to give himself a little more physical fitness after returning this time.

Looking at Hu Xiufen who was full of joy, Lin Hao knew that he could only take the blame for himself and could never pass it on to others.

So Lin Hao took Hu Xiufen and his daughter to the mountain city, their future capital, in advance.

Lin Hao bought some properties for them here, such as reopening a hospital in the mountain city, building a few villas, etc.

As for the hospital run by his father-in-law in Shanghai, Lin Hao has already thought of a way to deal with it. When Chen Jiaying returns, if she is willing, she will be the director of the hospital.

If you don't want to, let her be managed by Ji Zhongyuan, which will be more conducive to the Red Party's actions and hiding.

Although it is only a medium-sized hospital, because of the continuous supply of Lin Haosulfonamide, the life of the Shanghai Red Party will definitely be much easier, and it will be less likely to be exposed during activities.


The Battle of Songhu came to an end unknowingly, and the Guo army failed as it did in history.

Even with the information provided by Lin Hao, the Guo army would launch sneak attacks in advance and sink many warships of the island countries, but it still could not make up for the gap in comprehensive national strength.

During the Battle of Songhu, Lin Hao, as Taro Hashimoto, spied on some confidential information about the islanders from time to time, and passed the information to Dai Chunfeng in Jinling.

At the same time, Lin Hao has also been inquiring about the information of the Super High School. At present, Chen Shan has found the special military supplies warehouse of the Super High School.

Speaking of which, I would also like to thank Takahashi, because he had some sulfonamides that he provided to the Super High School and secretly sold them on the black market, which allowed Chen Shan to find their hideout.

At this time, Feng Manna and Lan Yanzhi had been training for three months, and it was time to test the training results.

In a house in the French Concession, Lin Hao, Zuo Qiuming, Chen Shan, Feng Manna, Lan Yanzhi, and 10 other team members gathered together.

Just listen to Lin Hao say: "Chen Shan, you are familiar with the special munitions warehouse of the Extra High School, so you will lead Yanzhi and 5 team members to launch a surprise attack on them."

"Yes!" Chen Shan's team responded in unison.

Lin Hao then continued: "Zuo Qiuming, you and Feng Manna took five team members and followed closely to install bombs."

"As soon as Xiandaofeng enters the warehouse, he will detonate the bomb immediately. As for the task of detonating it, Manna will carry out the task."

"Understood!" Feng Manna answered with the loudest voice.

The purpose of destroying the warehouse of the Super High School this time was to lure Xiandaofeng to the warehouse.

One purpose is to recover some sulfa and prepare to use it to save others.

Another purpose, of course, is to avenge Feng Manna for killing her father. Who would have thought that the order to bombard Feng Mansion was given by Xiandaofeng!

At this time, Feng Manna, of course, knew that Lin Hao was helping her. She was extremely grateful to Lin Hao and secretly made a decision in her heart.

Looking at the confident crowd, Lin Hao said:

"This operation is to train you, so I will not participate, but I will observe your actions throughout the process. I hope you will not let me down!"

Then Lin Hao shouted loudly: "Everyone prepares!"


When the time came to two o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Hao stood in a building not far from the special munitions warehouse, watching the actions of the two teams with a binoculars.

At this time, two members of the field department sneaked onto the roof of the warehouse, and someone outside knocked on the door.

As soon as a kid inside opened the small door, and before he could ask what he was doing, Chen Shan hit him on the neck with a knife.

Lin Hao looked at Zhi Le. He liked to train them like this before, and it seemed that they had also learned this skill.

At this time, Chen Shan reached out to lift the latch stuck on the ground in the middle of the door, and then quickly hid aside. Then a military vehicle rushed from behind and crashed into it.

The team members in the car picked up submachine guns and fired quickly, while constantly throwing grenades into crowded places.

This is also Lin Hao's habit, a saturation attack to minimize casualties.

Immediately afterwards, Zuo Qiuming led his men to eliminate the remaining enemies, then led his men to rush into the warehouse and began to install bombs at various structural points.

