"Oh!" Senbei Takahashi was surprised, and immediately became energetic, so he immediately asked:

"Isn't Lin Hao the military commander's killer? Does he have any other identity?"

Zuo Qiuming shook his head and said:

"It's far more than that. He's not just a killer. According to my investigation during this period and the latest news I got from Yamashiro."

"Actually, Lin Hao's true identity is the director of the Military Command Field Service Department!"

"What, the field office?" Senbei Takahashi asked in confusion: "What kind of position is that? Please tell me in detail!"

Zuo Qiuming said honestly:

"The Field Service is an organization dedicated to planting spies in other countries' forces. It is nominally directly under the direct control of Dai Chunfeng, but some time ago he put Lin Hao under house arrest and tried to completely control the Field Service. Only then did the Field Service surface! "

"It is said that during Lin Hao's lifetime, he planted many spies in the Special High School and 76 Hao, and the contact with these spies was through a cipher map!"

"But after Lin Hao died, this contact map disappeared!"

Takahashi Senbei's expression suddenly returned to calmness, but he also asked very cooperatively:

"What's the code map?"

Seeing Takahashi's calm expression, Zuo Qiuming had no doubt about him, and then explained:

"The cipher map corresponds to a string of numbers for each spy, but this string of numbers is garbled. You need a key to get the accurate call sign and then contact the spy."

Takahashi Senbei's previous interested look faded and he became extremely cautious and said:

"However, traces of this contact diagram were recently found, right?"

Zuo Qiuming was shocked, his expression froze, and then he asked incredulously:

"Commander, how did you know?"

Zuo Qiuming then continued: "Recently, we did find a group of radio calls with unknown meaning!"

"So I think that as long as we get this code map, we can uncover the moths hidden within the empire!"

Takahashi Senbei smiled, and then said as if recalling:

"Back then, Fujita Yoshimasa and Minamida Yoko took the code book of the third theater and used the same idea as you to find me!"

"As you know, the so-called third theater plan and code book are all a huge trap!"

Zuo Qiuming didn't expect that this old guy would actually gain experience through suffering, and now he wouldn't be fooled at all.

Zuo Qiuming felt helpless and said with a somewhat frustrated face:

"You mean, this is also a trap, intended to give us wrong information?"

Takahashi Senbei shook his head and said:

"Don't worry about whether it's a trap. The current strategic situation of the empire is changing, so your most important thing now is to stabilize the situation in Shanghai!"

Zuo Qiuming could only say dejectedly:

"Yes, I understand, I'm still too young!"

Takahashi Senbei said with a smile:

"Being young is not a mistake, but you need to absorb the experience of your predecessors to avoid the traps set by the enemy!"

"Thank you for your advice, Commander!" Zuo Qiuming said.

Zuo Qiuming then left the Military Police Headquarters and returned to the Special Higher Education Course to re-examine the old thing Takahashi.

It seems that we can only discuss it after the director returns.


At the same time, Dai Chunfeng also got the news, and only then did he know that the lurking personnel in the field office needed to be awakened with a code map!

"No wonder I always fail every time I try to take control of the Field Office. Either I get a shell of the Field Office, or I lose all traces of the latent personnel. It turns out that the crux is here!"

Subsequently, Dai Chunfeng sent people to Shanghai again, trying to obtain the code map of the Field Office so as to control the latent personnel of the Field Office.

People from other forces also got the news, and they were all preparing to go to Shanghai to get the "key" to open the field office.

Chapter 239: Running away after the explosion is so exciting!

When Lin Hao returned to Shanghai from Milijian, he stopped halfway and then stopped in Changqi.

When I came to my own restaurant, I saw that the business was not particularly good, and the attendance rate could only be said to be average. It seems that the island country's life is getting more and more difficult now!

When Lin Hao returned home, he saw Sayuri Aso and Sueko Higa, each holding a child and coaxing them!

Suddenly seeing Lin Hao coming back, the two of them were stunned for a moment, and then shouted:

"Anada, you're back!"

"Dad is back!"

Although I know that in the island country, calling daddy actually means the father of the child, but the problem is that they do have other meanings between them.

Therefore, every time Lin Hao hears his second daughter calling him daddy, his blood will boil!

Seeing the two girls holding the children running toward Lin Hao, I didn't know which one to hold first!

Lin Hao simply hugged the two adults together and looked at the two children. Lin Hao didn't know what to call for a while, but this didn't bother Lin Hao for long.

After all, he is the father of two children!

"Thank you for your hard work, how is the child...?"

Lin Hao had never thought about how to arrange the arrangements for Aso Sayuri and Higa Ai Sueko before, but after they became pregnant with their children, Lin Hao was thinking about their future.

I met the two children today. Thinking of their identities and his plans to buy the world in the future, Lin Hao felt that he could make arrangements earlier and arrange them properly at the same time.

Moreover, thinking that a big mushroom would be left behind in Changqi in the future, Lin Hao could not keep them in Changqi.

Therefore, Lin Hao took this opportunity to take them to Hokkaido to settle down, where they can effectively avoid some future crises!

In addition to avoiding the two orphan eggs that Mi Lijian dropped in the future, it can also avoid Mi Lijian's bombing of the capital of the island country.

