"Do you want me to go with you?" Zhang Li hugged the quilt and said that he wanted to accompany Lin Hao, but he had no intention of getting out of bed.

Lin Hao glanced at her and saw Zhang Li lying on his side on the bed, with a smooth jade leg pressed on the quilt, looking very attractive.

Lin Hao swallowed. How could a righteous man like Lin Hao be easily seduced by a woman?

He said resolutely: "Let's see how I deal with you when I come back!"

Lin Hao then left quickly and went to Mei Agency.

Since he was already prepared, Lin Hao successfully teleported from room to room and came to Yingzuo Zhenzhao's office again.

Then I sensed the surrounding situation, and after making sure there was no problem, I carefully observed various details in the office.

Sure enough, Lin Hao found Qiba, and there were little traps that were well concealed, not as good as the fluorescent powder on the safe, the hair on the cabinet, or the thin layer of dust on the window.

If you use normal methods to get in, you may be tricked, especially the fluorescent powder on the safe.

If you get a little stain on it without knowing it, it will take at least a week to gradually disappear if it is not washed with chemicals. Even if chemicals are used, the remaining chemicals will become flaws.

I have to say that they did a great job, but what they didn't know was that they met Lin Hao, an unconventional person.

Not only can he teleport in, but he can also sense the unusualness of the entire room, so those small mechanisms are useless to Lin Hao.

Avoiding the place where the fluorescent powder was applied, he gently touched the safe with his hand and felt that there was a small mechanism inside, but this was not a problem for Lin Hao.

After easily teleporting a file out, check it carefully.

I saw "Infiltration Plan" written clearly on the head!

"Haha! It's exactly what I expected!" Lin Hao said with a proud smile.

Lin Hao then opened the Mei Agency version of "Infiltration Plan" and saw that this plan was very different from the version of "Infiltration Plan" by Minami Yoko.

Minami Yoko's version is a bottom-up planning document, while the Mei Agency's "Infiltration Plan" is a top-down execution resolution.

Of course, the difference they only saw was not just that. Mei Guan's version was more detailed, and even the paper was slightly yellowed. It looked like it had been stored for many years.

If Lin Hao hadn't known about this fake plan, he might have been deceived by it.

Then Lin Hao picked up the list and looked at it. The people on the list were indeed the mainstays of all forces.

Just in case, Lin Hao took pictures of the plan and the list with his camera, and then put the "Infiltration Plan" and the list back into place.

After leaving Mei Agency, Lin Hao returned to the safe house he had prepared and took out a stack of paper stolen from the island country's military headquarters. This paper was exactly the same as the paper used in the "Infiltration Plan".

Lin Hao has been planning this since he saw the complete version of "Infiltration Plan" that day. Not only is the paper the same, but the ink used is also the same.

Then Lin Hao followed their writing rules and wrote the names on the other list one by one!

Lin Hao's plan is very simple. Since the islanders like to make fake things look like real ones, then Lin Hao will fulfill them.

Let this fake list turn into a real list of spies from the island country. What is this called? This is called a fake show, this is called self-defeating, this is called making a fake come true.

Then Lin Hao still said angrily: "I let you copy my idea, and then I will let you know what it means to draw a tiger instead of a dog!"

Lin Hao then copied out the list of spies from the island country that he had collected over the years. After the ink on it dried, he used chemical means to make it look older.

Then Lin Hao came to Meigui again!

Chapter 233 Attacked

When Lin Hao stood at the door of the Mei Agency again and wanted to go in to replace the list, he suddenly stopped!

"Are you too anxious?" At this time, Lin Hao had recovered from his excitement.

If the list is released now, what if Ying Zuo Zhenzhao discovers it? That means everything will develop in an unpredictable way.

It was simply an act of self-destruction, and this precious spy list was lost in vain!

Moreover, Lin Hao always felt that he had paid such a high price just to sabotage the "Infiltration Plan". If it didn't come with something, he would have felt sorry for the field agents for their hard work over the years.

"No, you have to plan in advance to maximize your benefits!"

Taking another look at the plum mechanism, thinking of its previous record, its existence had seriously affected Lin Hao's interests.

Since the Mei Agency was established only a short time ago and was established by the military, most of the people who join it have military positions, so it is difficult to get into it.

When Lin Hao's layout was completed and the team members from the field office lurked in, they were basically at the bottom.

In comparison, his intensive work in the Special Higher Education Course was different. Zuo Qiuming was already the core figure of the Special Higher Education Course, and he was only one tall tree away from the position of director of the Special Higher Education Course.

“So we can’t let the extra-high school courses continue to be marginalized!”

Afterwards, Lin Hao returned to the villa quietly. He had no time to deal with Zhang Li, a little goblin, so Lin Hao devoted himself to revising his plan.

After revising for most of the night, Lin Hao re-formulated a plan. He said that the plan actually contained very little content. It mainly focused on deducing the balance of interests of all parties.

When the time came the next morning, Lin Hao sent electricity to Dai Chunfeng:

"If all forces cooperate, we can obtain plans and lists, just like picking out objects from a bag!"