Chen Shan's team began to transport sulfonamides. The seven people were very fast. They loaded most of the truck in just 7 minutes, and then everyone drove away quickly.

Ten minutes later, Xiandaofeng hurried to the warehouse. Thinking of the sulfa that he had just taken over from Takahashi yesterday, he was worried about how much he would lose this time.

Feng Manna, who was holding a detonator not far away, watched Xiandaofeng get out of the car and enter the warehouse, and immediately pressed the detonator with both hands with hatred.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!" Just 13 bomb sites exploded at the same time, exactly the same number of shells that killed Feng Manna's parents.

Looking at the special warehouse that had been razed to the ground, with a smile on his face, there were tears in the corners of Ke's eyes.

Lin Hao gently held her in his arms and whispered comfort.

"Well, your parents' revenge has been avenged. Xiandaofeng has been blown to pieces, which can be regarded as a tribute to your parents' spirits in heaven."

"Thank you! Without you, I don't know what I would do!" Feng Manna buried her head in Lin Hao's arms.

Lin Hao patted Feng Manna's vest and said:

"Let's go! Don't get caught by the islanders!"

Feng Manna also calmed down. Her parents' revenge was finally avenged. At this time, she felt reborn, and then left with Lin Hao.

Lin Hao asked the team members to evacuate separately that day. This time he did not arrange them like a nanny, but let them make their own plans and execute them.

Lin Hao himself drove back to Jinling.

Because the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission of the Guomin Government will be officially established tomorrow, he must arrive as soon as possible.

As for why he rushed back in a hurry, of course it was because he was about to be promoted and would be promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Chapter 206 The civet cat changes the prince!

In the blink of an eye, the year came to 1939.

A lot has happened in this year. A year ago, the Bureau of Investigation and Statistics of the Military Commission was officially established.

However, the Military Command Bureau at this time was not the Military Command Bureau that Lin Hao would be familiar with in the future.

At this time, the Military Control Bureau was still a hodgepodge. The first division (Party and Government Intelligence Division) was formed with the "Party Affairs Investigation Division" as the backbone, and the second division (Military and Police Intelligence Division) was formed with Dai Chunfeng's "Fuxing Society Secret Service" as the backbone. , and later the great traitor Ding Mocun established the third branch (Postal Inspection Office) as the director.

The main task of the Military Command Bureau is to conduct espionage against Japan. Of course, it also has the task of secretly monitoring the Red Party in Pagoda Mountain in the north.

Lin Hao was originally a direct descendant of Dai Chunfeng and was born in Huangpu, so he was naturally favored by Dai Chunfeng.

Therefore, Lin Hao followed the trend of the times and was directly promoted to lieutenant colonel based on his previous accumulated merits. At the same time, Lin Hao took over the field department and became the lieutenant colonel section chief of the second field department of the Military Command.

Now, the Military Command Bureau has ushered in its second change. As for why it has changed, it is of course because the Military Command Bureau is a hodgepodge that forcibly combines too many people and forces.

Therefore, there is dissatisfaction with each other within the Military Command Bureau, and several leaders have created a mess in the General Command Bureau.

For example, the bureau headquarters and three business offices in Nanjing are actually divided into four places to work. The level of chaos is obvious.

The main change this time is to split the general administration.

The first branch became independent and formally established the 'Investigation and Statistics Bureau of the Central Executive Committee', which is also known as the secret service agency 'Central Unification'. Its responsibilities are also well known, and it mainly targets the Red Party.

The second branch inherited the name of the "Military Commission Investigation and Statistics Bureau", which was the birth of "military unification" in the true sense (the third branch was merged), with Dai Chunfeng as deputy director in charge of the work.

Yes, Dai Chunfeng was the deputy director, and the director was concurrently held by the director of the First Division of the Chairman's Attendant's Office, because the director of the First Division at that time was He Yaozu, who was born in the Hunan Army.