According to Lin Hao, the Soviet Union was interested in Hokkaido in the future and even made a combat plan. However, due to Mi Lijian's overwhelming power at the time, he finally gave up on landing in Hokkaido.

It took Lin Hao a week to place the two girls in Hokkaido. Although they didn't quite understand why Lin Hao let them stay here, they didn't dare to question it. After all, the island country at this time was still an era where men were superior to women.

Lin Hao has already made plans for them. After the island country surrenders in the future, they can move to the capital of the island country.

So at that time, the island country controlled by Mi Lijian lacked everything. As long as a lot of U.S. dollars were spent to buy a large amount of real estate there, the future of the four of them, mother and son, would be secure!

After settling them, Lin Hao flew the plane and set off again. The destination was the capital of the island country!

The reason why he came here was because Lin Hao received news from Zuo Qiuming, and the old devil Takahashi Senbei did not take the bait.

So Lin Hao asked him to postpone his actions and wait until he returns to discuss it!

The situation in Shanghai was temporarily stable, and Senbei Takahashi didn't take the bait, so there was no need to go back for the time being. Lin Hao happened to hear that the capital of the island country was going to host the "Greater East Asia Conference."

This so-called "Greater East Asia Conference" is an international conference held in the capital of the island country when the island country gathered the heads of the so-called "independent countries" in its occupied areas against the backdrop of the defeat of Hans and Italy.

The purpose is to further utilize the human, material and financial resources of the occupied areas to continue supporting the war.

Of course, this meeting did not achieve any practical results and was ridiculed by public opinion as a "teahouse meeting."

But again, I’ve come here, and if I don’t do something, I always feel like I’m at a loss. Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I might as well help these heads of state attending the meeting!

For a period of time afterwards, Lin Hao traveled around the capital of the island nation and took photos. After all, by the time the Mi Lijian bombs fell, Dongjing would be heating up. At that time, most of the wooden houses in front of him would become fuel!

When Lin Hao was traveling near the National Assembly, he saw so many banks in Chiyoda District, which directly made Lin Hao's blood boil. He felt that the capital of the island nation suddenly made him hot!

But Lin Hao also knows that now is not the time to take action. At this time, the island country is still frantically plundering the occupied areas. When the fruits are ripe in 1945, it will be time to pick them!

Soon, the time came to November 1943, 11. The so-called "Greater East Asia Conference" was held in the parliament hall of the island country. Lin Hao also used his ability to teleport in to check it out.

After checking the terrain, Lin Hao found that it was indeed an island country building. The layout of the National Assembly Building looked like the word "日", which really had the characteristics of an island country!

That night, Lin Hao lurked in the National Assembly Hall. Perhaps it was because the mainland of the island country had never been invaded before, so the defense here was really a bit awkward, not even as good as the guards at the Special High School.

Then Lin Hao found the conference hall and set off some fireworks called TNT for them.

And just in case, Lin Hao also used other methods to place such fireworks to avoid missing fish due to insufficient distribution.

The next day, November 11, the conference was held again.

And Lin Hao looked at these people who were about to enter the Congress Hall, and sincerely blessed them, wishing them to move forward bravely in the abyss of death!

Two hours later, Lin Hao estimated that the meeting had begun. Lin Hao came to the place where the detonation device was buried, pressed the detonation button, and then quickly hid in the pit next to it.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!" A violent explosion sounded, accompanied by countless cement, stones, and construction debris flying everywhere!

After the explosion, the National Assembly Hall was in ruins!

Lin Hao didn't go to confirm the results of the battle, and drove straight away from the capital area of ​​the island country, leaving the crazy island people to fight with the air!

Lin Hao then came to the suburbs and waited until nightfall before flying the plane out of the island country and headed straight to Shanghai.

Two hours later, Lin Hao once again set foot on the land he had been away from for several months!

Lin Hao, who returned to Shanghai, discovered that the news of the explosion in the island country's parliament had not yet reached the country. Lin Hao guessed that the island country had blocked the news!

The turmoil caused by Lin Hao in Shanghai has long since subsided!

When he came to Hashimoto Trading Company in Hongkou, which was still his own restaurant, Lin Hao made an appointment with Zuo Qiuming again.

After Zuo Qiuming arrived, after some exchanges with Lin Hao, Lin Hao learned about the current situation in Shanghai.

After listening to Zuo Qiuming's words, Lin Hao said:

"In other words, if the island country's mainland parliament explodes, the entire island country's forces in Shanghai will know about it!"

Zuo Qiuming nodded and said:

"Yes! Because this matter is too big, although it cannot be kept secret forever, no one dares to say it openly before the base camp speaks, so everyone is discussing it in private!"

Lin Hao suddenly realized:

"No wonder I felt a weird feeling as soon as I arrived in Shanghai. Whether it's the island country's garrison or the intelligence agency, there is a feeling of depression and anger in Shanghai. It turns out they all know it!"

After hearing Lin Hao's words, Zuo Qiuming suddenly had a flash of inspiration and immediately reacted. He couldn't help but look at Lin Hao and asked:

"Director, weren't you responsible for the "Capitol Explosion" this time?"

"Based on the time, if you haven't landed in the island country, you probably don't know about "The Explosion of the Capitol". But judging from your words, you must have known it for a long time!"

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