After receiving the telegram, Dai Chunfeng reported to the Chairman in person. In view of Lin Hao's past performance, and with the consent of the Chairman, Dai Chunfeng began to contact all parties.

that night

On the banks of the Suzhou River in Shanghai, in an alley extending in all directions, Lin Hao looked at the people in front of him.

These people are all representatives sent by various forces. They mainly include those from the Military Command, the Central Command, and the Red Party, as well as people from Guangxi, Guangdong, Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan, and Sichuan. As for others who could not come, The forces also expressed their support.

However, Lin Hao's main targets are people from the military command, the Central Command, and the Red Party. As for the others, they can only be regarded as tower leaders.

Lin Hao looked carefully and found no familiar person, and then said solemnly:

"I think everyone can get together and the target is that document and list. Of course, the main thing is that list!"

Seeing everyone nodding, Lin Hao continued:

"I have a way to get this list, but it requires everyone's cooperation. Once the list is obtained, everyone will have a list, how about it?"

"I don't know if the list given to me is true?"

Lin Hao glanced at the person sent by the Cantonese clan:

"For someone who can ask such stupid things, I think you can leave. Don't embarrass your boss!"

People from all factions smiled knowingly, but the man sent by the Cantonese faction had no intention of leaving amidst the silent ridicule of everyone.

We are all veterans. If we don’t have the ability to do things on our own, why are we still doing intelligence work?

The reason why everyone laughs is, of course, because in espionage work, there is always one among you and one among me. There is no absolutely clean place at all.

To put it bluntly, the islanders may know about what is being discussed here today in a few days!

Not to mention, in the "Infiltration Plan" of the islanders, the list that was deliberately leaked flowed from the initial military command to the Red Party, and was then obtained by the Central Command.

In the end, all the forces had a copy. In less than a week, even the Wang Puppet Government and No. 76 got a list.

Moreover, this list targets all islanders, and they have consistent interests and no conflict.

Besides, with so many forces cooperating on a large scale, if we deceive everyone with a fake list, I’m afraid we won’t be able to survive in this land in the future.

At this time Lin Hao continued:

"If you want to get the list, you need to create chaos in Shanghai. Therefore, I need everyone to send people to create chaos, such as assassinating Japanese and hardcore traitors, to distract the energy of the islanders and create an opportunity for me to get the list."

At this time, the person from the Red Party said:

"If you want to assassinate someone, you need to be careful. Everyone has planted people in Shanghai. You might accidentally injure friendly forces!"

Everyone nodded after hearing this, this makes so much sense!

If it's just a white glove that dies, it won't hurt, but if one of the islanders or No. 76 insider assassinates him, it will be a big loss!

Lin Hao smiled knowingly. He had been prepared for it. Then he took out a list of people from the island country and said:

"I have carefully selected a list here for everyone. They are basically islanders or hardcore traitors. Everyone chooses their own targets. If there is one of your own, then go back and inform him to avoid it!"

"Please select a few more people for this assassination. Once you have chosen, how many you want to assassinate depends on your own arrangements!"

"In addition, our purpose is to create chaos, so we do not seek to kill with one hit. After the assassination, no matter whether it is successful or not, we will evacuate immediately without stopping!"

Lin Hao's meaning is very simple. If you have one of your own, then choose this person as the assassination target. When the time comes, let the insiders cooperate and put on a show!

Of course, if they can't see this, then they can only ask for luck!

After listening to Lin Hao's words, everyone immediately understood what he meant and felt relieved at the same time. This method is the best of both worlds, because you don't know whether the target chosen by others is their insider.

At this time, the people from Zhongtong said:

“What if several groups of people choose the same target?”

Seeing everyone looking at him, Lin Hao thought for a while and said: "

"If a target is targeted by many people, then give up on this person and choose another target. Anyway, there is a thick pile here, and there are enough people for you to choose from!"

So everyone let down their guard and began to choose assassination targets!

Just when everyone was choosing their target at this time, Lin Hao reminded him again:

"I have conducted investigations before. The islanders are very secretly guarded. The train stations, docks, and roads are all under surveillance!"

Seeing everyone looking at him, Lin Hao continued:

"So when you send people to Shanghai, you must be careful and don't get caught as soon as you arrive in Shanghai!"

"Thank you!"

"Do not worry!"

"They are all old people!"

After everyone selected their target, they each chose a path to leave quickly through the alleys extending in all directions.

three days later

At the Military Police Headquarters, Minami Yoko quickly came to Fujita Yoshimasa's office and said happily:

"Teacher, our plan is starting to work!"

"Oh! What's going on!" Fujita Yoshimasa then said eagerly: "Did they start taking action?"

Nantian Yoko shook his head and said: "There is no news of anyone taking action from the Mei Agency!"

"Did you find anything abnormal?" Fujita Yoshimasa asked.

Yoko Minami said: "Yes, according to the news from the pier and the train station, the proportion of young people who have arrived in Shanghai in the past two days has increased significantly!"

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