So he took up the fictitious post of military commander. Later, Qian Dajun, Lin Wei and others actually held this position, mainly because Dai Chunfeng was just a major general of the Quanxu Army in Huangpu Sixth Period (the title was lieutenant general, that is, military commander). Bureau "Lieutenant General and Deputy Director"), his qualifications and level are too low to convince the public.

Lin Hao's position has not changed at that time. He is still the chief of the field department. Zuo Qiuming is the captain of the first team, which is the first lurking group. The main members are Liu Tian, ​​Chen Shan, Feng Manna, and 6 people assigned later. .

The captain of the second team is He Youchen, a guy who was sent to study in the Great Empire. The team member is Sha Liang, who has become a Chinese police detective. Later, three more people were assigned to come, two became Chinese police detectives, and one joined a dynamic society. organize.

The third team is not considered healthy. The temporary captain is Xu Zhongyi. The members are Zhang Li, the Chen brothers, Lan Yanzhi, and Yu Xiuning. Their tasks are temporarily arranged by Lin Hao.

Speaking of Xu Zhongyi and Yu Xiuning, they were discovered in the youth training class held in 1938.

At that time, the youth training class had only trained for a month and had just finished fighting in the streets. There were more than 400 knowledgeable and educated youth training classes. In the end, only a hundred people were evacuated from Shanghai alive.

Lin Hao was escorting them to evacuate Shanghai and recognized this guy at a glance. He was really impressive.

It was the sunflower acupuncture hand, and it was the iron cloth shirt with the golden bell cover. Lin Hao recognized Lao Sha at a glance, oh no, it should be Xu Zhongyi.

Lin Hao immediately remembered that this was a character in "Infiltration". Xu Zhongyi was the male protagonist, and the two female protagonists had not yet appeared.

Later, Lin Hao thought about the supporting characters of this drama. Lin Hao remembered that he and Xu Zhongyi, a super repeater, had attended every training class of the military command. There seemed to be a plot character in this class.

Soon Lin Hao discovered a woman named Yu Xiuning, who also played an important role in the drama. Her husband was Chen Ming, who was in the same class.

"It's just that the name Chen Ming, why is it so familiar?"

So Lin Hao stopped and thought about it carefully, and then an idea flashed. Isn't this the Chen Ming he met during the plot of the Peace Hotel?

When I meet Lin Hao, I often shout, "Brother!"And his follower Bang Chui.

For the time being, he only found these two acquaintances, and Lin Hao couldn't care much anymore. He directly said hello to Dai Chunfeng and pulled Xu Zhongyi and Yu Xiuning into his hands.

These people were Dai Chunfeng's treasures. Originally, he didn't want to give them to him, but after Lin Hao's repeated pestering, he only agreed to these two people.

Later, Lin Hao took the initiative to provide these surviving youth training students with a batch of luxury equipment.

After all, many of these people will become local military officials in the future, and Lin Hao is also willing to make friends with them. Maybe this relationship will be put to use that day!

After leaving the two of them in Shanghai, Lin Hao asked Xu Zhongyi to manage his apparent property because he had outstanding business abilities.

As for Yu Xiuning, Lin Hao temporarily asked her to manage the personnel affairs of the field department.

Lin Hao was curious, and he took away the male protagonist and important female supporting characters in the infiltration, but he didn't know if the story of infiltration would continue to happen.

Then the time came to the beginning of 1939, and Lin Hao found someone through Chen Jiaying, the guy who made Nanmenying into Chen Jiaying. That person was Tang Ling in Gaolan City!

After all the personnel were assembled, Lin Hao began to lay out the plot of "The Pretender".

In the following months, Lin Hao spied on intelligence several times and carried out several assassinations.Successfully eliminated several senior officers of the island nation.

Lin Hao's military rank was also promoted to colonel, and the original Field Service Division had been upgraded to the Field Service Division, and Lin Hao was promoted by Dai Chunfeng to the position of colonel and deputy director of the Field Service Division!

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